Ziggy proposes to Brody – but this the wedding off before it’s even started? Ebony is getting closer to Colby, but are her plans foiled by Robbo? The Singles Mingle night kicks off at Salt.


Brody and Ziggy’s engagement is back on. Tori and Ash have deep trust issues. Mason finds potential love at the Singles Mingle. Ebony plays Robbo right into her hands.


Justin learns about Nina’s ultimatum. Has Tori ruined her chances of rekindling a relationship with Ash? Raffy feels sidelined as Ryder and Ty’s friendship grows.


Willow steals money to pay for rent and hide her gambling addiction. Raffy and Ty finally get some time alone. Colby falls apart under pressure and he and Dean comes to blows.


Maggie receives a little help from her friends. Willow reveals the truth about Bella to Justin. Justin and Colby forge a plan.


Justin finally gets a lead on the kidnappers. Ziggy attempts to appease her mother. Raffy beings to make Ty uncomfortable.


Colby hits rock bottom. Robbo’s suspicions about Ebony continue to grow. While Coco and Ryder plans details of Ziggy’s wedding, Ben and Maggie begin to worry about the financial side.


Robbo plays a dangerous game with Ebony. Ben worries about the cost of the wedding. Ash considers his future with Tori.


Can Ash promise Tori the future she so desperately desires? Willow falls further into debt as her gambling spirals out of control. Who will be Brody’s best man?


Jasmine and Willow clash over her gambling. Despite suffering chemo side effects Maggie finds a way to do wedding planning. Mason and Hunter get inspiration for Brody’s bucks night.


Willow is fired from the gym after stealing. Hunter and Mason are forced to abandon their elaborate bucks plan for Brody. Maggie discovers that the cancer has spread and decides to stop treatment.


Willow’s gambling hits rock bottom when she steals Ziggy’s wedding money. Ziggy and Ben try and convince a stubborn Maggie to start cancer treatment.


Colby discovers the phone planted in Willow’s van. Will Robbo successfully catch Ebony in a lie? Ash considers an impromptu trip to Cyprus.


Can Tori and Ash really say goodbye? Ty and Ryder continue to bond.


Will Tori find the strength to say goodbye as Ash leaves the Bay for good? Raffy is feeling left in the dark as Ryder protects Ty’s secret. Ty is not coping with his sexuality and runs away.


Ty reveals his truth to Marilyn and John. The search for Ty continues. Justin is trying to keep his sisters from falling apart. Raffy feels sidelined with a broken heart.


Ebony’s revenge plan is executed with deadly consequences. Raffy’s heartbroken as Ty and Ryder repair their friendship. Marilyn and John try to heal their fragile family.


Tori and Jasmine race against time to save Colby. Robbo fights to clear his name. Can Ben pull off a miracle before the wedding?


Will Brody get the quiet bucks night that he’s asked for? Does Ziggy have cold feet? Willow and Dean get kicked out of the caravan park.


Will Brody and Ziggy have their happily ever after? Mason gets lucky. Will Hunter and Olivia get back together?