Episode 3053

Australian Air Date: 23rd May 2001

Gypsy tells Patrick she’s pregnant, with surprising results. Irene worries that Jill has her claws into Hayley. Is Jade cheating on Duncan with the new boy? Leah finds that Alf and Colleen were putting on an act for her benefit.

Extended Summary

Jade looks like she’s over Duncan. Jade’s become friendly with a boy called David. Duncan’s been bagging him and after Alf said David’s family were ‘responsible’ for the mudslide, he attacked David. Jade and Kirsty were shocked but Jade told David it wasn’t his fault.
Gypsy’s not sure where her relationship with Patrick is heading, but thinks it’s best thing that’s happened to her. Sally was worried she’d lie about her pregnancy, but she hasn’t and he’s keen to see her again. She thought it was over when he stood her up. Imagine her surprise when he came to the house to see her.

Jill told Hayley about Irene’s warning to stay away. Hayley was furious and said she’ll continue to see Jill. Hayley feels Jill is the only one who believes her story about Ken’s apparition.

Jude and Noah seem to be biding their time, waiting for Jill to make a move. She hasn’t, and they’re waiting to see how she’ll try to rip them apart. They don’t trust her and neither does Irene.

Leah’s disappointed in Alf and Colleen. Vinnie’s worried about her health, so he chatted to the two arguing co-workers who agreed (for Leah’s sake) to stop their verbal battles. Alf and Colleen are friendly when she’s around, but as soon as she leaves it’s all-out war. They would have gotten away with it if Leah hadn’t sprung them arguing. What will they do now?

Erin Flannery