Episode 3093

Australian Air Date: 18th July 2001

Gypsy gets her job and her best friend back. Flynn mistakes Brodie for his sister Ashley. Brodie abuses Alex’s mother. Rhys finds out he could lose the kiosk.

First appearance. Conducted birthing classes for Leah and Gypsy.

Extended Summary

Flynn’s got a lot of secrets, and his sister, Ashley, is one of them. He’s mistaken Brodie for Ashley. He apologised and explained his mistake. Brodie asked him if his sister lived in Summer Bay. She was puzzled by his reaction, it was as if he didn’t want to talk about her.

Rhys has been acting funny ever since Alf asked him to join the Surf Club. Alf needs a member of the Surf Club to take over the lease. The Sutherlands asked Alf if this was his idea, but Alf said it was the committee’s. Shelley’s trying to talk Rhys into joining if it means saving the kiosk. But he’s not interested, why?

Leah’s frustrated with Helen, who’s been taking over in the Diner. Colleen loves her. Meanwhile, Brodie was out riding her bike and almost ran Helen over, and yelled abuse at her, not realising it was Helen. Later on that day she was to meet Helen for dinner with Alex, Leah and Vinnie, when she saw her, she was lost for words!

Irene’s still moody. Lets hope the portrait will cheer her up. Hayley’s told Gypsy about the painting. She showed Gypsy a photo of Will that she’s been using. It’s of Gypsy and Will when they were dating. Gypsy’s now got the photo. When will she let go of him? When will she tell him the truth?

Sally went with Gypsy for her first birthing class. It was weird for them at first, but it ended up with them having lots of fun. Gypsy was worried because she’d been pushed over by an irate father who visited the DIC. He was insulting Shelley and Gypsy stepped in. Shelley was really worried, because that’s how she lost her other baby. Anyway, Gypsy got her job back. So she’s back at TAFE and following her dream to be a social worker. Gypsy might be finally getting her life together again.

Erin Flannery