Episode 627

Australian Air Date: 18th September 1990
UK Air Date: 19th July 1991
Writer: Ysabelle Dean
Director: Julian McSwiney

Carly loses her inheritance. Marilyn asks Adam to move out.

Extended Summary

Ben and Carly is on beach and is having fun and joking around and are kissing.

Carly wears her 11500-dollar jewellery brooch on her. Ben thinks it is risky and pretty dumb.

Sally has made breakfast. Pip is sleeping in.

Ben and Carly come home and will eat breakfast that Sally made (scrambled eggs but it was meant as an omelette at first but Sally say it turned out to scrambled eggs instead).

Maz is crying in the Diner kitchen. Grant tries to comfort her.

Adam turns up at Diner to talk to Maz. She doesn’t want to talk to him.

Bobby says she has to talk to him. Maz tell Adam to go away.

He persuades her so he can explain to her. She agrees to talk to him on one condition. It is that they can’t go together and there have to be distance between them. Maz is afraid gossip might start to go around.

Maz locks herself into bathroom. Adam tries to get her to come out. He wants to talk to her and he is late for work. He says he really loves her. She agrees to talk to him later at lunchtime. (Emotional music).

Carly left her jacket on a bunch of newspapers that Pip put in kitchen for Ben to take to the recycling. Her expensive jewellery brooch she got from her grandmother as heritage falls off and get covered by another newspaper that Ben put on top!!! No one noticed the jewellery brooch lies under it.

Geoff comes to Diner to visit Bobby. He gives her some eggs from his farm.

They will have the dinner party tonight with Ben and Carly.

Carly think he is very interested in Bobby again. Bobby doesn’t think so.

Ben dumps the newspapers outdoors for recycling and the jewellery brooch is still with the newspapers!

Adam is there and talks to him. They talk about Maz too. Adam says he isn’t together with Maz anymore.

When Ben has left, Adam finds the jewellery brooch. He takes it. Adam shows it to Matt. Adam will give it to Maz.

Adam talks to Maz on beach and he apologises. He says he really loves her. He says it is OK if she doesn’t want to sleep with him. She forgives him and they are OK again. (Emotional music)

Adam is very happy. They kiss.

Maz ask if she still can come to dinner party and bring Adam. Bobby is OK with that.

Bobby and Carly is surprised that Maz is back together with Adam.

Geoff turns up at Fisher’s house and talks to Bobby. She is organising for the dinner. He brought her flowers.

Carly get dressed and is ready to go to dinner. She has a new dress. Sally sees it and likes it.

Ben is outside warming up the car. Ben sees her dress and thinks it is great but was a bit concerned how much it cost. Carly notice that her jewellery brooch is gone on her jacket. Carly is upset. Ben tries to calm her down.

Dinner at Fisher’s house starts. Adam, Maz, Carly, Ben, Bobby and Geoff are there. Everyone have a good time.

Geoff gets a bit annoyed when he hears that Maz and Adam lives together even though they have only been together for a day or so. Geoff and Adam argue about it a bit. They nearly start a fight! (Music plays).

Maz gets upset and leaves. Adam leaves after her.

After dinner, Bobby is upset at Geoff for what he said to Adam and Maz.

They calm down. He says he is sorry and he says he didn’t mean to offend anyone.

Bobby notice Geoff wants to be more than friends in the way he is talking. She says they can only be friends. Geoff understands that but looks sad.

Maz talks to Adam at beach house. Maz is upset of what Geoff said.

He kisses Maz and she feels better. (Emotional music).

Ben and Carly talk about Geoff and Adam’s argument. Ben feels they are both to blame sort of.

Maz wakes Adam up at quarter past 3 in the morning. She says she can’t sleep. She talks to Adam. She feels things are moving to fast for her. She says he wants him to move out so they can start a “real” relationship! He is puzzled and shocked of that strange logic and at first he thought she was on about to have sex with him as she woke up in middle of the night!

Ola Carlsson, 2000