Dramatic new Neighbours trailer

Episode 2972

Australian Air Date: 30th January 2001

Fisher enlists Sally’s help to boost Brett’s morale. Alf sees red when Mitch announces that he’s moving out. Vinnie and Leah reconcile their differences about the wedding. Irene is furious when Will takes money to fix the tyres.

First appearance. Dealt with Irene’s complaint after her tyres were slashed.
Final episode.
Final episode.

Extended Summary

It seems Fisher is doing his best to make Sally’s life uncomfortable without even knowing it. He asked her to show Brett around. So Brett took Sally to the theatre, afterwards Sally suggested he come back for coffee. Leah was home and she was saying how much they looked like they were coming in from a date. So Sally got nervous about it and told him they ran out of coffee and literally pushed him out of the house!

Duncan and Mitch have almost had it with Alf. Mitch was saying Alf went off at him after seeing a bill from one of the suppliers he used for the diner. It didn’t help when Duncan had a go at Mitch. No wonder he’s moving in with Vinnie and Gypsy.

Anyway, Duncan found out about Mitch’s decision and told Alf, who then went to Mitch for an explanation. All Mitch could say was he’d help out in the Diner. Duncan, doesn’t know what to do, especially after Alf yelled at him for ‘mucking around’ after he had been cleaning the Surf Club! He can’t win. Fisher has been trying to talk some sense into Alf.

Irene didn’t have any luck with the police after she reported the vandalism that she’s been experiencing. Hayley is wondering why the police aren’t doing anything, but Alf suggested it’s because Detective Carter owns number 17 in the block and is possibly wanting to sell it for some big bucks.

Irene went off at Will after he accepted $300 from Dennis Scott as a payment for the slashed tyres. Irene thinks it’s blood money, while Will can’t understand why it was wrong to take the cash. Irene is sticking to her guns and is trying not worry about any of Dennis’ threats.

At least Vinnie and Leah have worked things out after a couple of disagreements with each other and their parents. To cut a long and confusing story short, Vinnie declared his love for Leah after his mum told him he should be dating someone like Libby Marcs – a girl with his type of ‘class’. Theo also said something similar to Leah about Vinnie, saying he was too proud. Anyway, Theo apologised to Vinnie and admitted he handled things badly, adding Vinnie shouldn’t let his ego stand in the way of his happiness.

Erin Flannery