Dramatic new Neighbours trailer

Episode 3048

Australian Air Date: 16th May 2001

Noah’s on the path of self-destruction. Rhys gives a fatherly talk to Alex about Brodie. The common room is under threat. Tom bids Gypsy and Sally farewell.

Final episode.
Diner server who covered during Colleen’s ‘work to rule’ phase.

Extended Summary

Colleen is making Alf’s life painful by working only her rostered hours. Alf was going to fire her, but Fisher said Colleen has a right to refuse extra hours. It was quite funny to see the relieved look on Alf’s face when Colleen walked into the Diner. His face fell when Colleen announced it was her day off and that she was only there to grab something to eat.
Tom has left. Gypsy and Shauna have been joking about Tom and Sally’s relationship, but Sally has been trying very hard to tell them it was nothing. Although they would be finding it hard to believe that especially when Tom said that he comes back to Summer Bay it won’t just be to see Gypsy.

Rhys gave Brodie ‘the speech’ last night. He also spoke to Alex. Apparently Alex told Rhys he loves Brodie and wouldn’t hurt her. Although Fisher has been lecturing her on appropriate behaviour. He’s also hinted that the common room was under threat of being closed down. Brodie has tried so hard to make the common room work, it would be a real disappointment for her to see it go.

Hayley is convinced Noah should give his mum another chance. Noah’s tried telling her to stay away from Jill but she won’t listen. She’s been sneaking out to see her. Irene won’t be too happy when she finds out.

Jude is also worried for Hayley. He’s also growing more concerned about Noah’s problems. He’s tried talking to him but Noah ignores him. He had a go at Hayley when she reminded him about the deal he made with Irene. Lets hope someone can help Noah before it’s too late.

Erin Flannery