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Episode 4501

Australian Air Date: 10th September 2007

Rachel makes a chilling discovery about the attacker. Morag races to derail Jazz’s deception. Cassie gets a shock when she realises who is back in the Bay.

Extended Summary

Rachel is frustrated that the police still have no leads on the hospital stalker. However, when she spots Henk in the car park, she has a chilling thought – could he be the assailant? Before she can approach him, he drives away. Cassie soon stops him in his tracks, but for very different reasons. She opens up about her love for him, and tries to convince him to stay. Initially he tries to deny his feelings for her, but they soon find themselves locked in a passionate kiss. However, the moment is broken by Ric’s sudden arrival. He throws Henk against the car, furious over the mess he’s landed his family in. Cassie intercedes, but the damage is done – Henk is more determined than ever to leave. However, before he can drive off, the police arrive and take him in for questioning.

We soon realize this is Rachel’s doing. She’s called the police over her suspicion he is the attacker. Henk staunchly denies this, claiming he only came back to the hospital to collect his personal belongings. Rachel thinks he’s lying, and is later shocked when Julie corroborates the story. Although vindicated, Henk is nonetheless mortified. He decides to leave the Bay forever. Unaware of this, poor Cassie sits waiting for his return – convinced they can yet save their relationship.

Meanwhile, Drew is still reeling from the news his grandmother has left him her entire estate. Feeling sorry for Jazz, he decides to sign half of it over to her. Of course, Jazz is secretly delighted, and it seems all her months of scheming have pain off. However, having finally found all the proof she needs, Morag confronts Jazz in front of Drew. She suggests Jazz knew about her mother’s death, and the Will, before ever coming to Summer Bay. Drew is left mortified by the possibility his own mother has been playing him for a fool.