Episode 3627

Australian Air Date: 28th October 2003

Tasha escapes, cracking under the pressure. Alex, Hayley and Jesse are bitterly divided over the gym. Can Seb and Jade ever be friends again?

Asked an irate Hayley if they were dealing steroids at the gym.
Asked an irate Hayley if they were dealing steroids at the gym.

Extended Summary

Seb kisses Jade
Jade is ecstatic as she tells Kirsty about the kiss
Seb tells Jade he can’t be with her – in case he gets hurt again
Tasha asks Kit whether everyone is like Josh – just out to make money. She implies that she can no longer trust anyone.
Josh shows Jesse a newspaper article – Alex has given them an interview regarding the steroids.


SURF CLUB – exterior
Alex worries about the damage he has done to the gym, and Haylety tries to reassure him. Jesse approaches them, furious at Alex for talking to the press – he should have known that they twist things. Alex suggests he sue the paper, an idea which Jesse shoots down – more negative publicity. Alex clkaims that the interview was meant to help the gym – by telkling everyone that HE, not Jesse and Hayley, was to blame. Hayley diffuses the situation, trying to get them to work together for the sake of the business.

Seb enters, and Alf tells him that he is to go nowhere near Noah’s new bike. He tells Alf what he tolkd Jade – a relationship wouldn’t work. Alf is confused about what exactly Seb wants

Hayley tells Irene that she can’t believe how Jesse is behaving towards Alex, buty Irene is less than supportive, being distracted by the situation with Tasha. Tasha is still locked in the bathroom, anbd Irene explains the situation with Josh. Hayley apologises for bringing her own problems up, but Irene still isn’t sympathetic – she sees Jesse’s point of view – Hayley loves Alex, and therefore she must forgive him – but the fact remains that Alex is destroying a business that Jesse has put everything into building up.

Max notices that Jade has been crying when she returns, and he offers to talk – she brushes him off, and he is upset by the insinuation that he knows nothing, and has no feelings. He loves Eloise, and she is dying. Max and Beth talk about the situation, Beth assuring him that Jade does care – everyone is just tired and stressed at the moment. Max maintains that Jade is a drama queen – being so upset after just an arguement with Seb. Max is upset about how calm Eloise is, and Beth assures him that she must just feel at peace, having accepted what is going to happen – the best thing to do is make the most of the time she has left. Max asks if Dani will go to prison, and Beth is only able to tell him that they will do all in their power to stop her, and they will fight iot if the courts get it wrong. Jade comes and apologises to Max, and when he leaves she talks to Beth, appreciative of all her support

Irene worries to Jesse about Tasha. Flynn is in the bathroom trying to talk to her, and wanting to help. She refuses to open up about anything – especially Josh, but he manages to get her out of the bathroom. She rushes to her room without talking to Irene. Flynn isn;t sure where to go from there, and Irene wonders if Josh’s plans will help Tasha blend into society, and help track down her relatives. She gives Flynn a list of the names that Tasha has mentioned

Outside, Tasha takes off her clothes and covers herself in mud, before running around in the bush.

Flynn and Sally enter, talking about the surrogacy, and have a look at Irene’s list. Flynn has done some research, and figures that they’re looking for a “Thorpe that lives in Yangara (sp?) with a link to Tasha”. Sally wonders if Irene realises what could happen if they were to contact Tasha’s relatives. And maybe Tasha doesn’t want to find her family.


Tasha arrives back at the house, waking Irene. Irene is horrified at the state of Tasha, wondering what she was doing. Jesse goes to put the kettle on, and Tasha tells Irene that she had to be outside – she’s trying to find out where she belongs. Irene promises that they will find out.

Hayley tries to convince Jesse to “stop kicking” Alex – he has realised his mistakes, and they must pull together to make the gym work. Jesse informs her that they have already lost five members, and it;s Alex’s fault.

Max tells Colleen that they haven’t heard back from StarLight, worrying that Eloise might die before her dreams come true, and Colleeen suggests that they do something for her themselves – an idea supported by Alf, but Max doesn’t think it’d be the same. Seb comes downstairs, and he and Max leave for school – Coleen comments that Seb is “back to his old self”.

Seb and Max enter, Seb wondering if Kirsty is going to court. Jade approches, and Max tells Seb that they should get back together. Seb asks Sally about changing courses, and she guesses that it’s about Jade. Jade overhears, and is upset – Sally tells him that he should give it more thought.

Irene is cheerful at having completed an assignment and Beth apologises for landing her with Kit’s problems when she has her own work to do – but Irene tells her not to worry about it. They are delighted about how happy Kit was after her first exam. Irene is also concerned about Tasha’s problems. Beth leaves as she has people coming to look at the farm, and Colleen is shocked that Beth will not be in court to support Dani, but Irene thinks that it would be stranger if both Beth and Shelley were in attendance. Flynn arrives, and talks to Irene about Tasha’s actions the previous night “Jesse said that Tasha took off last night…? Naked, and covered in mud…”. Flynn thinks he has a starting place from the list that Irene gave him, and is going to follow it up

Hayley turns away two guys supposedly looking for steroids, and Jesse thinks she is overreacting. She and Jesse enter another arguement – as he knows how much they need custom, and Hayley is determined to show a non-tolerant policy towards steroids. She leaves.

Hayley arrives to see Alex, telling him about Jesse, and the guys who wanted steroids. Irene arrives, and she and Hayley leave, wanting to droip into the court on the way to uni. Irene also wants to check that Tasha showed up in school.

Tasha isn’t concentrating when Sally asks her a question. Max, who is sat next to her, leans towards her, trying to make her pay attention. She jerks up, hitting him across the face, and Irene enters, horrified at the blood pouring from Max’s nose.

Flynn tells Jesse that he and Sally are going to the city for the weekend – partially to get a break, but also to look into Tasha’s background further – following his lead. Alex arrives, and tells Jesse that he will be selling his share of the gym to Jesse and Hayley as he has realised how much damage he has done.

Irene and Sally tend to Max’s nose – he says he is fine, but they want to get him checked out. Sally tells Irene that she has no choice but to send Tasha home – she is a danger to other students. Max protests, but Sally insists that she must file a report. Tasha runs out of the school as Irene goes to take her home.