Dramatic new Neighbours trailer

Episode 5192

Australian Air Date: 26th October 2010
UK Air Date: 7th December 2010

Robertson sets his sights on Alf as Penn’s killer. Nicole anxiously waits for her HIV results. Will tries to reconnect with his daughter.


Written by Sam Meikle
Directed by Di Drew

Extended Summary

After his confession to Irene, Will agrees to start focusing on Lily and setting up a life in Summer Bay. But Lily still has questions about Gypsy that Will can’t answer. Will spends the day with his daughter but is called away to be interviewed about Penn’s murder. Lily’s worried Will is going to leave like Gypsy did and is relieved when he comes back from the interview. Will thanks Irene for helping them through this tough time.

Nicole finds herself distracted from studying, worried about getting her HIV test results back. Miles tries to comfort her explaining that in the very unlikely scenario where they do come back positive, it doesn’t mean her life will stop. Miles reminds her she has a lot of friends willing to support her no matter what happens. After a gruelling day being interrogated by Robertson about Penn, Sid breaks the good news that Nicole’s results came back negative.

Robertson receives the forensics report on the hotel room, the volume of blood indicates that someone definitely died in that room, and as a result declares that Penn’s disappearance is now a murder investigation. He starts calling in everyone for interrogation – everyone except Alf, a detail that does not escape Miles or Alf. Robertson tries to ascertain if Alf threatened Penn but everyone avoids the question in their own way. However when Robertson calls at Summer Bay house that evening, he reveals he knows the truth about what happened that night at Angelo’s; Alf made a threat to “flamin’ kill” Penn. It seems Robertson is building a strong case against Alf.