Episode 4687

Australian Air Date: 22nd July 2008
UK Air Date: 23rd September 2008

Charlie sees a dark side to Elliot. Charlie and Roman reignite their relationship. Martha gets the results of her tests.

Extended Summary

As Roman’s concern about Elliot deepens so does Nicole’s complete adoration of him. So, much so that when Elliot suggests a day’s hiking and fishing, the normally ‘indoorsy’ Nicole agrees, albeit reluctantly. During the hike Elliot is constantly surveying the landscape and at one point let’s slip that he has found ‘the perfect spot’ in a dangerously yawning chasm. When the pair return home, Roman greets with them with great disproval. Elliot suggests that Roman join them on a hike sometime. Could Elliot be trying to build bridges or are his intentions more sinister?

Meanwhile, Charlie has been checking up on Elliot but has been unable to find anything that might interest Roman. Initially she thinks Roman is being over-protective of his daughter, but when Elliot later confronts her about watching him, she sees he has another side. There is something in the veiled threat and the tone of his voice that Charlie doesn’t trust.

With all his focus on Nicole and Elliot, Roman hasn’t realised that he’s been neglecting Charlie. When she finally suggests that maybe he’s not that into her, he persuades her to have a drink with him – he is very much into her and hasn’t forgotten all the fun they had. Charlie melts and the two move in for a passionate clinch. They are back on!

A vulnerable Martha finally opens up to Jack about how terrified she’s feeling about the paternity test results. What if the baby is Roman’s? Will Jack want her anymore? Will he find her ugly when he sees her mastectomy scars? Disturbed, Jack tells her that he will always love her, no matter what. Martha hopes that what he says is true – but the doubt lingers in her mind.

Later, a grim-faced Jack arrives to see Roman – and he’s got some news. They have had the results of the paternity test… Roman is the father of Martha’s baby. Roman is completely stunned and we are left wondering how they will all cope with this bombshell.