Episode 4493

Australian Air Date: 29th August 2007

Jazz arranges a plea bargain in her battle to save Drew from gaol. Belle is deeply shaken when she responds to Dom’s kiss. Fisher’s incompetence sees Annie and Rory left stranded in the bush, miles from home.

Extended Summary

Drew is devastated to learn that he could be facing jail after Dom destroyed his car. He desperately needs to lean on his girlfriend for support, but Belle can’t shake off her grief for the tragedy of Lisa’s death. Jazz swings into action, determined to persuade Dom to confess his guilt to the police. She offers to give him anything he wants, but to her surprise Dom says he only wants one thing: “Belle. I want Belle.”

Jazz has no choice but to go to Belle and beg her to meet with Dom. Belle refuses, but when Drew unexpectedly shows her the depth of his own grief for Lisa’s death, she fronts up to Dom, who promises to get Drew off the charges – but only if she agrees to kiss him. Belle’s disgusted – but Dom doesn’t give her a choice. And she’s deeply shaken when she finds herself responding to his kiss…

Rory and Annie are both struggling to fit in at school, and when their class embarks on an excursion they find themselves making the first tentative steps towards a friendship. The relationship between Dan and Fisher, however, is rockier – they’re supervising the excursion, and Fisher refuses to accept Dan’s advice and help. Due to Fisher’s incompetence, the excursion is a failure. Fisher fails to call the roll as the kids get on the bus to head back to school, and Rory and Annie are left behind. The kids watch, stunned, as the bus pulls away, leaving them stranded. They’re miles from anywhere and have no way of calling for help – what will they do?