Episode 5190

Australian Air Date: 22nd October 2010
UK Air Date: 3rd December 2010

Bianca and Vittorio rekindle their love. Shandi leaves town. Ruby is falling for her driving instructor.


Written by Margaret Wilson
Directed by David Gould

Extended Summary

After running off from Vittorio’s hotel room, Bianca is still confused about how to handle the whole affair situation. Vittorio isn’t sure what to say to her – and she’s not sure there is anything. He asks her if her doubts are really to do with his indiscretion, or with Liam – but she flatly denies that Liam has anything to do with it. When Gina finds her in tears at work, she feels she my have some experience with what Bianca is feeling and offers her a shoulder. The two women talk and both gain something out of sharing their feelings. Bianca is momentarily buoyed, but she bumps into Vittorio who tells her he’s leaving on a plane back to Italy – tonight. Bianca is crushed and she dashes over to his hotel, begging him not to go. Vittorio says he can’t spend his life paying for his mistake and Bianca assures him he won’t have to. Vittorio also believes that Bianca wants Liam and when Bianca denies this Vittorio tells her there’s no point them being together – she’ll never let it go. He drives off leaving her devastated. Confused as to whether the ‘it’ means his affair or Liam, Bianca is surprised when later that night Vittorio shows up on her doorstep. He tells her if she’s prepared to start making new memories with him, then maybe they have a chance. As he leads her towards the bedroom, Bianca’s phone rings – the call goes unheard but we see she has just missed a call from Liam.

Shandi heads to Summer Bay House and pays off her outstanding van fees. Miles asks her out for a coffee, and he’s clearly crushed when she says no. Irene tries again to get into Will’s headspace, still concerned about Lily’s state of mind, but he’s adamant to keep her at a distance. When Shandi meets up with Will and tells him she’s leaving town, Will is even more confused and at a loss with what’s happening in his life. Irene thinks it’s a great development, this means he can focus on reconciling with Gypsy – but that’s the last thing Will wants, and his doesn’t mince his words to make sure Irene understands. When he accidentally leaves his phone at the Diner, Irene can’t help herself – she calls Gypsy and fills her in on what’s been happening. Will is furious and Irene is concerned that he’s hiding something – Gypsy said it was his fault they split up, not hers…what else is he not telling her?

Ruby is busy getting all dolled up when there’s a knock at the door. It’s Alex, her driving instructor and Ruby is crushed when he tells her he’s double booked and needs to move her lesson to the afternoon. Ruby takes it with a smile, but she’s devastated all her preening has been for nothing. At school, she’s still thinking of Alex and her distracted mood gets her into trouble with Miles. When the lesson finally rolls around, Ruby is on fire. She flirts her way through but is perplexed as to why Alex isn’t responding to her. He explains he can’t date a student, but Ruby is doing well and will have her license in no time – then they can talk. Ruby is over the moon.