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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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Dana is driving me up the wall.  Every time she opens her mouth she annoys me.  She also really seems to lack social awareness - Telling Xander previously that Harper didn't like him after their date, being prepared to interrupt Harper's date yesterday.  And she's completely oblivious to how she comes across.  I was actually hoping Rose would tell Xander that Dana fancied him, if only so she would get a taste of her own medicine and understand what it was like for someone to open their big mouth.

I'm guessing the way Tane is being there as a mate for Harper's dates (I did like how he wanted Harper to give Derek a chance), he's going to be the one, she eventually ends up dating.

Both Mackenzie and Levi are coming across quite badly.  I wasn't happy when Mackenzie was originally trying to get to know him and Mali got involved but this time I was on his side.  I'm sure even she would have to acknowledge that the affair is making her act in a way that she normally wouldn't (threatening to throw Mali out).  I'm not entirely convinced Levi isn't using Mackenzie for sex though.  I know Eden and Mackenzie are on good terms from a professional capacity but wasn't sure whether Mackenzie saw her as a friend rather than someone she would say hello to and chat with occasionally (This is the problem when you don't have too many scenes with certain characters).  I can't wait till Eden finds out.  She is going to hit the roof.

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Mac is perfectly entitled to wear what she likes in her own home but I get that she could be more discreet as she is living with two guys though Mali and Tane don't bat an eyelid when she appears in her skimpies.  Not just the roof Eden will be hitting once she finds out. 

OK, if  any of them were having someone round, in Mali's case  Rose or in Tane's whoever, you'd ask your housemates to maybe vacate the place so you could have some alone time, but booting them out because it's your married lover! Yes it's her house so she can call the shots, but if the boot was on the other foot would Mac be OK with it?  Levi should be very thankful he is only being challenged by Mac's surrogate brother not her actual one Dean would have decked him one.  Was  a bit, well OK a lot cringe when Mac asked Levi if without actually saying it if he and Imogen still slept/together, as in having sex. He did get  a shock and not  a pleasant one when he found out both Mali and Tane knew all about their affair and really took Mac to task about it, threatening to end it and she was practically begging him to stay, not  a good look girlie to use an Ireneism. 

Talking of whom Dana did keep schtum to her about her possible crush but didn't fool Rose but she has three things going for her, she's a woman, Xander's sister and she's a cop.  Rose didn't seem to have any problem if Dana and Xander got together.  I can see why Dana doesn't want to take the plunge after her last experience but Xander is nothing like her ex and you can't paint all guys with the same brush. He is good for her though as he did manage to restrain her from disturbing Harper's 'date' though seeing how it wasn't going Harper may have glad of the interruption. 😆   Definitely no offence to any Derek's but he was a dork. Loved her parting shot to him about him needing to get over himself. 🤣 Tane did find the name very amusing.   

Derek isn't a young man's name and it does seem the only traditional names in the bay  are reserved for the older folks John, Alf, Irene. Leah and Justin are in the middle generation, Felicity is an 'old' name. Tane, Mali and Theo are traditional names in their culture, Maori, Aboriginal and Greek respectively.  Rose is another 'old' name as is Alexander aka Xander.  Roo is a shortening of Ruth.  Where did Cash come from though, Mackenzie?  there must be others.  I know she's a new girl but Valerie is an 'old' name.  

It did appear that Levi/Mac's secret could be about to be found out. Mali was ranting onto someone on his phone - can't remember who and not realising Flick was right behind him - oops.   Flick does reveal to Eden her brother is in town.  OK, he is a doctor and may have come to town to NDS hospital to check up on Mac and doesn't have to tell Eden every time he calls by.   


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Mali should just tell Rose about Mac really it’s not worth wrecking his relationship with Rose over and really would you really care about Mac that much Plus Levi I don’t really see what she sees in him his not funny or at all that friendly 

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Tane's 'Derek' summation hjad me in hysterics...I thought the same! What a weirdo he was though, surely he would've been more Dana's type given her previous form.

Mac clearly has no self-rerspect any more and for once Levi is right, there is nothing normal about this; I know the mordern attitude to marriage is treat it like a pasttime but it should mean something, things like honesty and fidelity seem to be foreign concepts. Mac is acting as if she's special, she isn't sadly, she's just another dime a dozen dolly bird that Levi's likely as not snagged before. I'm with Mali and Tane, yes, all for vacating at certain times of course, but not constantly. 

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Mackenzie really does have her head in her clouds, practically begging Levi to tell her what their future holds and, not surprisingly, getting nothing.What did she even want him to say? That he'd leave his wife for her, but not yet? Or that he'd carry on sleeping with her in secret for a bit, then dump her when it gets a bit much and go back to being "happily married"? I kind of like that Mali is not making any attempt to hide how disgusted he is with Levi, and I think perhaps Mackenzie is the one that will have to get used to the cold atmosphere unless she wants to live alone. Felicity's mercy mission caused them a few problems as well. So, Tane had to find another bed for the night but probably not the gym unless Mali was too lazy to walk five paces and stick his head round the door.Did he check into a motel?

That's quite a turnaround from John, from thinking they shouldn't ask too many questions about the donor to being desperate to know the truth. Maybe he just couldn't stand the possibility that Roo knows and he doesn't? It seems to have reignited her own curiosity anyway...

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Someone asked me why Justin is doing Community Service, and if that was why Leah moved out, I had to explain that Leah moved out as she pulled a knife on him, then rule out the kidnap, being held hostage, being shot with an arrow and a car crash before I could get to the actual reason.

I then looked back and realised that all of this has happened to him in the space of a year! What even is this show?

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15 hours ago, c120701 said:

Someone asked me why Justin is doing Community Service, and if that was why Leah moved out, I had to explain that Leah moved out as she pulled a knife on him, then rule out the kidnap, being held hostage, being shot with an arrow and a car crash before I could get to the actual reason.

I then looked back and realised that all of this has happened to him in the space of a year! What even is this show?

Yabbie Beat,Northern Districts, Boning Away, Surf Town Sex Tales...

Whatever the writers feel this week😁



Edited by CaptainHulk
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Well of course Flick went round to Mac's after getting those rather vague responses from Mali but give him his dues he didn't crack under her interrogation.  It was Mac he was having a go at  not realising Flick was behind him, phew that he never mentioned ykw by name.  That awkward meeting with Mac and Levi said volumes and must have got her antenna twitching, hence her just casually dropping the fact did Eden  know Levi was in town, cleverly done I'd say, as he had to make some quickly thought up excuse  and that he'd see her next time. 

That will be interesting that meeting between Imogen and Eden, I'm guessing Imogen knows about Eden and her history with Levi. 

Rather early for Mac to be asking if Levi would be willing to leave Imogen isn't it, it's only been going on for a couple of weeks and that only usually comes after a few months/years.

I'm in two minds if Mac is his first or not, he doesn't come across as a serial cheat and Mac would know seeing as Rick was so would know the signs but he could just be very good at it. 

Nothing modern about this attitude to marriage, it's been happening for years. All the women - and men don't forget -  think they will be the one which rarely happens. 

Derek so would not be Dana's type, she wouldn't have put up with his attitude as long as Harper did. 

Cash has started his new job, which doesn't sound much like it's going to be a mind stretching gig. Good in a way, as he'll be safe but must be boring. 

But Roo doesn't know who the donor is Cash wouldn't tell her, all he'd tell her  was the donation was absolutely legal.  I keep coming back to the thought it's Jasmine. 

My theory is  based on the way Cash answered that phone call "It's been a while since you called me"  in no way would he be saying that to Alf who some are thinking may be behind the donation.  Anyways maybe Alf called her or even went to see her 'cos no way could she know otherwise how the Surf Club was doing seeing as Robbo's mum and dad lived in the middle of nowhere.  She did run the gym there for a while as did Robbo and Alf did kind of take him in and stood by him.  I'm not sure how she'd have $30,000 on hand but I like to think she'd want to help and that Robbo would have wanted to too - to repay them, well Alf. Mind you I could be totally wrong and look  a right galah when it is revealed who they are. 

It would explain why he's keeping it quiet, don't suppose Eden would be overjoyed knowing he'd possibly been in contact with his ex especially the one who had hurt him so much. 

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Episode count this week:Only Irene, Marilyn, Justin and Mali managed three episodes.

I loved Cash's confusion at finding Felicity drinking Eden's coffee and the way Felicity really couldn't be doing with all this drama.Cash would, in most circumstances, have a good point that if Eden wants Levi to make an effort to see her, she should do the same.Rose's detective skills came into good effect as she worked out exactly what's got Mali bothered: All she doesn't know is what the secret about Mackenzie is.

I'm kind of liking the way Cash is continuing to be an unofficial mentor for Rose as senior constable. (What happened to his shirt though? He's wearing one when he comes home but it's nowhere to be seen in that scene!) Her community service attendee was a bit of a nightmare but Rose seemed to have a positive impact in the end. (I'm also relieved that they seem to have been only weeding: Justin's "**** it in the heart" advice initially left me believing they were killing wildlife!) Nice to know that Justin has finally finished the community service which seems to have been going on about a year. I'm trying to remember how long I predicted it would take before all the breaks he's had...

Somehow, John has ended up joining Roo in the ridiculous camp and decided it makes perfect sense to not spend an anonymous donation because they don't know who it's from, even though the surf club will probably go out of business without it.Sounds like Cash is still in touch with the mystery donor then...

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