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1993 Episode Discussion

Dan F

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Sam's really good with Christopher. Seeing the two of them together was cute. He'll make a nice big brother for him. Christopher must love having lots of 'siblings' to play with :P

Irene should have been made President of the Club! It seemed logical to me. She knew more about the bowling rules than old stick-in-the-mud Barry and even Alf.

I think Nick must belong to a bookclub. Did anyone notice he was reading a Stephen King novel and writing down notes? I didn't think he was the type to join a book club. LOL.

Its strange at the moment he's teaching Shane how to box and at the current series, FakeVJ and Jett wants to learn how to box. :P

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Since he was forced out of Blackmoor and came to Summer Bay, he has softened up.

That's nothing compared to Vera/Celia!!

Nick writing notes from a Stephen King book sounds like a nod to the cop from the Stephen King book Misery which would have recently been released as a movie at this point. There was a cop in that who was working on a crime by taking notes from the novels of a famous writer.

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Seen up to 1355.I think even first time round I worked out Sarah could partner Damian two episodes before Angel did.Another perfect opportunity for Damian and Sarah to get together (and it won't be the last) but instead she's going doe-eyed over his less pleasant brother one episode later.We don't even get to see their "date", just them leaving and coming back.I guess the budget went on Shangel's trip to Sydney.

If I'm remembering correctly, it isn't actually one of the muggers who breaks in, just some random for Shane to work through his issues with.

And yes, Nathan.After initially being portrayed as Obviously Evil, he seems to have gained some intelligence: The audience still know what he's like but he's capable of being polite and charming and fooling people.Alf has never known how to handle this sort of thing, although here it seemed to be more a case of misreading the situation than anything else.But he gave Nathan just the opening he needed to play the hurt puppy, then said all the wrong things to Sarah to make her spend time with Nathan just to prove a point.Sometimes she can be too nice for her own good.

I must admit I don't remember the bowls episode at all, then again it was the Tuesday episode, so ITV would have shown it on Wednesday and I probably missed it.Steven mention!Dates seems a bit off though: Steven was only meant to have been with Tom and Pippa a few weeks in the pilot, not a year longer than Sally as indicated here.

I think there has been a reference to Roxy being away? Don't think we've been given any details though.Oh, and Luke called the dark-haired woman who served him in 1349 "Noleen", so we've got a face to the name.

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What is with Angel, giving Shane a hard time and trying to stop him from having boxing/karate lessons when he has repeatedly told her that he is only trying to defend himself and her? It seems Angel is more worried about the health of thugs than herself and her boyfriend??

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Sarah defintley has a thing for bad boys that's why it would have never worked with her and Damian. She's so stupid atm acting all doe eyed for scummy Nathan when everyone is warning her off him. And Roxy telling her to go for it. :/

I hate this storyline it's really frustrating me

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Yep Sarah does seem to have a thing for bad boys with both Tug and Nathan. She was such a good girl virgin Mary yet loved the bad boys? She never showed any interest in Shane though. The best friend code would have been against her in the department. Damien having a thing for Angel of course he would of never acted on in the bro code of course not to mention Shane would of killed him if he did.

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