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Why has Home and Away changed so much?

Guest Light of the Bay

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Also, when Roo said that she didn't remember the Nash family, Colleen told her that they arrived after she had left, but the Nashes (Joel, Travis and their parents) had been in the town for years - they owned Leah's house and I think the Nash family built it. Joel left Summer Bay in about 1981, so she'd have been 11 when he left, but Travis and their parents were still around as Travis was meant to have been in Steven's year at school and Alf clearly knew them so I find it hard to believe that she didn't and that Colleen dismissed it as just Joel, Natalie, Gypsy and Tom arriving in 1998. Oh and her own cousin, Rebecca, is married to Travis NASH! The continuity is awful these days.

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Also, when Roo said that she didn't remember the Nash family, Colleen told her that they arrived after she had left, but the Nashes (Joel, Travis and their parents) had been in the town for years - they owned Leah's house and I think the Nash family built it. Joel left Summer Bay in about 1981, so she'd have been 11 when he left, but Travis and their parents were still around as Travis was meant to have been in Steven's year at school and Alf clearly knew them so I find it hard to believe that she didn't and that Colleen dismissed it as just Joel, Natalie, Gypsy and Tom arriving in 1998. Oh and her own cousin, Rebecca, is married to Travis NASH! The continuity is awful these days.

Maybe since Belinda Emmett (Rebecca Nash) died they didn't want it to be a big deal? Also Roo was young, do you remember people when you were young?

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Sadly that is just plain old bad continuity - there's no way that Roo wouldn't know the Nash family. She may have been young when Joel left - though 11 isn't an age where you're so young you wouldn't remember people, I remember people who I knew by name only living in my village when I was 4/5 - but as c120701 said, she'd still remember him or at least know the surname with her cousin marrying his brother.

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Watching Tuesday's episode just goes to show to me how all over the place Home and Away is at the moment. Its like watching a totally different TV program when 'Chax' and the River Boys aren't in it - the writers/producers have completely split it into two halves.

They really need to sort it out, especially if they are planning on keeping Chax and the rest of the River Boys around, which it seems like they are. As others have said, it is like 'them and us'.

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I agree the show seems to have gone a bit off the rails.I've heard people wondering why Alf never has any scenes with the River Boys but frankly, it's because they obviously belong in different shows.I get frustrated when I hear comments like "If the River Boys left, we might as well watch the old episodes", as though that's a bad thing.It's hard to believe this is the same show that, in the early days, portrayed Carly as in the wrong for being ashamed that Tom was doing a low pay job and had Matt proud of his binman father.The current show seems to suggest that Brax becoming a criminal instead of getting a job was a valid lifestyle choice if he can justify it as benefitting his family and claims the likes of Xavier and Casey are "wasting their lives" by doing honest work.I initially thought the River Boys weren't too bad, when they just seemed a bit rowdy with violent tendencies, and if they'd stayed like that they could have stuck around but once they turned out to be a gang of drug dealing criminals, and not just selling a few pills at the surf club but a major operation, that should have sounded the death knell.

I did post a long treatise about Roo not knowing the Nashes in UK Discussion.1981 seems a bit late for Joel and Natalie to leave:She'd probably have been pregnant with Tom(the other Tom)by then and the implication seemed to be they left when they were in their late teens/early twenties.1978, when Roo was about six or seven, seems more likely but whether she remembers them or not Roo should definitely know the family.But hey, Home and Away's history is littered with bad continuity right back to 1988, when Rebecca was suddenly shoehorned into the family history only a few weeks after we were told Roo was Celia's only niece and Donald Fisher's younger brother who was meant to be living in Summer Bay was forgotten about after forty episodes.The town's geography has always been fairly fluid and I long ago stopped worrying about the way places seem to switch from being walking distance to a half hour car journey depending on the plot.

The fostering angle's been in decline since at least 2000:It gets resurrected every now and then, most recently with Jai, but we're mostly left with Irene or Miles grabbing random teenagers off the street with very little mention of going through official channels.One idea that did strike me was they might have Sid and Roo get back together and have Sid, Dex and Sasha move into the caravan park with her, leaving Romeo and Indi out on the farm, and building a new makeshift family unit around them.

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I think the show is going to stick to the curren format until Cameron Welsh leaves. I'm sure i read somewhere that Julie Mcgauran who used to be Series Producer from 2002-2006 is taking over from John Holmes as the Executive Producer?

Julie will be Seven's new Head of Drama - with John taking on a different role in the company to enable him to get back more to the creative process - come to think of it I'm not actually sure if the Exec Producer title automatically comes with it, will find out soon.

A lesser known fact however is that Julie is actually Mrs Welsh - she and Cameron married not long after he took over from her as series producer

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I've had it up to here with Chax The River Boys and the Leah/Miles stuff! <_<

ENOUGH IS REALLY ENOUGH!!!!!! :angry::angry:

Every morning during The Early Years the first ad is usually a promo for the 2011 Home and Away and about 99.9% of the time it features Chax! :angry: seriously WHO THE HELL CARES!!!!! I wish Cameron "I Love Violence" Welsh would bring in a new foster family so the show could get back to really is about! but NO Its all about Chax River Boys guns and breakups! :angry:


Signed: an irate viewer of both The Early Years and 2011

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I've had it up to here with Chax The River Boys and the Leah/Miles stuff! <_<

ENOUGH IS REALLY ENOUGH!!!!!! :angry::angry:

Every morning during The Early Years the first ad is usually a promo for the 2011 Home and Away and about 99.9% of the time it features Chax! :angry: seriously WHO THE HELL CARES!!!!! I wish Cameron "I Love Violence" Welsh would bring in a new foster family so the show could get back to really is about! but NO Its all about Chax River Boys guns and breakups! :angry:


Signed: an irate viewer of both The Early Years and 2011

Here, here. I don't see why Chax has to feature so heavily in the promos especially when they're not even in the episode that night.

Personally, seeing Chax makes me turn off an episode because their storylines are just a stupid, repetitive bore that little resembles Home and Away. Since when do the drug dealers and corrupt police get centre stage and become pretty much the sole focus of the show as if that's what HAA is about. Oh, I forgot, this year it's all about crime, corruption, drugs, sex and pathetic, immature behaviour of the RB and Charlie and little to do with caring, fostering (what is that?, because I think they've well and truly forgotten) or community.

The gang stuff is just a joke, as is Brax calling them family and making a big deal about leaving them when he's quite happily and very easily sold them out on more than one occasion to save himself. If they're family, then he's the overbearing, abusive father/older brother who demands loyalty while giving none and beats them/ or orders their beatings to keep them under his thumb. The Braxtons need to go back to Mangrove River, taking their gang and tramps with them because they really have no place in Summer Bay with their pathetic behaviour and them and us mentality - all they've done is create trouble, commit crimes and drag the people of Summer Bay into their pathetic, criminal ways. All they do is commit crime after crime, lie, hurt people and not really give a damn or respect anyone; even going straight Brax continues to lie, manipulate and commit crimes. I don't see why it was necessary to make them permanent cast members when they offer so little to the show other than looks (especially these days) and as far as I'm concerned, they represent everything that is wrong with the current show and they certainly don't deserve to be the prime focus of the show and neither does Chax.

It's annoying the way they've destroyed, loving, stable relationships, yet we've had this selfish, pathetic, pair who have dragged others into their web of lies getting all lovey-dovey. If there was ever a couple who don't deserve a happy ending, it's this couple, but because Cam Welsh is in love with the RB and Chax, they have Charlie acting (so far out of character) as if he's the greatest thing ever, that she doesn't care that he's lied and made a fool of her time and again, that he's a criminal or that she's now been dragged down to his level and that she's happy to have lost everything.

Just highlights how stupid the entire things has become.

I'm not sure what is worse this year, the amount of crime, or the fact that the Braxtons have been and continue to be allowed to get away with it (while others pay) so they can commit more crimes. It's also annoying and stupid how the community seems more accepting of them now than when they were just a rowdy bunch of jerks trashing Angelo's - everyone now knows Heath is a drug dealer and the RB have been tied to drugs, money laundering etc, yet they see Brax, the leader and one in charge as a good guy. There doesn't seem to be anything such as justice or facing the consequences of their actions as far as the Braxtons are concerned and they even seem to have forgotten that Heath was Liam's drug dealer and Liam was bashed because he dared stand up to them. The Braxtons must be doping the water with the amount of stupidity displayed by the women especially and the bouts of amnesia where the Braxtons are concerned.

I really don't feel like I've been watching Home and Away for the past few months with the neanderthals and their tarts taking over.

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