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Why has Home and Away changed so much?

Guest Light of the Bay

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Well unfortunately, not everything can stay the same as what is was in 2005 and before that. Evolving to the newer generation, gives it a longer running period and don't we all want that? If they catered to what the older viewers wanted wouldn't that loose the newer generations interest and lack of viewers would meaning....end of the show? Look I'm all for the sentimental that it was in 2005, but I quite enjoy the new lot too. Fresher people. Home and Away opens a lot of doors a lot of the young actors. I know it's not always the essential storyline's but it's opening up for greater purposes. Though, if I was a creator one person I wouldn't have killed would have been Jack. I miss him.

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I do agree with your post but i think the characters now are less life like than they were 2005 and before. Cameron Welsh is obsessed with crime and gangs, that is NOT what Home and Away is about. It is a sleepy seaside town. They need to tone down crime and focus on characters and their develeopment.

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I agree the show needs to change with the time but it also needs to stay the same recognisable show.People complained about the large amount of gun-toting criminals in the mid-to-late 2000s but at least they were just visiting, now it seems they're permanent additions.I think the time has come, and hopefully will come, to draw a line under it and try and get back to being about the ordinary townsfolk, which it's shown it's capable of doing for at least a few episodes at a time. Characters who can do whatever they like without there ever being any real consequences is pretty much death to drama, since it's hard to care what happens to them.

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I agree the show needs to change with the time but it also needs to stay the same recognisable show.People complained about the large amount of gun-toting criminals in the mid-to-late 2000s but at least they were just visiting, now it seems they're permanent additions.I think the time has come, and hopefully will come, to draw a line under it and try and get back to being about the ordinary townsfolk, which it's shown it's capable of doing for at least a few episodes at a time. Characters who can do whatever they like without there ever being any real consequences is pretty much death to drama, since it's hard to care what happens to them.

I think the viewers are supposed to care about what happens to the Drivel Boys because they're good looking. To me, it feels like that because they have good looks, big muscles and tattoos everywhere, then it doesn't matter that they're broken the law so many times and can get away with it. I find it so shallow and extremely annoying to watch.

That's just my take on it anyway.

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I think the viewers are supposed to care about what happens to the Drivel Boys because they're good looking. To me, it feels like that because they have good looks, big muscles and tattoos everywhere, then it doesn't matter that they're broken the law so many times and can get away with it. I find it so shallow and extremely annoying to watch.

That's just my take on it anyway.

It isn't just your take on it Jamie, this is pretty much how I see it too. It's so cheap and shallow I really don't understand some people's taste - but there is an audience for it - who have readily stated they don't care about Home and Away, they are just watching to see The River Boys and Charlie. The producers are loving it and don't know how to cater for those not interested. It sounds so bitter but this is exactly how it appears to me.

About the show changing with the times - this isn't a valid argument in support of The River Boys Imo. Yes move Home and Away with the times, but as Red Ranger said, this shouldn't mean stripping it of its identity and completely coming up with a new format whilst using the same name. There are many very long running TV dramas or soaps that move with the times without becoming unrecognisable and are still a success. Home and Away has shown that this is more than possible on many occasions over the years, but are failing big time with this new obsession with Underbelly. In this case, they're not evolving Home and Away, they have simply looked at what is popular (crime drama) and copied the format.

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Can you please stop making out that all fans of the river boys are shallow. Though I agree with many that the whole crime thing has gone too far I still think the idea of the river boys has been good... and it isn't because they are good looking. We are not all shallow :P

The problem is that tv is dumbing down. The days of soaps(actually tv shows in general) being more character driven are gone because writers have lost faith in the viewers mentality. Unless something is shiny then you ain't keeping the attention. The only soap that seems to be bucking the recent trend is Hollyoaks, which has managed to plend drama with character driven storylines.

The worst thing that has happened over the course of this year is that the writers have split the river boys from the rest of the characters. At the beginning there were some brilliant scenes between random characters and it was fun... and then is stopped. Personally I would have liked to have seen Alf mention the last time a gang showed up in summer bay (anyone actually remember Johnny?).

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Can you please stop making out that all fans of the river boys are shallow. Though I agree with many that the whole crime thing has gone too far I still think the idea of the river boys has been good... and it isn't because they are good looking. We are not all shallow :P

Sorry if you felt I was calling the fans of the RB shallow - I didn't actually say that, I said that this sort of 'drama' is shallow and cheap - this is my opinion which I stand by. To me its, (mostly) trash tv with little substance - I don't get why people have a taste for it. But you only have to go to Youtube and read the comments...

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Sorry alexx, I forgot to add a quote. I was focusing too much on the good looking people :lol: .

I think the viewers are supposed to care about what happens to the Drivel Boys because they're good looking. To me, it feels like that because they have good looks, big muscles and tattoos everywhere, then it doesn't matter that they're broken the law so many times and can get away with it. I find it so shallow and extremely annoying to watch.

That's just my take on it anyway.

And unfortunately youtube has fuelled the 'ooh sparkly' brigade.

I actually love seeing the divide and the different opinions that have come from this year because unlike other years all the opinions don't just come down to a flame war. I just don't want to see every fan put into the same pile, just like I hate when those who don't go with the tidal wave of love get slammed for their opinions. I remember the vile abuse thrown at any Sam/Jack fans some time ago *shudders* and the board seems to have moved on.

Disclaimer: Yes, I do like to indulge in the occassional shallow drooling but some of us don't like to be called up on it. I'm as shallow as a puddle :blush:

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I don't think it's entirely accurate to suggest that this kind of storytelling is a new thing.If you go back to Dallas, the whole thing seemed to be based around the fact that if JR received his comeuppance the show would end, because nobody seemed to be that interested in the other characters.I find it odd to see Hollyoaks cited as an example:I admit I haven't seen it in a while but it was and still seems to be a byword for over the top and unrealistic characters and storylines.I've always thought the ITV soaps seem to be closer to the traditional Australian model:Coronation Street in particular seems to manage a good balance of a fair proportion of attractive young characters, some character based drama, some dramatic incidents and a sense that characters' actions have consequenced and sooner or later if you've crossed a moral line you'll be punished for it.Maybe it's not popular among younger viewers?Although it can't have lasted fifty years and been near the top of the ratings charts all that time without being able to appeal to a new generation.

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I find it odd to see Hollyoaks cited as an example

IA, I don't watch that show, but from the little I've seen, it doesn't seem to be heavily character driven. I guess it's very similar to Home and Away actually. Just that H&A is more middle-class than Hollyoaks, both of them seem to feature a very actrive cast which seems to be at the top of their priorities.

As you say, Coronation Street seems to manage well with the balance. I don't watch it either but like mentioned it has to have done something right to have lasted the last fifty years. The problem with Home and Away is that it, IMO, latches into one thing at a time to keep it going, but those things always seem to have a shelf life. Bay of Love, 2009 mystery, River Boys, all the melodrama, it latches onto one thing which will only sustain it in the long-term. What will they do when the actors who play the River Boys decide to leave? What will they latch onto to give it that short-term injection of life then?!

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