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2018 Season - UK Episode Discussion

Dan F

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1 hour ago, H&Alover said:

Tori was only held hostage by Robbo for about half an hour so hardly time for Stockholm Syndrome to develop and he didn't hurt her, just scared her briefly. Apart from her being annoying and not bothering about how this is bothering her family Tori did have a valid point.  Yabby Creek police do seem remiss in the care of their prisoner, they know he has mental issues not to mention his physical injuries but only Tori seems to have treated him in any way. I'm of the mind too Slade that as well as caring for him as a doctor she does have feelings for him as she doesn't seem that bothered about Ash anymore. 

Colby has his suspicions of if not where Robbo was exactly but that someone with medical knowledge took care of him.  In the job only five minutes and he's already doing investigations 'off the record!'  Certainly was an interesting discovery that although there were records of Lauren and the children no record of Ryan,  father was 'unknown'.  Photo certainly didn't look like it had been faked but we are only hearing things from Robbos' point of view - even the images only we are seeing and hearing which as you said Red could be false memories that someone has planted in his head.  I know Tori could be biased but I don't think he would be capable of killing his wife and two children. Has he been through several identities and Ryan Shaw was just the one he was living under at the time, are there some mysterious PTB behind it all?  After it happened 'they' got him out and Beckett Reid was 'born'.:unsure: I was going to suggest WP again, but with that you get  a full background set up each time.

I liked that scene of Ryder with Alf a.k.a. Grumps, had to smile when Justin called him that, :)on the pier.  He really was worried he was the cause of Roo leaving but glad Alf without going into detail  reassured him it was all done to what he had (or hadn't) done.

Although Ash, Robbo and Dean have their scary sides to me David is a lot more dangerous than the three of them put together!  Neither Ash or Robbo would mentally abuse a woman, don't think even Dean would. I can't remember if Jasmine said David was physically violent. He comes across as so unassuming and respectable, casual but smartly dressed, guess he must have sort of professional job, but that is what deceives people.  He certainly managed to convince whoever nicked him for breaching the conditions of his AVO to let him go and get to the bay before the Yabby Creek cops were told of it. Though she must have been terrified Jasmine kept her head and persuaded him to let her drop her van keys off at the house, luckily Leah was there and caught on pretty quick what was going down. She did try and save Jasmine, but to someone with David's twisted mind wouldn't take a lot to see all kinds of conspiracy theories, though to be fair this time this time he was right. One thing David locked the door on one side of the room, completely forgetting about the other one which Ryder strolled through!  David is also one hell of a coward scaring women and young teenage boys. Someone somehow manages to get  a message to Salt, hope one of them picks up on it.  At one moment, to me at least, Jasmine reminded  me of Billie.

Seems Roo has a heart to heart with Marilyn, maybe tonight, revealing she was 12 in 1985 when Martha left and leaving her now to wonder what had she done to make her go, that would of course have made her 15 when Alf found out so thinking about it yes not a good age to tell a teenage girl her mum was alive but didn't want to be found.

Except that Roo is shown to be 17/18 in 1988 which would make her 14/15 when Martha left in 1985 get the ages right please writers! ;) 

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Actually, it's been stated that Martha left in 1984, and I'm not entirely sure if the 1985 date has appeared outside of publicity material so they're entitled to change it.(That said, I think an early episode said Roo was 13 when her mother died?Should probably look that up.I've a feeling she was only 16 when the show started even though people keep insisting I'm wrong, which would just about tie in with what we're hearing now.)Either way, I'm not sure Roo would qualify as a "little girl" as was said here.I was wincing somewhat when John and Marilyn independently invited Alf and Roo round to dinner but it turned out to go more or less okay.

David was typically deranged but Jasmine did a good job of keeping a level head, not giving in totally to his plans but playing along when it helped.I think it probably helped that Leah was there as well so she wasn't alone in it.(And Ryder, I guess.)Anyway, they really shouldn't let him out again after this.Looks like Jasmine is sticking around for now, and did it sound like she's staying at the house, at least for the night?(In Roo's room presumably, which might not go down well!)The crowd at Salt did a good job in working out Leah's message and playing it cool while calling David.

I'm glad that Ash seems to be happy with Robbo's legal punishment rather than adding to the pain, although he might not be so relaxed if he knew what Tori was playing at.In fact, I think Justin was overreacting in that while Ash might not have been putting his arm around him and buying him a beer, he wasn't particularly abusive either.So, it seems the River Boys might have had their day in more ways than one, as not only are they moving on but it's clear Dean has been having trouble keeping them together.For the first time, he felt a bit like early Heath, someone who doesn't have much of a life outside the River Boys but is fed up of people always thinking the worst of him: It's hard to tell if the tools were stolen or not (although it would be a huge coincidence if they weren't) but he seemed hurt at everyone thinking they were.That said, breaking into Willow's van to "wait for her" was both out of line and rather sleazy.I wasn't too keen on Justin's reaction, as he seemed to be blaming Willow as much as Dean.

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I really don’t care enough for Jasmine for that siege to be a big deal for me. It can’t just be me? I’m just not gelling with her and I don’t think I really understand that his crimes have been severe enough for her reactions.

John and Marilyn independently inviting the Alf and Roo was AWKS at best but it lead to a great scene with Roo and Marilyn at the end. Roo is comparing herself as a mother to her mum’s situation and this is why she’s struggling with it. It’s the first we’ve heard of this. The promo suggests she wants to find her mum, I hope it doesn’t go the way her looking for her daughter, Martha, and just fizzle to nothing more than excuse to get the actress out of the show for a bit. 

I can foresee the history between Willow and Dean becoming a problem for Justin in the VERY near future. 

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I think the 'siege' was a bit lame, as is Jasmines storyline of persecuted girlfriend - haven't we had that multiple times before on H&A, wasn't Scarlet running away from her husband?  Anyway, how is Jasmine supporting herself, I can't remember what her job is. I wonder if she'll go to court regarding the car crash - who knows.


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Jasmine's been working part-time at the Diner, not sure what her job was before she came to Summer Bay.I can't see why she'd go to court regarding the car crash when she was the victim and the person guilty of dangerous driving is dead.Most there'll be is a coroner's hearing.

Anyway, today.The turnaround with Ash continues and it was kind of nice seeing him looking out for Dean when he realised what he'd sacrificed to help him.Dean's an idiot and a bit of a jerk at times but possibly not all that bad deep down and could do with someone like Ash taking him under his wing.Ash certainly sorted things out with that bloke who blew up Lassiters in Neighbours soon enough.He was rather ungracious to Justin though, but then I don't think it was particularly fair of Justin to give the car back to Willow when Ash was left out of pocket by the vandalism through no fault of his own...although maybe it's recompense for Ash hiring Dean and neglecting the garage to play sheriff.I did like that Justin got the last word with Dean at the gym, and pleased that his kissing Willow wasn't for Dean's benefit as the promo implied.I was also glad with Ash's understated reaction to Ben and Maggie clearing out Kat's things: When he found the bag, I was picturing him charging in yelling at them but he dealt with it well.

Not much of a surprise that Roo wants to try and find her mum, although Alf doesn't seem too keen on the idea.I'm not quite sure what to make of Maggie at the end.Blind positivity can be frustrating but assuming the worst doesn't seem much better and they need to strike a balance.

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It's hard to say whose fault the crash was, Kats or Jasmines. Did Jasmine go across a stop line or was Kat distracted? I wish Kat and Robbo had just disappeared into the rainy night.

I think there's going to be trouble at the garage, it's a shame Justin can't buy Ash out and run the place himself. Employing Dean is a stupid idea. Hopefully Tori will now find someone with a brain to go out with, I couldn't see Ash fitting in with hospital functions.



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6 minutes ago, Psychic Wombat said:

It's hard to say whose fault the crash was, Kats or Jasmines. Did Jasmine go across a stop line or was Kat distracted? I wish Kat and Robbo had just disappeared into the rainy night.

It was Kat that ran the stop sign.

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TPTB like playing  games with people's ages don't they? I suppose 12/13 or 15/16 isn't too bad a crime on their part.  To a lot of parents their son/daughter will always be their little boy/girl. Martha the elders situation and Roo's were totally different , Roo was a young single teenage mum whereas Martha was to outside appearances a happily married mum. 

Always seems to happen in soaps one partner asks one half of a couple who are having problems and their other half invites the other.  Was a tad strained dinner, long awkward silences, but Marilyn is a very good listener and must have been a relief for Roo to tell someone  about the sense of rejection she was feeling.  To me at least it was only later when Maggie was talking about how important it was to have family around that prompted her to tell Alf she wanted his help to try and find her mum.  It's not going to be easy, sorry to bang on about it but 30 years have gone by, I'm going to propose she may have gone back to her maiden name Baldivis, which is a pretty unusual name so maybe not, too easy to trace.

Ash has reverted to the Ash we knew of old, wanting to help out  someone (in this case Dean) who has helped him, though it didn't go down well with Justin so I hope Dean doesn't bite the hand that is going to be in a sense feeding him.  Has Ash seen the irony in calling for help and now helping a guy called Dean?  A revelation that the River Boys are actually part time River Boys who have actual lives and jobs and only get together when called upon. Dean's argument was he took the tools as payment in kind for money he was owed for the work he had done at that guy's garage.  Seeing as Ash & Tori are no longer together what Tori does is none of his business. Willow was a bit slow not realising her door, which surprise, surprise, she had locked, was now open!  Just what would have happened if Justin hadn't been there, she said she would have thrown him out? She later explained to Justin her & Dean had been friends since childhood, but I wasn't clear if they ever actually slept together.  Quite a verbal ding dong between Justin & Dean, Dean to Justin - "Willow doesn't do long term".  Justin to Dean "Maybe it's because she's not been with a man before"!  Me-ow, who said men couldn't be bitchy! 

OK all praise to Jasmine and Leah for outwitting David - not as clever as he thought he was - but how about some credit to Brody and Willow, Brody for questioning Leah's order, Willow saying she'd read about this woman who sent a SOS via a pizza order and Brody ringing the house and on getting David asking Leah wanted garlic bread.  I'm guessing her 'saying' yes was the clue something was wrong as perhaps she never has garlic bread!  Ryder did for the moment look like he was going to have a panic attack. Of course David's crimes were severe enough for her to react the way she did, he'd been stalking and pestering her, despite her telling him she didn't want to know him, he certainly came across as a control freak, had plenty of warnings but still defied them.  Stalking is a crime and now he's got kidnapping to add to the charges.  Even when she visited him at the cop shop he still didn't get he was doing anything wrong.

Kat was the main cause of the crash as she was distracted which is why she ran the stop sign but Jasmine might be called as a witness, depending how much she remembers. Hasn't it already gone to the coroners court? :unsure:

It must get tiring for Maggie everyone asking how she is every time she steps out of her door, Marilyn and Irene can relate to that, you're not you anymore you're Maggie with cancer. Can't have been easy for her to pack up Kat's things reminding her of her own mortality, though of course Kat's death was so completely different.  It must have seemed like a finality for Ash seeing the place where she and him (for a while) lived being emptied, good thought of Maggie to give Ash the ultra sound photo of the baby.  I think Maggie was finding the 'I'm fine' comment to everyone was getting to her and it felt, to her at least, that being honest was a kind od relief.  Though there are positives, they've caught it early, it hasn't spread, there still a chance it could kill her, but you're right Red they have to find a middle road.

Couple of mentions that the school is closed while the rebuilding work goes on.

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On ‎12‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 14:25, H&Alover said:

She later explained to Justin her & Dean had been friends since childhood, but I wasn't clear if they ever actually slept together. 

She added "and sometimes more" but said it had never been serious, which I'm taking to mean they have.

So, today.Kind of one step forward two steps back for Alf and Roo.I don't think Alf does know any more, he just thinks this is one sleeping dog that they're better off letting lie.But as Roo said, he's had 30 years to get used to this and he shouldn't have told her if he expected her to forget about it five minutes later.And now Roo's moved in with John and Marilyn which seems a bit more permanent than the motel.

Not often I find myself defending Hunter...and actually I'm not really, but I do think Olivia was completely out of line having a go at him for dating Jennifer or whatever.Her argument didn't even make sense, she was the one that gave up on their relationship (at least initially) and she promptly shacked up with Axel, so she really can't take the moral high ground about Hunter "moving on".That said, for all his protests it does seem like Hunter is using Jennifer as a rebound.He probably likes her to some extent but his behaviour during their dinner definitely felt like he was trying to prove a point, as he went from "We're just hanging out" (although he seems to have forgotten the kiss on the wharf late last week?) to paying her forced compliments.It's been observed elsewhere that Jennifer seems to like older guys (VJ, Mason, Hunter) and now she appears to have dated a uni student before.This may be significant.I definitely think Hunter's kidding himself if she thinks she isn't high maintenance.

It's perhaps a bit too soon to see the return of Bad Old Ben and he was completely out of line yelling at Raffy.I understand why he did it intellectually but it's not too long ago that that was his default mode.It's to Raffy's credit that she took it on the chin and brought the biscuits round, and while their friendship still seems hopelessly one-sided it was nice to see Coco be genuinely grateful.I'm assuming that's Raffy's adopted mum she was talking about, since she never knew her biological mum, and trying to remember if that's the first on screen mention of her dying or not.Not sure who she meant by "we", possibly just her and Hope.

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I don't dislike Olivia but still find it highly amusing how out of shape she is about Hunter and Jennifer.  I was laughing when she was venting to Irene about it.  I don't really think she should be involved with anyone right now and should just focus on her career.  She made a point of how important it was to her previously but not it seems at the moment.  Unfortunately I can only see this situation ending up one way...Jen getting hurt.  Hunter is trying a little too hard, trying to speed things up in an attempt to get over Olivia ASAP but as I suspected when I saw her feeling down by the peer last week (and Mason confirmed) Jennifer likes Hunter more than he likes her.  I guess her buying a new dress to go on their date is an example of that but it seems as though she sort of suspects he's on the rebound anyway.  When he wanted to meet her the next day after their date perhaps she should have put her foot down and told him they should take things slowly  but I guess it would be a little too much for her to reject spending any time with him.  I think another reason why she's so invested in this is because she doesn't appear to have any friends so she's probably very lonely.

Yes, Raffy once again shows how good a friend she is to Coco as I'm certain had it been the other way round I don't think Coco would have used her spare time to cook gingerbread or her help Raffy with her homework.  She's too self-absorbed.  And polynomials...I remember those...

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