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H&A Spring Break - From the Bay to LA

Psychic Wombat

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It would be wonderful to see a return to those kinds of titles - they really lent the show a quirky and individual air (even if the actual content didn't always live up to them!)

Unfortunately I can't see them ever reinstating the titles. The current title cards are the way modern TV shows are going, and are at least better than what I think we had at one point, where on some episodes we weren't even seeing the name of the show. (Someone may correct me there.) But I'd prefer a full sequence, by far.

They could bring it back if they had the will. They probably couldn't get away with making it as long as they were in the good old days, though - that would look a bit dated here and now.

It would have to be a 30-second version of the song (skipping 'And from the very first moment' through to 'just to know you are there') with quicker shots of cast groups (like the picture-frames era). Or you could do more lingering, arty shots but with half the cast one day, and half the cast the next (using the actors who don't appear in the opening on one day in the closing sequence, perhaps.) Heck, even the 15-second song we got for a short time (from 'Hold me in your arms') was better than nothing - although you couldn't really include the cast in that in any meaningful way.

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Oh I loved that shot, certainly the most surreal one they had. Sadly it only lasted for the last 4 weeks of the season.


That's it! It came back to me as soon as I saw it! Guess we'll have to wait (and hope) for the 7Two repeats to get that far.

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I'd completely forgotten about Charlotte. I remember not being convinced with her acting at the time as I thought she was quite robotic but watching this episode again she was actually OK. Jude was out of order using her like that. The actress who played her (Stephanie Chaves-Jacobsen) is another person who has been quiet successful in the US. I remember her in Terminator - Sarah Connor Chronicles, I also remember her being one of the major characters in Melrose Place and she was in a few episodes of Revenge last year.

She was also in the Battlestar Galactica mini-series Razor.I remember when 5* showed her first HA episodes back in 2007, I literally read an article on that immediately after watching one of her episodes, saw a photo of her and did several double takes...

I think I'm right in saying that the Charlotte character was a regular for a time. She's another one who's very vague in my mind - there seem to be a lot of those types flying around during this period.

Yep, she was another one that only lasted a year: With the UK about 12 months behind at the time, Inside Soap helpfully informed us "You know that nice Charlotte girl that's just made her debut?Well, she just died horribly in Australia." She should be on the opening titles in tomorrow's episode if I remember correctly.(Which I'm not going to get to see until at least Sunday because I'm going away tomorrow afternoon...Sigh.)

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2000-2001 was around the time when I was properly watching H&A properly, so by this episode, I feel like I know most of the characters well.

I remember Charlotte - I always felt she was stunning, and did not deserve the way Jude treated her and the way he ultimately left her for Shauna (Again, it is interesting that we have 2 episodes in a row showing Shauna getting in between a girl and her boyfriend).

Leah and Vinnie were so cute - I had forgotten how cute they could be.

I had always had mixed views on Brodie - sometimes she was so sweet especially in her friendship with Dani, and she is so full of dimples when she smiles. On the other hand, she often has periods of being sanctimonious - this episode being a prime example of it. I always felt the way that the Alex/Brodie/Miles triangle ended was so tragic, and the guilt Alex was left with was heartbreaking.

Again, not much Vinnie - would have liked to have seen an episode around the testicular cancer, or even one around Leah's and Vinnie's wedding.

It is interesting - when I watched Isla Fisher's week, I felt that she always seemed like she was destined for good things (she is so charming on screen) whereas I felt Chris Hemsworth and Ryan Kwanten really seemed to grow as actors after leaving the show,

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Noah and Hayley seemed normal as well, every other 'couple' were either trying to avoid each other (Alex and Brodie) or one mooning over the other one (Jude and Shauna). Even Flynn and Sally didn't seem that comfortable with each other. At least we saw the re-uniting of Gypsy and Will. Vinnie and Leah were such a great couple unlikely as their pairing may have initially appeared to be.

I remember Charlotte, she was a doctor at NDH, she lived with her nan above Noah and Jude. Although it was never stated I think the nan suffered from early stage Alzheimers as she started to behave erratically and nearly burnt the flat down at one time and Charlotte had to put her in a home.

Alex was always a bit of a wild card and the black sheep of the family. Brodie did make an about turn over the night, all sniffy with him at the party then lets him walk her home.

Very unlike Sally her behaviour towards Shauna, was she banking on Sally being Sally she'd forgive and forget. How close where Flynn and Sally at that time? I remember Ashley as well.

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For some reason I thought todays episode would be the trial episode (I thought that was Vinnie's last episode and I wasn't watching the show at the time) Also the trial episode I thought I'd seen it before on 5* but as Red Ranger said in an earlier post yesterdays was 2 weeks after the 5* reruns stopped in 2007.

Emotional episode today, poor Leah and Vinnie. Brilliant acting from Ryan and Ada. The show couldnt do scenes like that so effectively nowadays.

Weird seeing this episode 2 weeks after the one in Kim week in which Leah has just found out Vinnie is alive and in witness protection having thought he'd died.

Interesting to see Josh West before the major and project 56 days. And the story with Donald and Kick seems very similar to a storyline I've seen from 1989-1990 where Donald doesnt approve of the new younger teacher's methods of teaching.

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I would love to see the actual footage from the 2000 titles to see exactly what people were saying in the shots where they're talking or laughing.

I miss highly strung Leah. She was a bit of a tour de force when she got going.

Tammin Sursok today as well - another example of From The Bay to LA.

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