Neighbours Spoilers – David and Aaron face losing Abigail again

Coming up on next week’s Neighbours in the UK, with David and Aaron reunited with the real Isla, can they put the last few weeks behind them and forget about the bond they formed with baby Abigail?

What a whirlwind nine months it’s been for Aaron (Matt Wilson) and David (Takaya Honda), as their co-parenting agreement with Nicolette (Charlotte Chimes) well and truly took over their lives.

Nicolette’s pregnancy was fraught with difficulties. She faced multiple medical emergencies, first when she was pushed over by gang member Holden (Toby Derrick), then when she collapsed at the vineyard just a couple of months later.

Yet that was nothing compared with what was to come. Nic disappeared after her breakup with Chloe, taking the then unborn baby Isla with her to Canberra. Paul (Stefan Dennis) went in search of her, found her, and returned $1,000,000 lighter, but with David and Aaron’s baby in tow. Or so he thought.

Britney Barnes (Montanna Cox) arrived a few weeks later, kidnapped the baby they thought was Isla, and announced that she was the real mother.

Nicolette returned, confirmed Britney’s story, and presented the boys with the real baby Isla. She had given Paul somebody else’s baby, leaving David and Aaron to form a bond with a child that wasn’t their own.

Yet while David may not have been the father, it transpires that he still has a biological link.

Britney turned out to be Leo’s (Tim Kano) ex-girlfriend, and had fallen pregnant with his baby – now named Abigail – when the pair were living in New York. So David is actually the baby’s uncle.


Now that Nicolette, David, Aaron, Britney, Leo, Isla and Abigail(!) are all in the same town, can they play happy families, caring for the two newborns as a dysfunctional collection of parents, co-parents and uncles?

In next week’s episodes, Aaron and David struggle to bond with the real Isla. Nicolette brings her to the boys’ house, and Jane (Annie Jones) manages to convince her daughter to leave the boys alone with their baby, to give them some much needed time to bond.

While it’s hard for Nicolette to spend time away from her daughter, it’s equally difficult for the boys.

The ‘real’ Isla isn’t the baby that they’ve been looking after for the past few weeks, and they’re really suffering. They can’t get her settled, and the stress begins to show when all of their usual tricks fail to work.

Knowing that they’re going to need more than the occasional visit to bond with Isla, David and Aaron invite Nicolette to move back in with them at No. 32 – where the whole crazy adventure first began.

It’s a bold move, inviting in the woman who took away their child and presented them with a complete stranger’s baby to look after!

Yet forgiving Nicolette is the only way that the boys can see to move forward; it’s the only way that they’ll get to bond with the real Isla. Will the four of them under the same roof work out?

Not only are the boys struggling to bond with Isla, but they’re struggling to let go of Abigail.

In next Thursday’s episode, as they head to meet up with Nicolette at No. 24, they hear Abigail’s cries coming from Terese’s house. Hating hearing their baby upset, Aaron desperately wants to go in and see what’s up.

David assures him that babies cry, it’s normal, and reminds him that they’re meant to be going to spend time with Nicolette and Isla, but Aaron struggles to drag himself away.

Ignoring David’s pleas, he runs in to find Terese struggling to look after Abigail while taking an urgent work call from Sheila, and she happily hands over the baby. The joyful look on Aaron’s face says it all, as he cradles Abigail lovingly.

Terese is forced to leave to deal with an emergency at The Waterhole, so leaves the doting uncles with the baby. Although Terese isn’t sure that Britney will be okay with the arrangement, she has no choice.

Yet over at No. 24, Nicolette sits and waits patiently for the daddies to turn up. She’s surprised that they’re running late considering they’ve missed out on so many weeks with their real daughter. She thought they were finally about to turn a page and begin their “new normal”.

Eventually, they text her letting her know that they’re “still a while away,” hiding the fact that they’re just one door over at Terese’s house.

When Leo and Britney arrive back home unexpectedly, Britney isn’t happy to find that Terese has left her baby with her uncles. She makes her feelings very clear, including to Terese: “you were meant to be looking after my baby, not palming her off to these two.”

She orders David and Aaron out, ignoring Aaron’s pleas that they just wanted to spend some time with her.

Soon after, she tells Leo that it’s all too much.

She can’t connect with her baby, and she can’t deal with David and Aaron’s attachment. “The problem is, no matter how hard I try, this just isn’t my home. I don’t think I can bond with my baby here.”

She raises a fair point – David and Aaron love Abigail, and as long as they’re in Erinsborough, the boys will see her as their daughter.

It leads to Leo making a heart-wrenching call to his brother, as he explains that he, Britney and Abigail are going to move back to New York together.

The baby that David and Aaron thought was their own is about to be snatched from their lives once again, and taken hundreds of miles away.

After weeks of caring for Abigail, will David and Aaron be able to let go and focus their efforts on their real baby? And how will Nicolette feel now that Isla is second best?

These episodes will air from Monday 11th October.

Here’s the full spoilers for next week’s Neighbours in the UK:

Monday 11th October (8707)

Leo and Britney agree to work things out between them, but the cracks in their dynamic quickly begin to show.

David and Aaron struggle to bond with Isla and a different option is laid on the table by David.

Hendrix convinces himself he’s dying of cancer, despite not being tested further.

Tuesday 12th October (8708)

It’s Amy’s first night in her own apartment, but it turns out to be a disappointing fizzer, rather than a fun celebration with her boyfriends.

Mackenzie brings Karl and Susan up to speed on Hendrix’s decision to leave school.

Melanie expertly deals with an awkward question from Nell, leaving Toadie even more enamoured with her.

Seeking distraction, Hendrix ropes Roxy into a night out that eventually turns ugly.

Wednesday 13th October (8709)

Roxy winds up with a twisted ankle after her night out with Hendrix.

When Karl can’t find the prize money Melanie said she left on his table, he accuses her of pulling a swifty.

Levi and Ned feel terrible about leaving Amy alone on the first night in her new place and decide to throw her a housewarming party.

Thursday 14th October (8710)

The prospect that there were three in Amy’s bed drives Sheila wild and leads her to gossip about it, leaving Amy deeply uncomfortable.

Aaron and David offer to babysit Abigail while Terese deals with an issue at The Waterhole, but it doesn’t sit well with Leo and Britney when they return home.

Friday 15th October (8711)

Aaron and David are glad to hear that Nicolette will be moving into No. 32, giving them a small reprieve from the news that Leo and Britney are leaving with Abigail.

After seeing Chloe wearing the engagement ring, Nicolette makes it clear for a final time that she wants to be left alone.

Paul invites Jesse to Melbourne to help win Terese back, but he doesn’t receive the intended response.