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2023 Season - UK Episode Discussion

Dan F

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I hope Tane and Felcity don’t end up together again and I hope they either get some different stories if not I hope their contacts are neat their end because they are really boring me beyond belief now 


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Finally scene the ep; I loved the scene with Mac and Tane, that kind of knowing protective knowing, the way he was almost like a shield for her, noticed that Mali seemed a bit put out.

I'm glad Cash put Felicity straight, it's about time she got a reality check; she's an adult and when you make decsions you own them, especially if you lie. Sadly, I don't doubt she'll revert to spoiled brat again in the blink of an eye.

I think Alf was the right person to talk to Tane at that moment, it's true that at one time and even still now sometimes, men are subconciously trained never to reveal feelings but it isn't a good thing always, especially with something as big as this.

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We saw that defib you mentioned Dan F, I didn't think it had been there that long.  I know we 'see' things without seeing them if you know what I mean.  I guess TPTB decide to place it there between the loos just in time for Mac to have her heart attack so Cash could rush down and get it. 

Good team work between Xander and Cash.  It was all well co-ordinated but rather than Flick just asking people to give Mac room wouldn't it have been better that she closed SALT.  It wouldn't have been comfortable I would have thought to have lunch when one of the owners had collapsed and been rushed to hospital.  Flick's not entirely heartless or self centered, well wasn't until she got to the hospital then focused on Tane instead of Mac. That was definitely NOT the time or place to try and push him into a deep and meaningful conversation about their marriage.  It took everyone by surprise that a young fit and healthy woman like Mac  can suddenly have what appeared to be a heart attack.  Bree seemed very confused about her symptoms so guessing  that is why Dr.  Fowler has rocked up. Lovely that Mali and Tane were there for Mac,  and she was conscious enough to say that Dean shouldn't be told just yet.  Unlike Leah she made the decision. Bree rightly told Flick to keep the noise down as there are other patients there.   

Didn't Rose tell Cash that the suspension board said if the emergency wasn't his he had no excuse not to turn up.  I suppose that is why Cash flew into Felicity  when he took her home.

I can't see why Mac would be concerned Dana was looking after her, she didn't do anything wrong did she?  She seemed very competent, what a first shift that was for her. 

That was a nice little conversation between Alf and Tane, he wasn't pushy just saying how it was for men like him and we all know how Alf can be, look at his recent reluctance to admit he had hearing problems, to talk to people about their feelings. 

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I spent most of the episode dying to know what exactly was wrong with Mackenzie.

I'm off the same believe as pembie that Felicity/Tane shouldn't be together.  I actually sympathise more with her than I do with him though and it seems as though most people are against her.  Tane himself refuses to engage with her, even if to formally try to end the marriage.  Xander was pretty disgusted with her after Mackenzie was taken away by the paramedics even though he knew damn well Mackenzie probably had an underlying health condition.  Whilst he was trying to be there for Felicity, Cash blames her for the state of the marriage.  Even Mackenzie didn't want her around when she came to see her at the hospital although I don't think Felicity should have acted the way she did screaming at Tane.  I am wondering if she is right and that Mackenzie doesn't really see her as a true friend, well she definitely doesn't regard her as highly as she does Tane.

The main positive is that we are getting to see more scenes with Rose and Cash albeit not really under very good circumstances.

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Slade, I think Flick is definitely more of a 'mate', a great person to have around when times are good but useless with the deep stuff, doesn't mean Mac wouldn't care about her though but then I think everyone does; I know I have friends who we know when the chips are down we'll be there but also people who I tell if times are good but know darned well I couldn't count them for the former, it isn't necarassily a bad thing but can be awkward.

I'm half expecting Tane to end up in the cardiac ward next to Mackenzie the rate he's going, though excerise is safer and healthier than his other choice of palate cleanser; he looks totally exhausted both physically and mentally (kudos make up team!). I think he does need someone to talk to, who can be objective because yes, although he isn't talking to Felicity right now, I think he needs someone to help him decide if he can learn to trust Felicity again, as it's not the first time she's given him the runaround, and learn to forgive if he wants to, because often the thing that kills the marriage is when bad decisions are weaponised in later disagreements.

It's a shame Cash was penalised for his heroics though, I could've understood it if it had been what he'd been there for originally as in getting Flick home to the naughty step yet again, but not for saving a life, well co-saving.

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23 hours ago, Foellfan said:

There are the friends you can lean on and the friends that will only ever lean on you'; I think that's Flick in a nutshell in a sense, she can make anyone's disaster about her and her feelings.

I think there have definitely been times Mackenzie (and others) could lean on Felicity, Mackenzie's meltdowns over Gabe while Felicity was the one keeping things together being probably the most recent example. This is possibly the first time they've been in crisis at the same time!

Talking of...Felicity did seem to keep going down that same road with her interrogation of Mali, but fortunately his words seem to have caused her to take a step back and realise she can't keep dragging people into the middle. I'm glad Mali kept her updated. It's a shame she didn't feel able to visit Mackenzie: I actually think going with Mali, so she could wait outside and send him in to see if Mackenzie wanted to see her, would have been the best option. She did get to talk to Tane although she was pretty much banging her head against the wall...but I get the distinct feeling that for all his "I don't care" mantra, it's taking a lot of effort for Tane to go on hating her. I wish the show hadn't done this to them and had just let them be together and happy.

Mackenzie is...alive, and seemingly has a diagnosis, but despite the surgery going well, Levi didn't seem entirely convinced that it's all over. Dana encountered the old being-trapped-in-a-lift-with-a-new-colleague problem. Or an old colleague, as it turns out, but his handling of her past says a lot for him. Oh, and Harper has a job too now! Other than following Tane around asking if he's all right, that is...

Well, Alf finds himself in the unusual position of having to defend John, which is the first time in a long while that we've seen any real hint of respect beneath the sniping.

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🎶The Tane and Felicity Shooow🎶

Me: *lets off several rounds into the TV*

Did a 3 ep catch up (Cinema Fri, Great Uncle Funeral Yesterday) and yeah ugh at those two. Cash got points for telling little Sister Home Truths. 

Mac gets a storyline but is still pretty much a plot key in someone else's.

*Alf impression* "Man Bun told Daddy and now Palmer's in more Strife than Flash Flamin' Gordon!"

Unsure about Levi tbf. Last Doc I took to was Christian. 

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Both Flick and Mac have been there for each other, Flick bailed Mac out when she was having financial troubles with the suggestion she go for the illegal gaming, but that backfired on her as she go in too deep so Flick had to buy into the business.  Flick has also been there for her after Mac found out about Gabe, she looked after the place when Mac went to see Dean & Ziggy.  Mac looked after the place when Flick was in hospital after getting caught in the car when it exploded, and she  was there for her after her rape. It must, though, be very confusing for the staff not always knowing who is in charge - Felicity, Mac or even sometimes Xander. Felicity has stepped in this time, although it could so she is being kept occupied.  Her interrogation of Mali didn't go as planned as he very wisely didn't go there and we know he can be  a rubbish liar. 

I thought it was a very wise decision for her not to visit Mac just yet, give it  a few days, though I think Mali despite her saying don't mention  I said anything will say Flick asked after you.   

Tane can't keep hiding away from her though she does need to calm herself down as her over dramatics doesn't help to have a reasonable conversation.  At least he's knocking seven bells of hell out of a punch bag rather than a wall or another person.  He does still love her because it wouldn't be hurting so much.  

Before all this debacle they were  a good couple, very happy together.   

OK Harper's  now got  a position as Social Worker at NDH, handy eh?  But no need to go charging in trying to browbeat Tane into talking to you, let him know you are there if he need/wants to talk and back off a bit.  The fact she doesn't know either of them very well of them will help so she's not biased in anyway, but she will only get his version of things. 

Mac came through the op OK as of course she would as Levi is the best at what he does, aren't they always.🙄  A torn artery which caused a blood clot though he was unable to say what could have caused it.  I'm no expert of course, unlike Levi, but I don't think it was entirely down to her and Flick's rows. 

Harper caught on pretty quick about Dana being evasive about the new doc and that she did know him from St. Christopher's but of course he being a top surgeon wouldn't remember a  humble nurse.  Oh but he did - her burbling on about her being  the nurse who nicked the drugs  but she didn't and hadn't nicked anything and has been cleared off all charges.  Then his comment  about people talked about you for weeks which I hope was meant to be  a wind up. 

I wondered if that was a first for Alf being  in John's corner.  John maybe a doofus at times but he does know what he is doing Life saving lessons wise. Banjo was even more of a delicate flower than I thought he was, went running to daddy crying about  that nasty man who spoke harshly to him.  Spoilt little rich kid.   The committee have very short memories that Alf has just been honoured for his 30 years of loyal service to  the Surf Club just cos Banjo's dad is threatening to withdraw his money from their coffers as his little boy has been upset.  I bet he really laid it on.  Alf's been put in an awful position, having to ask John to step down, even if he isn't his biggest fan,  as he's been overruled. 

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There is a certain satisfaction in watching John bite back at Alf: All those months or years of mistreatment mean John can't trust Alf is on his side, even though he probably is. I'm glad Irene and Roo were supporting him anyway, much good that it did. I am tempted at this moment to wonder if Banjo actually knows how far his father is taking this: At the moment, he seems like the biggest bully of them all.

Tane finally had an honest conversation about his feelings for Felicity.Even though they seemed to decide otherwise, I do wonder if he's letting his hurt cloud his judgement and make him forget all the good things about them.He's rewriting history a bit when he says he's been fighting for their relationship since he and Felicity met: There was a time in the early days when he didn't want anything more to do with her.

I must admit it took me a while to remember that Theo and Kirby are writing a song for the wedding.We also get a first reminder in ages of Justin's community service and anger management, although it seems the last one's over. That phone call didn't sound good, although the promo quickly shows it's not that bad!

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