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Guest Nathan

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Oh. I didn't realise it wasn't on this week. Thanks for pointing that out. I'm sure I'll be outraged about it later, but right now I'm just greatful that I have time to prepare myself.

Christmas can't come fast enough. I'll need season 2 for sure to get through this.

Seven sux.

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I think it's just been postponed until after Christmas.

The season is still going, it's just been split into two volumes. I'm sure they'll continue it shortly after Christmas... Although I'm that bored thanks to my large uni break that I may just end up watching them on the net within the next few days...

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I'm really annoyed with what they're doing with Sylar's character.

It was great development, that he was a Petrelli and how he was beginning to turn good. Well not exactly good, but he lost his evil vibe... Since that last ep where he killed Elle, it just made no sense, only to say that people never change. He was moving forward, and the writters just killed everything that he did in the last twelve episodes.

It may just be me, but I'm not liking him reverting back to his formal self. Yeah, I liked him in seasons one and two as the bad guy, but he was evolving, and now he's just back to where he started.

That really annoyed me as well. The writers had set things up perfectly. We see this future in four years where some characters are somewhat different. We se the present now and so the remainder is not if but how? I was really looking forward to seeing how characters such as Claire and Sylar changed and now it looks like as though they might follow a different path.

All of this indicates some sort of chemical biology that could make hypothetical sense if you stretched your mind far enough and suspended enough disbelief, but then everyone's powers - "natural," engeneered, contracted, and injected - went away, not just in conjunction with an eclipse but because of it. That makes no sense to me whatsoever

Yes there is no scientific explanation for that (whether it be science fiction or science-fact). The only thing I can think of would be something out of the paranormal but surely that would contradict everything.

One of the things I like about Hero’s is that they have an established plot-line. They know where they are going and they don’t drag things out. I really hope that they don’t become like Lost and effectively start changing things and making them up as they go along.

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  • 4 weeks later...

OK, I guess I jumped the gun with that tirade, it wasn't as bad as I'd expected.

But that was excellent. Actually, the entire volume has been excellent, if not up the standards of the entirely flawless Volume 1. But I think it's lost a bit of what I'd call the "Hyperlink TV" quality that I loved in the first few episodes. Still, the Hiro-Claire interaction was good, given that they'd never met before.

Every scene with Sylar was awesome, but I've never considered him redeemable, and nothing short of a 20 year prison sentence and/or a heroic sacrifice (even if he didn't stay dead) would convince me of it. I like though that he has clearer limits than he did in season 1 - he cared as much about saving Peter from becoming a killer as he did about killing Arthur. On the other hand, we don't know how many people he killed in that office.

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Well, they claim that next week is the season finale, but Channel 7 has been known to throw that term around before.

I'm disappointed about Elle, but I love that Sylar used her power. I love it when I want something to happen, and I can feel it coming, and then it comes and it's happening ^_^

I think Noah should have shot Claire, lol. It's not like he woulda hurt her, it just would have been amusing. She looked a bit crazy doting over that baby... I wouldn't have left her alone with it. She looked like she was likely to tuck it under her arm and do a runner.

Hiro was gorgeous. I'm glad he got to tell his mum about his life :)

Matt didn't get enough air-time, and what air-time he did have didn't show him in a good light. The guy says "I'll just go get the sketchbook," and Matt doesn't pick up that the next part of that thought is, "and then I'll hop on my bike and leave you losers in my dust!"? Silly Matt.

Where the hell is Molly? Seriously. I've been watching season two for the past few days, you know, when Matt and Mohinder were actually parents? I know Mo said something about dumping her on someone early on this season, but a little follow-up would be nice. I want to know where their girl is already! Come to think of it, if Sylar's back on a killing spree, shouldn't he want to know where Molly is too? You'd think so, but he never seems all that fussed on having the inherent ability to find whoever he wants, whenever he wants. Stupid Molly-hating people who are keeping her out of the series <_<

I'd also like to see Micah, but at least both his parents are dead, and not main characters who are constantly in the spotlight but never seem to care where their child is >.<

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I hated that episode and I hate Sylar even more than I did before. Elle was one of my favourite characters and now they have simply reverted back to the typical weekly episode of Sylar killing someone and steeling their powers to satisfy his craving, which I feel is becoming a bit tiresome now. I thought they were going to try and move on from that. They had built up a relationship between Sylar and Elle a few episodes back, they appeared to bond and there was a possible future there. And they were trying to explore a different side to his character. So basically all the hard work at the beginning of the season i.e. showing us a future that looked very interesting with regard to certain people has been undone. I have to say though, the part when he said “Goodbye Elle”, burnt her body and you could see the reflection of the flames in his eyes was done very well.

I did actually really like the scene with Hiro and his mother as well. I guess you could say it was a chance for him to say goodbye properly.

I’m so glad Arthur Petrelli got what was coming to him (although did Sylar have to be the one to do it?). I still don’t get Sylar. If he knew that Peter wasn’t his brother why even bother trying to spare him the anguish of killing his father. That seemed pretty genuine too. Also why didn’t he go after the Hatian? I thought Arthur Petrelli was interesting initially but then in the end he seemed to be basically doing the same thing as Sylar and Peter, i.e. taking other people’s powers.

In regards to Molly the last I remember seeing her was in Suresh’s apartment I believe (right near the end of the second season). Sylar had just shot Maya and he was about to shoot Suresh and Molly then Elle burst in and tried to zap him and he got away with the formula. The one which saved Maya and returned Sylar's powers – “I’m back.”

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