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Where the hell is Molly? Seriously. I've been watching season two for the past few days, you know, when Matt and Mohinder were actually parents? I know Mo said something about dumping her on someone early on this season, but a little follow-up would be nice. I want to know where their girl is already! Come to think of it, if Sylar's back on a killing spree, shouldn't he want to know where Molly is too? You'd think so, but he never seems all that fussed on having the inherent ability to find whoever he wants, whenever he wants. Stupid Molly-hating people who are keeping her out of the series <_<

I'd also like to see Micah, but at least both his parents are dead, and not main characters who are constantly in the spotlight but never seem to care where their child is >.<

Unfortunately, I don't think we're going to see either of them any time soon, because, when they first appeared, it was October 2006, and it's now only April 2007, according to this timeline, but over two years later for the actors. It's the same problem they had with Walt on Lost, before they started flashforwards. Hopefully, they'll skip ahead a couple of years next season.

I really want to know what happened to Monica, her power was awesome.

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After a disappointing episode previously I felt they redeemed themselves with that one. With both Pinehearst and Primatek burnt to a cinder, almost all evidence of any genetic engineering/experiments by both companies wiped out and Nathan Petrelli blatantly backstabbing former allies/family it seems as though they’ve set things up perfectly to develop new storylines and take some of the characters in different directions. It’s interesting now because Sylar has been a fugitive for a lot of his time but virtually all the other characters with powers are now in the same situation. I’m assuming he will survive because he took Claire’s power of invincibility so he can’t be killed, which means there could be a situation where he may find that he will have to stop killing people because he will have no choice but cooperate with some of them to avoid being captured and locked up like he was before. I can’t wait to see how things will pan out now.

I don’t understand why Claire didn’t try and help her mother. Couldn’t they have knocked her out or at least given her something to put her to sleep.

And Peter’s got his powers back which means he will be just as unstoppable (even more so) as Sylar is.

I actually think we will see Micah because he was there at the beginning of the season when he met Tracy Straus and at the end when Nathan was going through everybody’s files with the president you saw Micah’s prop up.

Monica? She wasn’t Micah’s cousin the one that could imitate any physical action she saw?

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Molly was a great addition in S1 and S2, and I certainly missed her not being in Volume 3. Im just hoping we get to see her in Volume 4. It would be cool to see Monica again but I read a interview somehwere not long ago, that she had no intention of returning to the show anytime soon because there was no where for her to go in the plot. But considering how Volume 4 is going to go down, she could easily be onvolved again now.

The woman that Hiro fell in love with back in Japan was meant to feature in Volume 3, but due to the writers strike it all changed. I wonder if she will ever feature, possibly in Volume 4.

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  • 3 months later...

That was awesome. That was just awesome. Awesome I tell you!! Matt and Mo, together at last ^_^ And now with Daphne out of the way (may she rest in peace), their love affair can resume as usual. Sure, Matt will be angry and remorseful at first, but Mo will gently remind him how he never needed Daphne, everything he ever needed was right here all along... :wub:

Then they'll go rescue Molly from Nathan, since he's clearly using her to find the Heroes <_<

Meanwhile, Sylar and his new pet boy will be having their own mischievous shenanigans. Torturing and killing people, stealing cars, getting some answers. Oh the fun they'll have! ^_^

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A friend and I were discussing the deterioration of Storm's accent in the X-Men movies. My friend said that Halle Berry did have a "half-assed" African accent in the first movie, but by the Last Stand (which we were watching, and therefore discussing), it was plain old American. Which is no fun at all. So I said, "She could have at least gone British with it. Sendhil Ramamurthy would have kicked her ass as Storm." And that's how this occurred...


Make any joke you want, you KNOW he looks good.

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Nathan. Must. DIE :angry:!

Mohinder, Matt, Peter... there are no words... I'm choking on my own rage here!! >__<

I understand the frustration because it does appear as though Nathan has backstabbed his nearest and dearest. He slept with Traci Strauss and saved her life. Peter’s obviously his brother and I remember when he was about to explode (or implode) at the end of the first season and he risked his life and flew him away from everybody (I'm not sure what happened after that as I missed the start of the second season). And I always thought he got on pretty well with Suresh. However I honestly believe it’s a case of him doing the wrong thing for the right reasons. I think it would probably been better to have let sleeping dogs lie but he felt as though he had no alternative. Better he finds them and keeps them out of harms way before someone else finds them and experiments on them or even kills them. Hell even Noah Bennett can see where he's coming from.

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Awwwww! Sywar wuvs his widdle boyeee :wub:

(^Yes, I did intend that to be so annoying :P)

I hope they're not brothers. The boy is so obviously waiting for Sylar to make a man out of him. As am I :)

I love the song Psycho Killer...

I am soooo happy that Matt and Mo and Peter are all together. Matt and Mo are my boys, but Peter is just gravy :D

One question though, if all their accounts and identities and such have been frozen, how the hell did Ando and Hiro get to India?

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