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Harry Potter - love or hate it?

Guest freakybuffy

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That actually makes sense! I though I had been so smart to figure out the stuff I have figured out, but I just seem stupid next to you! I can't wait to read the last book!

And I have also been thinking that Draco actually haven't played an important part. I mean, he could be there just as a character to spoil Harry's plans and be a real pain, but his character just seemes a bit too big to just be that. He's gotta have something more to do with everything...

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So if you go by my theory, that would mean that it was really Dumbledore who was yelling at Harry when he was escaping with Draco. And you're thinking, why would Dumbledore yell at Harry? Well, I think that Harry was badmouthing Snape at the time. I would therefore think that Dumbledore (in possession of a younger, more spirited body) would be offended by the fact that Harry had no idea what kind of a sacrifice the real Snape had just made, and was talking crap about things he didn't understand. That probably just confuses matters, but I felt like I needed to explain that :P

But then, that begs the question... who is the Half-blood prince? Snape or Dumbledore...?

Okay, now I'm confusing myself. I should go to bed. And then start reading the book again tomorrow :P

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Someone said earlier about Dumbledore going to the toilet while visiting Slughorn with Harry. This was an excuse to get Harry and Slughorn alone so that Harry could persuade Slughorn to return to Hogworts.

That's what I thought too, but it could have been more to it than just that...

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I agree with Liam. I also think that Dumbledore didn't die. I think that he and Snape traded places via polyjuice and therefore Snape is dead. I think the reason "Dumbledore's" arm went all gooey was because Snape made the pact with Narcissa (?) and that fire thing went all up his arm... am I remembering this right? It's late... anyways, I specifically remember "Dumbledore" going to the bathroom at that guy's house. Who goes to the bathroom in a book for no reason? No one, that's who. Which makes me think he went in there to take the polyjuice potion. I also think that's why he didn't try to defend himself against Draco, because he made the pact to say that he wouldn't let anything happen to him. He can't very well curse Draco after saying that, can he?

but then why could harry see Dumbledore in the picture frame at the end of last book? i really hope you are right i think the 2 characters that are going to die is ginny and snape or if your theory is right ginny and lupin.

Here's a theory if we go for the switching theory: The half blood prince is Snape (the real Snape) but the last horocrux is Dumbledore, and that's why he "is" Snape, so Voldemort wouldn't go for him.

that's a great thoery.

So if you go by my theory, that would mean that it was really Dumbledore who was yelling at Harry when he was escaping with Draco. And you're thinking, why would Dumbledore yell at Harry? Well, I think that Harry was badmouthing Snape at the time. I would therefore think that Dumbledore (in possession of a younger, more spirited body) would be offended by the fact that Harry had no idea what kind of a sacrifice the real Snape had just made, and was talking crap about things he didn't understand. That probably just confuses matters, but I felt like I needed to explain that

can anyone remember what he said? maybe it was all in code and it will get explained in book 7

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