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On ‎09‎/‎02‎/‎2018 at 15:02, Slade said:

From my perspective I was pretty much proven right as IMO Billie exhibited extremely selfish, manipulative and deceitful behaviour with regards to VJ and the pregnancy.

Is it unreasonable to hate that she lied to and deceived VJ and Leah?

I'm not trying to be personal and as 630i says, we're drifting off topic but... You expressed similar viewpoints at the time, that you were unhappy when the show started portraying Billie as nice, for want of a better word, in the (rather lengthy) period between her lie about Nate being exposed and her lying about the baby's father (which I fully accept is a viewpoint I've expressed about other characters so I can't really chide you for it), then felt vindicated when she messed up again.To respond to harrietjames' comment earlier, I don't think Billie had a plan when she claimed VJ was the father, it seemed to be nothing more than a snap decision that snowballed: She didn't want to admit to the rape with her history, he was the only other person she'd been with in about a year, it was the easiest thing to say in the circumstances.I don't think she was being manipulative or self-serving as Razabaza says.More than once she contemplated confessing the truth and walking away from the situation.Personally, on the whole, I think she brought more good to VJ's life than bad, but I'm aware there are others who think she ruined his life.But ironically, I think Luc was to VJ what Mick wanted her to be for him, someone who gave him something to live for.But we are drifting into areas more suited to Character Discussion threads.Fact is, Billie's long gone.I could sympathise with and like her despite her doing things I disagreed with, others felt those acts made her impossible to like.I guess none of us are going to change our opinions now.

Alf's episode count this week:Four.

Roo really needs to wake up.She's being too soft on Ryder, Alf's being too hard on him and actually I think Quinn handled it well.Roo not getting medical help, I suspect so Ryder wouldn't feel bad, was bordering on suicidal and has just made things worse.According to the credits that was Anna Griffin treating her although weirdly the actress wasn't credited even though the character was, a glitch that is turning up quite a lot at the moment: At the very least she's dyed her hair since she last appeared and even studying shots from old episodes I can't quite tell if it's her.On vague subject of which, is Lara Cox attempting an American accent?If she is, it's subtle.And yes, having turned 14 just a few months ago, jumped up to 15 during Brody's trial and then gone back to 14 again straightaway, Raffy has now jumped up to 15 again...and this was from her, not a prosecutor who might not have checked his facts.

Personal bias at work here(although to coin a phrase, I simply dislike him for his actions), but even though I suspect we were meant to be on Hunter's side, I thought he was a jerk.I can understand him not being comfortable seeing Olivia around Axel, but he seemed to go out of his way to ruin her night and embarrass her in front of people whose opinion mattered to her.Mason was the saving grace again:I loved his "Okay, I'll come to stop you doing that" after Hunter says he wants to punch Axel, and the subtle way he noted he's not ready to start dating again.

Dredging up old arguments again, but I always thought Andy's actions might have been less distasteful if he'd shown just a hint of remorse rather than having everyone act as though killing Jake made him a hero. So... I'm rather liking the portrayal of Robbo, who's obviously churned up and haunted by his role in Novak's death however it happened, and by his potential role in a lot more that he can't even remember.It makes it easier to relate to him.

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3 hours ago, 630si said:

I was thinking too, could Leah be stopped when she returns and questioned. Presuming law enforcement are involved?

More so, if there were kidnapping charges involved, I would think, Rather than an injunction that became enforceable after they left. (Ignoring that H&A law doesn't always follow actual Australian Law)

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On 2/9/2018 at 18:06, Razabaza said:

Disliking Billie is just as justifiable as disliking any other character.

Preach it!


On 2/9/2018 at 19:46, Red Ranger 1 said:

I'm not trying to be personal and as 630i says, we're drifting off topic but... You expressed similar viewpoints at the time, that you were unhappy when the show started portraying Billie as nice, for want of a better word, in the (rather lengthy) period between her lie about Nate being exposed and her lying about the baby's father (which I fully accept is a viewpoint I've expressed about other characters so I can't really chide you for it), then felt vindicated when she messed up again.

I believe I said something along the lines of her being nice wasn't consistent with the psychotic nature she showed previously especially with regards to Nate.  As she hadn't received treatment for very long.  People with deep rooted problems such as hers can take years to resolve presumably with some form of counseling/psychotherapy.  Whilst not as bad as him you can use the same analogy for Mick with regards to him receiving treatment and his apparent change.  Although I would imagine any program he would undertake could last decades, possibly even longer.  Not sure if you are suggesting that I'm contradicting myself because I don't think I am.  I believed that she was a certain way, mentioned that she was inconsistent when the writers changed her and even if you do feel that I felt 'vindicated' that she went back to how I thought she was before I don't see how that disproves that I was right because from my perspective she did revert to type.

BTW - I won't be going into the character discussion thread to continue this as I mentioned in my previous post I would like to try and avoid that section of the forum as to not encounter spoilers.  And even if I did I see no point in starting a new discussion there given this one has not really progressed which was to be expected.

Again frustrated with Roo being so pro Ryder and the fact that she refused to go to hospital after he hit her because she didn't want him to get into any trouble or make a big thing about it.  Putting aside her loyalty we've seen that it's turned out to be a very bad decision as she presumably has serious internal damage.  I was glad Alf had a go at him (although he was acting as though Ryder did it deliberately).  Wasn't sure what to make of his calm approach later on.  And Quinn obviously agreed with Alf's original stance.  Thinking about it, whilst she was probably trying to be honest I do think it was quite harsh saying Ryder ruined her life and I guess it makes his actions more understandable even if I don't agree with what he did and for the most part just see him as a nuisance.  I'm not happy about Roo and I hope she's OK but I do think Ryder really needs to face up to what he's done and understand that actions have consequences.

Hunter should not have gone to the party Axel invited Olivia to.  He only did it just to keep an eye on them and he only succeeded in making himself look bad.  I still don't trust Axel but he did seem to be going out of his way to help Olivia and get her foot in the door so to speak.  The conversation with the woman that they introduced Hunter too was cringeworthy.  I disagreed with Axel that Hunter was being childish.  He was drunk yes but Axel kissed his girlfriend so it's perfectly reasonable for Hunter to confront him about it.  I guess it just wasn't the right time or place.  Mason seemed to believe that Axel was playing mind games (And we still have acknowledgement that Mason isn't over Beth).  I do quite like the friendship with Hunter and Mason.  I wasn't sure if they would be suited but with VJ gone who else is he going to be friends with?  (Although that does make me wonder if Ryder is going to stick around who are they going to pal him up with).  It's funny given Hunter and Mason were enemies before although VJ was even more of an enemy than Mason was and they ended up being pretty close.

So Robbo planting Novak's phone in the truck hasn't worked out as Kat is still fearful.  Will be interesting to see what happens with that next week.

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I'm with Red as far as Billie and her saying the baby was VJ's, as far as I can remember she didn't know she was already pregnant  when she and VJ first slept together it was the scan that showed that and apart from the other reasons for not crying rape, don't forget she didn't know who it was then, the thought of carrying and bearing a child conceived by rape is a lot for a woman to take on. She said a couple of times, to Phoebe, Oscar and Nate the reason she hadn't reported it was because of what she accused Nate of. She did contemplate leaving, she'd even left a note for VJ saying she was leaving.  That of course is my opinion and I respect others have their opinion which going by the continuing debate we are never going to agree on.

Although I still think he has a hidden agenda I have to say Axel did act with respect towards Olivia at the party, though maybe that was part of it, to make Hunter look paranoid in front of Olivia.  His answer about getting mixed messages from Olivia when Hunter told him he knew he had tried to hit on her didn't help matters and make Hunter feel reassured.  Hunter went with Olivia for two reasons one to support her and two to keep an eye on Axel. Good job Mason did go with him and keep him calm, Hunter did the right thing leaving when he did so not that  drunk. It is a different world Olivia is mixing in now and I'm not altogether sure she's that comfortable in it yet. Lovely dress she wore. Touching comment by Mason he wasn't ready to date yet.

Ryder wasn't even aware he'd hit Roo and no-one could force her to go to  hospital, it seems to me anyway, she may have walked into the side of the car,Alf understandably blew up at Ryder, his daughter had just been hit by a car, wouldn't have mattered who was behind the wheel. Wasn't sure about that apology from Quinn, saying you wasn't meant to have heard that remark, how was that going to make him feel better.  Now it appears they are going home hence him doing a runner, not knowing of course Roo is now in hospital.  I'm guessing as it was Raffy who with him at the Stewart house is why he decided to let her know he was going. Btw Coco is going to be sad VJ has gone.

According to her bio Raffy won't be 15 until June.  Which brings me to Coco and Ziggy both have been 19 and 16 since they joined, are either of them due a birthday anytime soon, Ziggy being 20 would be a big deal I would have thought.

Robbo has got to feel incredibly guilty, he knows Novak won't be coming back but has to keep reassuring Kat she's safe from him with no way of telling why he knows that. Kat's now back on edge despite Robbo's assurance he won't get to her and the police will protect her and he'd be stupid to come back, it didn't stop him last time did it?  I suppose that is why he keeps going off on his walks/runs. Seeing as Robbo has to be a professional in getting rid of bodies surprising Raffy and Mason happen to stumble across it.  No doubt the STF will be back in town to investigate and try and work out how his phone was in Melbourne and his body in the bay in more ways than one.


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Now up to date with the last couple of weeks, and what a perfect way to end VJ's time on Home & Away. I was never truly happy with Ash becoming Luc's guardian, and the fact that there was no real final showdown with Mick here was oddly apt - just Irene talking him to sleep at the other end of the beach. It's reflective of the fact that Mick never really stood a chance of being Luc's father, and rightly so; VJ is who Billie wanted Luc to be with, who she was always meant to be with. It was not only the right end for Luc, but also a wonderful bookend to VJ's character arc. Recasts are always contentious and I think this one particularly so because of the age leap - but I think it's a testament to how well Matt made the role his own that the audience has become so invested in him.  And as the icing on the cake - lovely to finally see a seaplane flight that didn't go down in flames. :lol:

Nonetheless, I was pleased to see that Alf stuck to his word about getting Mick sorted with a job, when he could have easily washed his hands of Mick with Luc safely out of harm's way. It was also good that Irene went with him to get him settled; I think it's crystal clear from Lynne's acting that Mick still makes Irene's skin crawl, but nonetheless in putting that aside to help him, it makes it clear she's the better person. I wasn't so keen on Alf suggesting the prospect of Luc tracking down Mick one day; I don't think that would be helpful for anyone, and I hope that VJ will be honest with Luc (when she's old enough to fully understand) about how she was conceived, as well as who by. IMO, that will make it fairly unlikely that she would want to locate him.

Quinn doesn't seem to be the kind of character one naturally warms to, although I must say I was appalled at the way Roo was constantly laying into her with her auntie-knows-best routine. Sure, I didn't disagree with Roo that the way Quinn talks to and about Ryder isn't particularly healthy - but they've obviously struggled a lot on their own, and it isn't for Roo just to breeze in and start issuing parenting diktats. I feel like she's usually more diplomatic than this, too - but instead it was left to Alf to be the more reasonable one. As far as Ryder's concerned, I get that what he overheard hurt, but equally, nicking a car and nearly killing someone with it isn't easily excusable behaviour. Maybe he'll get diagnosed with a non-ADHD condition but more likely IMO, we'll learn as things progress that the night terrors are the result of a specific childhood trauma.

I'm not sure what to make of the development that Kat is pregnant with Ash's baby. Kat has enough drama going on with Robbo, and I'm kind of sharing Tori's concern that we're going to end up back at square one with this. Tellingly, Ash failed to pass a round of Look Me In The Eye - the H&A writers' age-old favourite barometer of honesty - which suggests to me that he also tacitly accepts the possibility that he might find himself falling for Kat again, despite his later words of reassurance to Tori. I really hope that won't be the case; I didn't like Kat and Ash as a couple, whereas I have enjoyed Ash and Tori much more, as I feel she brings out the best in him. And I did feel a lot of sympathy for Tori too; I don't think she should lose points for having encouraged Kat to tell Ash about the paternity even though it was potentially detrimental to her own relationship. If anything, she wins points.

Definitely warming to Willow - the way she's written makes her difficult to dislike, in honesty - although as with Scarlett before her, I'm worried she's going to be stuck in a figurative car boot with Justin forever in storyline terms, and not really integrate with the rest of the Bay. That's assuming she's intended as a permanent fixture, although I've no idea whether that's actually the case. Don't mind Brody and Ziggy getting closer again, and if it annoys Ben, all the better. Good to see Mason playing a lighter supporting role in all of the above after all his recent dramas, and I do enjoy his character especially when used in that capacity.

Nothing much to say about Olivia, as usual. Axel's clearly a piece of work in my book, albeit very good at laying on the charm. But then, Olivia isn't behaving entirely innocently either, and the storyline is also reawakening the latent jerk in Hunter - so I'm left in the position of not really caring about any of those involved.

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