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I know it looks bad for her with Robbo but Kat really should take a look at the main positive in this.  Novak turning up dead is a good thing as far as she's concerned given that he would stop at nothing to kill her.

It felt like both Mason and Justin were very patronising towards Raffy so I was glad when they all went back to where the body was, saw she was telling the truth and basically had to eat their words.  Despite taking the boat and lying I agree with them going easy on her because I think she's suffered enough.  I would like to see some comeback to Ryder regarding this though.

I think Ben was right to question Brody's motives for grassing Ziggy up to him re Jarrod.  Although it seems to have the intended affect.  Objectively it isn't much of a choice for him out of deciding if you would rather your daughter go out with a love rat or a drug addict.  Neither would be the preferred option.

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Has the name of the gym inexplainably been changed to Summer Bay Fit?!??

kat is quite honestly not seeing what is right in front of her. She must be dazzled bun robbos chizzled chin so much that she’s lost all her skills as a policewoman. There are massive holes in his story, it shouldn’t have to take a detective for her to see that. AND, he was MIA in the middle of the night last week and she’s overlooked it, seemingly. I’m really worried she may actually try and help him get away with it. I’ll be watching closely!

As for Jarrod, I can’t even. Except to say that it looked lovely watching the sun set over the bay there in that car. This show really does have something other soaps dont. That bloody amazing scenery!!

Brody seems to be on the up. I really hope he can somehow get Salt back in his life.

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Okay, did I miss something? Last I knew, Justin was considering taking on an apprentice and completely failing to pick up on Brody and Ziggy dropping hints that it should be her, and now suddenly she's got the job? Not that she did much apprenticing on her first day, which seemed to consist of sweeping floors and babysitting Jarrod.Mind you, she'll be lucky to keep her job given that she's just let her boyfriend take a car belonging to her employers for a "test drive" without permission.At least, unlike Olivia, she pulled away when someone tried to kiss her.

So, full circle for Brody?It was Terry's visit which was the catalyst for his drug taking and the road that led him to him losing Salt in the first place, so it's kind of appropriate that a return visit helps him (and perhaps Ben?) realise that it's time for him to get his life back together.Of course, that'll mean the Diner will have to make do with Leah when she's in the country again...

The Robbo storyline feels like it's treading water with characters either working out or not working out things that we already know.I'm not quite sure what they're aiming for here:Are we meant to be worried for Robbo? Are we meant to be hoping for a twist that'll put him in the clear?Frankly, the biggest jolt was that the credits listed Stevenson as Sergeant Stevenson, suggesting he's been promoted over Kat...but he's still got a constable's stripe so it was probably a mistake.

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Was a quiet and quick renaming/refitting of the gym, perhaps they use the same people they use on other soaps when there has been a make over, sometimes overnight. Yes Red, I was wondering if we'd missed the scene where Justin decided Ziggy was going to be his apprentice. Maybe like most apprentices that is where you have to start at the bottom, sweeping up. Of course Jarrod had to turn up with his bike which had suddenly 'developed' a funny noise. Not a very wise move taking the Triumph for a test drive. Don't trust him Ziggy, he's only there because I reckon he's heard about Brody, a case of I don't really want you but I don't want you to have anyone else either. Justin rumbled Jarrod wasn't just an old friend after Brody dropped by and there was that atmosphere. Good for you girl pulling away like that. Ziggy soon forgave Brody about him blabbing to her parents.

Good boost to Brody's confidence having Terry praising his food and telling him he hadn't been critical of his food, it was his attitude, wasn't Brody on drugs then which made him blow up at Terry?  Maz played a good game there. Be great idea if he could get back to chefing at Salt, he wouldn't be under the same pressure as he'd just be working there.  Ben was appreciative and encouraging. Talking of the Diner by the looks of it Maz is running by herself until Leah and Irene get back.

Now Shepherd and Vincent are back they'll shake things up.  Obviously being a city cop he wouldn't get the fact that as Kat lives in a small town Kat would know most people living there so the fact that it was the Morgan's reported the discovery of Novak's body shouldn't be that much of a stretch. Although as he said he can't suspend her he did take her off the case, I suspect there will be a word in McCarthy's ear, which would be the right thing, her boyfriend is mixed up in it so personally involved.  Was Robbo turning up an attempt to head Shepherd off at the pass? Didn't we see Robbo burn his clothes, well his top,  after dumping Novak's body so what the CCTV will show won't be the same clothes he had on earlier. Things seem to escalate from the scenes we saw with that tussle with the cops.



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How did Kat end up back here?After her farcical impression of a police officer in the previous season, she actually seemed to have picked herself up and done a recent, or at least honest, job this season.Yet here she is on the wrong side of an investigation again and desperately trying to protect a boyfriend who's got himself into a tight corner.And the crazy thing is, aside from what seems to be wilful blindness this last few weeks (I've no idea why she doesn't seem to have clocked Robbo lied to her about his whereabouts and despite having it explained to her why he's a suspect she's still acting open-mouthed about it), I can't really fault a decision she's made.(Are we meant to assume the defendants in the case were found guilty, by the way?Kat had a comment about their sentences last week but it was a bit vague.)Kat does have a bit of a point buried in the loyal girlfriend diatribes:We might know Robbo was involved in Novak's death, but Shepherd does seem to be focusing entirely on him rather than looking into anyone else involved with Novak.Still, I've no idea how he managed to dodge an assaulting a police officer charge:Are they holding out for the bigger one?

Continue to colour me insane but I'm quite liking the more bantery relationship between Ben and Ziggy, especially her pre-emptive "Shut up!" after admitting she'd been with Jarrod.I'm not quite sure why Maggie is suddenly acting like a manic Shipper on Deck for Ziggy and Brody.Brody's eventual assessment was interesting:He's jealous but knows he has no claim on her.

So, redesigns and re-named aside, we still have no idea who bought the gym off Kyle and Ricky, although at least they did actually mention an off screen owner rather than doing something silly like pretending John's usually in charge.Seems we'll be seeing a bit more of it with Mason and Willow in charge.I'm guessing Mason's half-a-medical-degree gives him enough qualifications to run it.Down to earth with a bump for Justin after his afternoon of passion with Willow...

CURS: Why was that stuff with Boyd in there? He wasn't mentioned at all.

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I actually think Jarrod getting back with Ziggy is good for 3 reasons:
1. His presence annoys Maggie and also if he got back with Ziggy not only would she be continually annoyed but so would Ben.
2. I don't find Ziggy to be particularly likeable so I wouldn't mind Jarrod cheating on her again and seeing her hurt once more.
3. I don't think Brody should be getting involved in anything because I still think he's effectively in recovery.
Even though she was in the recap (so I knew she would be in the actual episode) I still rolled my eyes in the first scene with Willow.  She just annoys me.  Really thinks that the sun shines out of her backside and she can flutter her eyelashes at any guy to get what she wants.  We all know Justin is blind as far as she's concerned.  He claims he's never met a girl like her but I guess he's forgotten about Scarlett and Phoebe (OK give him the benefit of the doubt, he was just telling her what he thought she wanted to hear).  Although I guess he's got to sleep with her now.  And a real cop out from John.  It was obvious Mason was the better person in terms of the practical and the theory with regards to the gym job but he gave both of them a shot because he couldn't say no to Willow.  She's a liar and has the wrong attitude i.e. getting Justin to help her out on her first shift.
It didn't surprise me given how nosey Marilyn is that she stopped work in the middle of a shift and called Brody to go with her just to watch what was happening with Kat and Robbo.  I was disappointed  Robbo didn't put up more resistance with those police officers as I wouldn't have minded seeing another display of his impressive combat skills.  I do find that detective quite amusing.  He KNOWS Robbo did it.  Kat just comes across as completely delusional now.
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I loved the interaction between the Morgans here, with Mason teasing Justin and Tori, Justin and Tori teasing each other, and then the little moment where Mason bluntly tells them they're lucky to have a love life and we realise that what he's gone through recently with Beth hasn't been entirely forgotten.I did think Mason was being a bit presumptuous in telling Willow that Justin doesn't do casual, even though he was proved right, when Justin had earlier told him the exact opposite.Those two could make a good team at the gym, by the way.So, it seems Willow is willing to try this on Justin's terms, or at least meet him halfway.I notice that along with the name change the gym seems to have dropped the crop tops and tiny shorts for female staffmembers, with Willow clad in long trousers.Shame...

What on earth was Ash playing at?I get that he's worried about Robbo being around the baby if he's not trustworthy, even though I don't think he'd harm the baby in a month of Sundays, but what exactly was he hoping to find searching the flat like that when the police raid didn't find anything?Murray seemed to give as much information to Ash as Kat gave to Robbo, even without the excuse of being involved with him!

Hard to tell if Olivia's feeling guilty and not able to cope with Hunter acting the perfect boyfriend or if she's actually losing interest in him but feels bad about it because he hasn't done anything wrong(er, sort of).She seems equally awkward around Axel which is causing problems.I actually found myself not really liking Irene, which is probably unfair but she can't let Olivia shack up with her high school boyfriend under her roof and then try and lecture her on her relationship like she's a naughty schoolgirl.

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I found tonight’s ep quite excruciating. What with Olivia’s awkwardness and covering up of her wrong doings. I have no doubt though that she’s eating herself up inside, and I do believe that had Axle not turned up and offered her the contract back, and agreed to keep things professional she will have told Hunter. I think his is less likely now, as she may worry that it would jeopardise her chance to work with Axel. However, the twist of Irene knowing will ensure that the kid isn’t kept on this for very long I’m sure.

i couldn’t care less about Justin’s latest bedpost notch. In fact, this is most excruciating of the lot. 

I also genuinely think Tori enjoys punishing herself. She’s put up and gone back way more than I ever would’ve in her situation. However, I’m willing to not get upset with Ash on this occasion as he’s my only hope of Kay ever waking up, smelling the coffee and realising what’s right under her nose.

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