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Mav Patterson

Maverick Patterson (2002)
Clayton Williams
Episodes: 33243359
Parents: Tim & Mrs Patterson
Siblings: Alison, Kim and Skye Patterson

The cousin of Vinnie Patterson, Mav returned to Summer Bay after a lengthy period away travelling for VJ’s christening. After arriving in the middle of the service, he caused further disruption when he called out during the ceremony that the priest, who referred to VJ by his Greek name Alexandros, had got his name wrong. Despite this, he made a good first impression on both Leah and Brodie at the party afterwards and Leah ended up inviting him to stay with her and Alex.

Mav began spending time with Brodie and got on with Seb and Josh when they ran into them at the Diner. However, Alex wasn’t certain about the newcomer and, when his watch went missing, accused Mav of stealing it. The thief actually turned out to be June Reynolds but Alex remained at odds with Mav, jealous of his relationship with Brodie. Mav convinced Rhys to give him casual work at the caravan park and also began helping out at the Diner. He asked Brodie out but she told him she was busy with exams. However, when he asked if she’d give a different answer if he asked her in a week once exams were over, she agreed she would.

As their romance progressed, Mav told Brodie about his experiences travelling and encouraged her to follow his example, saying he stayed away from the tourist areas to discover the real country. He also revealed that a clairvoyant had told him that a dark-haired woman would show him where his destiny lay and he felt that it was her. However, when he got talking to Charlotte, he began to change his mind. Charlotte had been trying to find out about her Vietnamese father, matching the statement that the woman would be getting in touch with her past, whereas Brodie had no interest in getting in touch with her estranged mother. On learning Charlotte was planning to travel to Vietnam to help out at an orphanage, Mav asked to go with her to help and, although slightly bemused by his story, Charlotte agreed. He asked Brodie to come with them but Brodie was too busy with her HSC, although she agreed to join them once she’d finished.

After attending a farewell party for Charlotte, Brodie planned to lose her virginity with Mav but they were prevented from going through with it when they heard the news that Charlotte was in a critical condition in hospital after a near-drowning. Along with Jade, Mav was alone in refusing to accept the seriousness of her condition, since he believed the prediction meant she would survive. When she died, he decided to go to help at the orphanage anyway, sharing a chaste night with Brodie before leaving.

When Brodie left town the following year, she went to join Mav travelling and later wrote to Alex to admit they had rekindled their relationship. However, Brodie was single again when she returned to Summer Bay in 2004.