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Home and Away Spoilers – Cash regrets moving in with Jasmine

Coming up next week on Home and Away in the UK, after he and Irene share an awkward nighttime encounter, Cash thinks he’s made a wrong decision moving in with Jasmine. Elsewhere, John has some wise words for Roo….

After what seemed like an eternity of will-they/won’t-they, Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) finally moved into the beach house with girlfriend Jasmine (Sam Frost) last week, but he soon comes to regret his decision.

It was house owner Irene (Lynne McGranger) who first suggested the idea to Jasmine, when Jasmine expressed how happy she and Cash were after professing their love to one another.

But Jasmine was stunned when she excitedly put the proposal to Cash, and he promptly turned her down!

Cash is currently living in a van at the caravan park, next door to younger sister Felicity (Jacqui Purvis), and it soon became apparent that he was worried about leaving her on her own. Flick has only recently got back on track after her kidnapping by supposed best friend Anne (Megan Smart), which was quickly followed by Cash forcing her to accept the truth about their father’s death.

Although Flick is now in a relationship with Tane (Ethan Browne), Cash still felt that he couldn’t abandon his sister, worrying that she wouldn’t reach out to him if needed.

When Flick heard about this, she was fuming. She berated Cash for using her as an excuse, but it soon became a moot point as Jasmine and Cash continued to argue before she withdrew her invitation completely. The two later made up and agreed to forget about moving in together…. or at least that was the plan.

After another earbashing from Flick, Cash eventually decided that he should prove how he feels about Jasmine by moving in with her after all, and went to Irene to ask her permission to move his belongings into the house.

It was a firm no from Irene, who told him that he’d have to run it by Jasmine first rather than surprising her!

Cash revealed his wish to Jasmine over champagne at Salt, where he presented her with his toothbrush to place by her own, and that evening the two went back to the beach house where Irene teased Cash with the promise of explaining the rules the next morning.

Next week, all three housemates have dinner together but Cash can’t settle. Rather than sit down and join them, he insists on going and getting drinks for everyone. Noticing that he’s being weird, Jasmine follows, and Cash admits that he just doesn’t know what to say to Irene—short of giving her his coffee order, he’s never really spoken to her!

Jasmine reminds him that it’s now his house too, so he should just chill out.

But things are only made worse that evening when Cash heads into the kitchen in his underwear to fetch a glass of water for Jasmine, only for Irene to come downstairs with the same idea.

Whilst Irene is completely unfazed, having shared her house with many lodgers over the years, Cash is mortified.

He makes some awkward small talk whilst slinking his way back into the bedroom, where Jasmine wonders why he’s turned as white as a sheet!

Jasmine and Irene laugh about it the next day, but it’s clear Cash is not going to get over it anytime soon, barely able to look Irene in the eye as he goes into the diner. He quickly makes himself scarce rather than wait for Jasmine.

Realising that Cash seems to have a real problem with what happened, Jasmine goes to confront him at the police station, and she wonders if he’s regretting his decision already.

As Jasmine laments to Irene that she knew it was too good to be true, Cash asks Flick whether she’ll consider telling Jasmine that she needs him to move back to the caravan park!

Is Jasmine and Cash’s living together going to end before it’s even begun?

Meanwhile, up at Summer Bay House, Roo (Georgie Parker) grows ever more conflicted in her decision to avoid her mother Martha (Belinda Giblin).

Roo has been angered at Martha’s decision to refuse a lifesaving kidney, donated by Roo herself, after she was caught up in the organophosphate leak at Salt. Roo was delighted to find out she was a match, but Martha put a sudden halt to proceedings just as the pair were about to be wheeled down for surgery.

Martha explained that she didn’t want her daughter to face possible medical issues of her own for the rest of her life, but Roo took offence that Martha was willing to give up on what could be her only chance at continuing life with her family.

The tension in the household saw Martha move back to her home in Merimbula, and it was only last week that Ari Parata’s (Rob Kipa-Williams) death prompted Roo to finally make a phone call to Martha, knowing that she’d feel dreadful if anything happened to her whilst away. Whilst the phone call was progress, Roo still had to cut it short before an argument started.

This week Alf (Ray Meagher) tells Roo that Martha is feeling a lot more positive after her call, but Roo is quick to play it down.

When he then tells her that he’s going to be heading down to visit Martha, Roo knows what’s coming and makes a quick exit.

When Alf later gives her a list of jobs that need doing whilst he’s away, he comments that Roo only has to say the word if she wants him to come back, in order to free herself up for other things.

Roo is angry as she misinterprets this as Alf pressuring her to visit Martha herself.

The two talk things out and Alf assures Roo that it wasn’t his intention, and the decision as to whether she visit Martha is hers alone to make.

The next day, Alf prepares to leave for Merimbula and gently asks Roo if she does want to join him, but Roo still isn’t ready. Alf respects her decision and heads off, but shortly afterwards, Roo admits to John (Shane Withington) that she’s already second-guessing her decision.

When she later asks John what he would have done in Martha’s situation, he explains that he would have done exactly the same, if it meant protecting his kid from harm’s way.

Has Roo been wrong about Martha all along?

Here’s the full spoilers for next week’s Home and Away episodes in the UK:

Monday 18th April (Episode 7746)

Mia takes her crusade to the police. Half-naked Cash makes an awkward housemate. Ryder and Theo’s gesture backfires.

Tuesday 19th April (Episode 7747)

Why is Logan spying on Mackenzie? Cash has a problem with Irene. Justin tests Theo’s trust.

Wednesday 20th April (Episode 7748)

Is Mackenzie still in love with Ari? Roo won’t play happy families. Theo refuses a family reunion. Dean wants to help the Paratas, but how?

Thursday 21st April (Episode 7749)

Mia gets one last moment with Ari. Ziggy and Dean’s plan to help backfires. Tane finds solace in Felicity.

Friday 22nd April (Episode 7750)

Bella is torn between Nikau and Chloe. Roo finds unlikely wisdom in John. Do Tane and Felicity have a future?