Home and Away Spoilers – Stunning Organics threaten Maz with “consequences”

Next week on Home and Away in the UK, Marilyn receives a sinister threat from Stunning Organics – will it be enough to silence her?

As Justin and Andrew put a little too much trust in Cash’s policing skills next week, also putting their trust into the force’s finest is Marilyn (Emily Symons), as her battle with Stunning Organics continues.

Marilyn finally had the opportunity to get shot of the skincare company last week, after an email threatening to expose their business practices convinced them to allow her out of her contract with no penalty. However when their courier came to collect the products, Marilyn felt she couldn’t let them be shipped off to another unsuspecting brand ambassador, and so decided to continue the fight.

Next week, Marilyn’s comrade Roo (Georgie Parker) arranges for her to do an interview with the Coastal News. Alf (Ray Meagher) wonders if that’s a good idea, but Marilyn is adamant that she wants justice.

The phone interview goes well, with both Alf and Roo singing Marilyn’s praises, and they’re thrilled with the resulting article when it goes online later that afternoon, with Alf and Roo also getting a namecheck.

The next day however, Marilyn finds a lot of unsettling comments coming through on the article. Whilst some are inferring that Marilyn has been paid by a rival company to speak out against Stunning Organics, others are calling her no-good troublemaker and attention seeker.

Things suddenly take a very sinister turn when Marilyn receives a voicemail.

A disguised voice tells Marilyn that she was warned to keep her mouth shut, and now she and her friends will have to suffer the consequences!

Keeping it from Alf, Roo and Marilyn head to the police station and report the message to Rose. It seems the caller didn’t hide their number, so they can at least put a trace on it.

But in the meantime, Rose warns them that they should keep an eye out for anything suspicious. The voicemail told them to watch their backs, so they should do just that.

However when Rose later calls Marilyn back to the station, it’s not good news. After calling the number, the person on the other end had never heard of Marilyn nor Stunning Organics. After checking the records and finding no trace of the call, they’ve come to the conclusion that the number must have been spoofed.

It’s clear that this person has gone to great lengths to hide their identity, with some very sophisticated technology.

Rose promises that they will continue to try and trace the call, but Marilyn is left frightened at what may happen next…

Also next week, Tane and Kahu leave Summer Bay

Tane catches up with Kahu and forces him to face up to his actions – starting with a trip back to New Zealand!

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Plus, Andrew leaves town with mystery woman

Next week on Home and Away in the UK, Andrew is reunited with a woman claiming to be his mother, but can she really be trusted?

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Here’s the full spoilers for next week’s Home and Away episodes in the UK:

Monday 10th July (Episode 8036)

Kirby feels betrayed. Kahu leaves Tane in the lurch. The search for Andrew’s family hits a dead end.

Tuesday 11th July (Episode 8037)

Andrew has a visitor. Kirby fears that she and Theo are on the rocks. Kahu has done a runner.

Wednesday 12th July (Episode 8038)

Justin and Leah prepare for an emotional farewell. Marilyn’s crusade draws unwanted attention. Tane shows his cousin compassion in the face of betrayal.

Thursday 13th July (Episode 8039)

Marilyn goes to the police with her fears. Is Mali’s friendship enough for Rose? Mac throws a party for Mali but not everyone’s invited.

Friday 14th July (Episode 8040)

Cash receives shocking news. Marilyn fears for her safety. Mali and Rose’s friendship is tested.