Mini Makeover

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If you’sve visited the site in the past hour (1:15 to 2:15pm GMT) you’sll have noticed the site’ss been looking a bit funny. That’ss because I’sve been working on a small re-design for the website, which is now complete.

For the next few weeks, the design is taking a trip back to 1999 and the last set of beach themed credits. The sign is up there in the left hand corner (there’ss meant to be a much larger version in the bottom-right corner too, but I can’st get that working at the moment), along with a new BTTB logo in blue and red, and the two sunken edges are there too. It’ss almost as if you’sre watching the show (I said almost). The main colours used around the site have also changed.

The changes don’st end there, more 1996-1999 Credit Themed images will be popping up around the site over the next few weeks, so keep a look out. Plus, the Menu Bar has now moved to the top of the screen. I’sm not too sure if it will stay there, but for the time being that’ss where you’sll find it.

If you miss the old design or just don’st like this one, don’st worry, it won’st be here for very long. In a few weeks time, the 2000 – 2003 Fish return to the site, in a new fish themed skin. I hope to eventually give you the option of choosing which theme to use, along with the original Orange, but until then, enjoy. Feel free to comment on the Message Board.