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2018 Season - UK Episode Discussion

Dan F

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4 hours ago, Dan F said:

He's grown on your what now...? Sorry, couldn't resist that... ?

In honour of happy times....

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Haha Dan an innocent typo but now you mention it....?

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I do enjoy a good party episode. Pretty much everyone was involved, which is always nice; there was a strong sense of community coming through and especially, the Astonis' integration into it. Which made Maggie's posing for the family photo all the more of a welling-up moment. Illness storylines don't normally interest me on soaps and I didn't think this would either, but I do think it's been very well executed and acted, so fair play.
My heart broke a bit for Mason - Jasmine's really not very observant, is she? Or very polite - I get that they're supposed to have different levels of investment in the friendship, but regardless of whether she was viewing it as a date, she'd agreed to go to the party and to meet him in Salt. To blow him off for Colby once he'd already turned up on the pretext that they'd just got a round in felt pretty rude; couldn't they just have left once they'd finished their drinks? And is this 'professional ethics' thing for Colby a new development for the Bay? Normally having performed cop duties for someone doesn't seem to impinge on having a relationship with them (at least in this show) and I wonder if that's a hard-and-fast rule or whether Colby's just being overcautious because of all that 'searching' he's doing and doesn't want to risk being deprived of?

In other news: Ryder's hopes of "maybe a bit more kissing" with Coco got scuppered by briefly-Neanderthal-again Ben; we got a bit of mumbled news about Jennifer and her dad, whose situation has 'settled' apparently (is that code for 'you'll never see them again?'); and ugh at Hunter and Olivia, whose latest reconciliation I'm only interested in if it means they're about to leave.

In contrast, I continue to enjoy Brody and Ziggy. I don't know if we were supposed to read anything into her not returning the 'I love you' - H&A usually likes to make a super-big deal of it when that happens - but Brody certainly didn't seem to be concerned.

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That was a good party,nullnullnullnull haven't seen one for ages. Not many people missing, did we see Justin or Ava?  Very good mix of ages. Very poignant Maggie, insisting in a nice way, that they pose for a family photo. It cannot have been easy to pretend everything was OK while worrying about that lump. I was relieved when she finally confided in Leah who although she couldn't do anything was at least there for her to open up to and not have to keep it to herself all night.   I liked the quiet understated way she told Ben they needed to go to hospital so Maggie. Btw Ben tell Barry to stick his job, he'd never be understanding enough to let you have time off to take Maggie for her appointments and be there for her when she needs you. Brody did do  a good job of letting Ziggy thinking no-one had bothered about the surprise party she 'didn't' want.  I wondered about her non response to his 'I love you', he didn't seem bothered.  Shame that Ryder and Coco's good night kiss was scuppered.null Good point just how were Hunter & Olivia meant to get back home?  Not sure how aware Hunter was of Olivia's 'interest' but I'm sure he soon will be as see in trailer. Atrus re the brief  reference to Jennifer and her dad and 'everything being settled' could mean the opposite!   

Poor Mas, but I'm not blaming Jasmine, oh it'd be Mas & Jas if they did get together wouldn't it?, sorry,null she didn't see it as a date as she mentioned to Leah, he was the one who was convinced it was the start of something, just crossed wires, she hardly knew anyone at the party and would have felt like a spare part. He dealt with her change of mind very well on the surface but the fact he lied to Brody about being at work when he was at home with super dog Buddy showed his real feelings.

Certainly be a switch for Jasmine to turn stalker seeing as she's just been the victim of one!  They certainly there for some time from early afternoon to night time. That was some heavy duty flirting, on her side at least, and Colby didn't seem to be that bothered until the kiss, when he just asked if she was OK for getting home and walked away. He was also very cagey when she asked him about his past, she wasn't expecting details just a brief history. That 'excuse' about he couldn't get involved as he investigated her case I didn't buy for one moment, that's finished now so absolutely no reason why he can't date her.  I'm with you atrus I think it has to do with his searching for this 'they' and doesn't want to get distracted in any way.

Call me strange if you want but I've got Robbo withdrawal symptoms as I haven't seen him for the past few days.


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Alf's episode count this week:Three.

Things take a serious nose dive for Maggie as it seems this isn't going to be all done and dusted after a couple of rounds of chemo.Ben continues to be sympathetic without suddenly being whiter than white, and it's good to see them confiding in Alf and Leah respectively.Good continuity with regards Maggie's sister.I can see why Maggie wouldn't want to put Ziggy at risk, I can also see why Ben would want to take any option and that Ziggy would want to help out, so best to keep it as a last resort.

I rolled my eyes a lot at Irene moaning about Olivia not coming home: If she was that worried, why not actually take her home instead of leaving her and Hunter behind with no transport? (She doesn't even seem to have known they were still around the campfire, which suggests she didn't even bother looking for them before going! Guess they told her earlier in the evening that they'd make their own way? Yeah, that must be it...) I rolled my eyes too at Olivia's desperation in throwing herself at Hunter about a week after he's single again.Get some self-respect and move on, girl, you can do better anyway.So I'm glad he shot her down.

Found myself cheering Dean a lot, firstly as he finally punctured Tori's delusions and forced her to admit that being head cheerleader for Team Robbo is not helping Ash in any way, shape or form.Then when he gets ignored by Irene and especially Justin (who was a lot more aggressive than the situation called for, although I guess they have a complicated history).Then when he gave Ash the perfect way out.I've no problem with Ash giving a less than glowing reference for Robbo: It's what you expect from him and if Kurt's dumb enough to put him on the stand with a dismissive "I can deal with hostile witnesses", then he's literally asking for it. I wasn't keen on his less-than-honest claim to Tori and Justin though, that felt unworthy.

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Ash is seriously trying my patience now. Nobody seems to be able to do anything right by him: he's allowed to keep treating Tori like dirt despite the fact she saved his life a few days ago and had no role in getting him subpoenaed - but when Dean has a pop at her, he's in the wrong? Dean's suggestion of Ash telling the court what he wants them to hear about Robbo is something you'd think Ash would have thought of himself - but underlines exactly why Kurt's initial 'blaming Kat' option would have been the more sensible defence. Of course, Justin picked out Ash's unconvincing 'I'm going along with this' act for what it was straight away; pretending to be reasonable isn't Ash's strong suit.

I was pleasantly surprised that Hunter doesn't seem to have any intention of getting back with Olivia, and hope he doesn't change his mind. They really need to get interacting with other people to have any hope of sustaining my interest.

The stem cell transplant is an interesting twist for Maggie. Sounds as if Ziggy's likely to be her only viable option, but I'm assuming Ziggy will be fully on board with it, even if Maggie isn't...

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On 09/05/2018 at 19:33, Red Ranger 1 said:

Well, in private yes, but he seems to be happy to let his lawyer make out that it doesn't count somehow.

Well, feeling responsibility in private is better than not feeling it at all.

On 11/05/2018 at 19:19, Red Ranger 1 said:

Then when he gave Ash the perfect way out.I've no problem with Ash giving a less than glowing reference for Robbo: It's what you expect from him and if Kurt's dumb enough to put him on the stand with a dismissive "I can deal with hostile witnesses", then he's literally asking for it. I wasn't keen on his less-than-honest claim to Tori and Justin though, that felt unworthy.

 Now, I understand Ash not giving positive statements about Robbo but what Dean is basically telling him to do is lie, he could pretty much say anything while on the stand and Kurt would have a hard time getting past it. I don't know, at the start my sympathy was mainly for Ash, but the way he's been acting out for months now, I've pretty much switch for Robbo, who's being more likeable, and more remorseful for what happened.

As for the rest,  my now favorite storylines are anything that will consist of Ben, Maggie, Brody and Ziggy. Their scenes are so in depth and nice that I pretty much put my annoyance against the Astonis when they first arrived, though Coco is still a bit annoying. Raffy, Ryder and Coco are ok. Hunter and Olivia are just-  no. Just No. 

While I do feel sorry for Mason, I like the idea of Jasmine and Colby more than Jasmine with him. 

I'll also be interested in where the Martha storyline goes.

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On ‎10‎/‎05‎/‎2018 at 18:52, Razabaza said:

I kind of like Willow now. 

Whoever cast Ava as Justin's daughter has good judgement, she does kind of look like him. However, I know she's just a child, but I find her kind of creepy, she has a very calm voice and just kind of stands and stares at people. Like one of the children from the cornfields.

Post of the month in this thread! ???

"Helllooo, Daddy!" ???

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Very interesting and distressing:cryingsmiley: development in the Maggie cancer story, must have been well researched by TPTB.  Those scenes were well acted by both Rohan Nichol and Kestie Morassi, Maggie being her usual self trying to be positive and Ben supportive and I'm guessing natural reactions from them when Tori broke the news.  It showed despite all the advances in medicine that cancer can still outwit the medical profession. Tori didn't say if it would be by blood or bone marrow. The fact that  Kate has diabetes  would make it harder for her to be a stem cell donor,  though I noticed Maggie didn't mention Diana but I have read that people over 55 can't donate and as Tori said Coco is too young.  Ziggy is the only family option and I can understand Maggie's reluctance to ask her and go on the transfer list but Ziggy wouldn't need asking twice if tests prove she is a match and it would cut down the waiting time, plus Ziggy would be more than wiling.  Plus if it was the other way round Maggie would do it in  a heartbeat. It wouldn't be an easy process I would imagine there would be all sorts of tests Ziggy would have to go through once it's been established she is a match also she'd probably have to have counselling so she is fully aware of what is involved. Corrie went through that with Aiden with his kidney donation.  It's good they both have someone they can confide in who isn't  a family member.  Now of course Ben & Maggie have to break the news to Coco and Ziggy going to be trying times ahead for all concerned.  Ben has been offered the job with Barry. As a post script refreshing to see Tori back to being an actual doctor rather just an advocate for Robbo.

Olivia did seem to be reading a lot more into her night with Hunter than there was so I'm glad she took Irene's advice and talked to him about it and he did let her down gently which with her recent past behaviour was more than she deserved. I hope you didn't get too dizzy Red with all that :rolleyes:!  Hunter and Olivia are adults so what if they didn't go back with the others. Everyone (well  Irene and Leah) assumed they got up to more than they did!:wink: 

Ash is caught between two evils, not go and get sent back to prison or go and lie under oath and get sent back to prison, he could say anything he liked, it'd be his word against Robbo's I got my fix btw with a brief appearance of said man. He did seem to finally accept the subpoenae was out of her hands. The thought did cross mind whether a lip reader would be of any use but that would depend on how much they could 'read' of the conversation.:unsure:  It's not any of Dean's business really of the trouble between Ash & Tori even  though he feels he owes Ash.  Ash isn't doing himself any favours, his temper may well wreck any evidence he gives. I  think Kurt is anything but dumb.

From what we saw seems to be a lot going on next week (as in who was that mysterious woman telling someone 'it's time to move in'?) and on Wednesday there is the two week break in Australia for the Commonwealth Games so while they will be having a cliff hanger we will be carrying on as normal.

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