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Summer Break 2013

Guest James Martin

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It says on the Demand 5 site that Noah was Number 25(which it didn't last night-they've now got a title and a description for that episode but, unhelpfully, no episode number).Incidentally, that's actually 25th out of 40, everyone who ranked lower than him didn't get an episode.A caption on the bottom of the screen at the start of today's episode said it was Liam, I'd guess the same thing happened yesterday and people missed it.

Still...Noah?!I thought that would have been Vinnie's episode.Noah doesn't appear until over halfway through and all he does is fix a shelf and shout at Hayley.Not that I really care since I just liked watching the episode.Left me feeling nostalgic about a lot of characters, heck even Colleen looked young.Irene seemed a tad overbearing blaming Hayley for Brodie being in the pub.Ahhh, Alex and Brodie:Okay, this is the period when Alex is having commitment troubles but they're still on my list of Couples Whose Happy Ending Should Have Been Left Intact.Will insisting that Dani is The One feels a bit weird, it can't have been that long after that they broke up, was there a sudden change of plans?Very depressing watching Ralph conning Vinnie with the knowledge that it results in him losing his family and getting killed, twice.(And people think Kane was hard done by...)

Actually really enjoyed today's episode, a far better representative of 2010 than the awful selection from last year.Bianca was a nymphomaniac even then, wasn't too keen on her at the time but the stuff with her, Liam and Gina was great comedy.I actually liked April back then(she worked so much better with Xavier but then so did a lot of people)and it was pretty startling seeing the change.She was so much calmer and more mature in that episode than she is nowadays and yet ironically back then she did actually have some character traits that made her stand out rather than the faux quirky attempts to make her seem different now.The beginning of the thawing of relations between Xavier and John.Hell, I even enjoyed seeing Ruby again.Of course, seeing those episodes back to back made Leah's journey from young innocent to overbearing parent very obvious.Gosh, didn't VJ look young?

Won't bother with the next two, they've been on about twenty times already.I guess if people vote for Aden and Roman(or whoever)we're kind of restricted to the late '00s era but couldn't they have found some different episodes?

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That was Belle's episode?I thought it might be, since the clip of Aden in the trailers was from a different episode, but that's just weird.There makes a big deal about the Summer Bay's Sexiest Poll, then represent her with an episode where she's half-dead?Suddenly a heavily pregnant Sophie seems perfectly sensible...

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That's what I thought Red, should have been Vinnie's as I said earlier, Noah was barely in it. Only spotted the count down and whose episode it was last night, you have to be quick, even annoying voice over man could have announced it. did it have to be that one of Belle's again, there must have been other episodes they could have picked. Why was it a secret that Charlie was dating Angelo? Skip that, I've remembered - Jack!! Plus this accident Charlie had led to it being discovered she had had a child (Ruby). Shock seeing Martha and Hugo as a couple,

Must admit I did enjoy seeing Liam and Bianca spending the night in the library and finding other things to do other than read. :wink: Gina obviously wasn't fooled at all.

Of course in Monday's episode, Leah was pregnant with VJ then on Tuesday there he was as 10/11 year old!!!!

April did seem rather low key seeing how important the protest was supposed to be, don't forget this is pre blowing up the school days. Liked the teasing between John and Xavier, though still early days for them.

You crazy_zps7fb96dc9.gif. Colleen is totally #1 on the sexiest babes list, so her episode will be in a few weeks.


Tonight's looks a lot better going by the summary, not sure as to whose 'night' it is.

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That's what I thought Red, should have been Vinnie's as I said earlier, Noah was barely in it. Only spotted the count down and whose episode it was last night, you have to be quick, even annoying voice over man could have announced it. did it have to be that one of Belle's again, there must have been other episodes they could have picked. Why was it a secret that Charlie was dating Angelo? Skip that, I've remembered - Jack!! Plus this accident Charlie had led to it being discovered she had had a child (Ruby). Shock seeing Martha and Hugo as a couple,

Must admit I did enjoy seeing Liam and Bianca spending the night in the library and finding other things to do other than read. :wink: Gina obviously wasn't fooled at all.

Of course in Monday's episode, Leah was pregnant with VJ then on Tuesday there he was as 10/11 year old!!!!

April did seem rather low key seeing how important the protest was supposed to be, don't forget this is pre blowing up the school days. Liked the teasing between John and Xavier, though still early days for them.

You crazy_zps7fb96dc9.gif. Colleen is totally #1 on the sexiest babes list, so her episode will be in a few weeks.


Tonight's looks a lot better going by the summary, not sure as to whose 'night' it is.

Just goes to show how unsuitable Bianca is for headmistress and would have never got the job in a million years if it wasn't for the contrived storylines in the current episodes.

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Missed whose 'episode' it was last night, could have been one of three, Nicole, Geoff or Roman. Geoff broke his rule of celibacy didn't he? Also, if I remember, Elliott wounded him on the boat, but it had mysteriously healed by the time they got to the island.

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#22 was Roman and they actually managed to hit the sexy label I think. It was the episode where Roman goes all Rambo, right? Hopefully they finally realised that when they put a vote to the viewers for the sexiest then the episodes have to show them at there sexiest.

Belle with one foot in the grave = not sexy.

Roman impersonating Rambo = sexy eyebrows_zpsa0e75b9d.gif.

Me? Shallow? Never!

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#22 was Roman and they actually managed to hit the sexy label I think. It was the episode where Roman goes all Rambo, right? Hopefully they finally realised that when they put a vote to the viewers for the sexiest then the episodes have to show them at there sexiest.

Belle with one foot in the grave = not sexy.

Roman impersonating Rambo = sexy eyebrows_zpsa0e75b9d.gif.

Me? Shallow? Never!

well if Sophie wins I highly doubt it will be the one when she gives birth

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Caught up on last night's episode.Even after rewinding and rewatching the opening several times, I couldn't see a caption saying who No.21 is meant to be:I'd guess at Ric but it could just as easily be Martha, Matilda, Cassie or even Lucas despite him not being in it that much.Demand 5 still isn't saying at the moment.

Well, I wish they'd shown the following episode so we'd actually seen the end of the storyline but there you go.It was still enjoyable and we got the wonderful conceit of Lucas pretending to be a member of a street gang.Cassie was still likeable at this point and it was great to see all the teens working together to come up with a lateral thinking solution to the problem.Matilda shows a sneaky side that wasn't seen that often in that period and demonstrates just how far she's willing to go to help Ric.The banter between her, Cassie and Lucas over the fake tattoo was actually quite fun and natural.And nice to see a bit of Sally, who always tends to be neglected in these runs.

The Martha stuff was okay in context(or possibly out of context):At the time it seemed to be shaping up to be one of soaps' few in depth portrayals of the consequences of having an abortion and how what seems on the surface to be a quick solution can have long term effects psychologically.Unfortunately, after a few weeks of serious exploration, it suddenly morphed into a storyline about Martha dating a dodgy club owner and becoming a pole dancer, with the reason for her odd behaviour being completely forgotten about.

And can't say I really agree that something Bianca did three years ago makes her unsuitable for principal, that's like ruling Sally out because she stole some exam papers when she was sixteen.As far as I can see, she's done a pretty good job.

So, is anyone out there knows the episodes for next week and posts them on there, I'd be eternally grateful...

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