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To get in the spirit of things,who are your top five favourite characters?

1.Puck.Because I said so.He has a heart of gold but you have to work to find it.He's also insanely hot.

2.Rachel.She and my precious Puck are adorable together.

3.Artie.Who doesn't love him!He and Puck could be good friends.

4.Quinn.She's not your typical cheerleader though she makes out she is.Just leave Puck and Rachel alone.

5.Kurt.He's hilarious.

You may have noticed i'm a Puck fangirl lol.

More then a year later and my answers may have changed a little.






The first two will never change and I doubt the third will either.I fell in love with Blaine the second I saw him.

Quinn's gone because her character hasn't progressed at all and I find her annoying most of the time.Kurt's gone mostly because I just like others a little more.I love Klaine though.I'm just kinda a little over the Kurt show.There are other characters to explore.

Any changes for anyone else?

Least favourites would be






Finn and Quinn because they haven't progressed.They cheat and hurt people and don't care.

Will because he's inappropriate most of the time and uses his students to get to Emma and plays favourites.

Mercedes and Tina are both mainly because they've done nothing and are basically backdrops.I like Tike though.

Excuse the double post.

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^ Interesting. I honestly can't remember who my top 5 would have been at the end of season 1.

Right now though my top 5 would be;

1. Kurt

2. Blaine

3. Rachel

4. Puck

5. Santana

Honourable Mention: Mike Chang for being the most flawless boyfriend ever.

In terms of character development Puck has come through in leaps and bounds. I was sort of indifferent towards Puck in S1, but he's gone from tossing Kurt into dumpsters, to defending him, and being the #1 Klaine shipper in Glee club. His expressions in the Sectionals vs. Regionals performances were amazing. When he saw that Kurt was with the Warblers, he was all scowly and glaring at them from the crowd. But then, during Candles he was pretty much tearing up. Character development, you're doing it right.

Obviously, I'm a massive Kurt/Blaine shipper and that isn't going to change. But I adore Blaine in his own right as a character. He went from this seemingly perfect Prince Charming, to just being a teenager, with flaws and insecurities and just wanting to figure himself out. I can't hate him for that. I also find everything he does completely endearing, especially with how enamoured he is with Kurt.

I know I've said I sort of what Puck/Quinn for S3, but that's only because I think it's pretty much a given that Rachel and Finn will end up together. I totally ship Puck/Rachel more than Finn/Rachel, but looking at what Ryan Murphy has said and just the general feel of the show, I don't think they will be endgame -- so Puck/Quinn is my second choice. He obvious has feelings for her, and that whole storyline was so unresolved, that I just *need* something to happen there -- romantic or otherwise to finally give it some closure.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. Brittany

2. Mike

3. Tina

4. Santana

5. Kurt

Are my top 5 characters up to the end of Season Two.

So who's planning to see the Glee Live 3D Movie? I am!! Hoping to go the week it comes out :D

I am this Friday :D

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I hope that Shelby coming back means she can make amends with Rachel. She was awful to her when we first met her.

Don't think the movie is out here. Not that excited for it but I'll go and see it none the less.

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