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On 7/3/2017 at 9:09 AM, harrietjames said:

It shows Roo's morals - that she won't be bought especially when it comes to her child... Some people don't have a price.

$250,000 isn't that much in the scheme of things as a parent - less that a quarter of a house(the median house price in Sydney is over $1 million). OR the half the cost of a private education (the same article estimates over $70K for public). While it would keep you in dinner burgers for a very long time or buy a great car, it's not enough to set you up.

Its been that way a long time here in America many feel that much money doesn't make you well off yet others like me disagree. It depends on where you live. and I been told most Aussie stars DO NOT make the paychecks American stars do. Also Some people manages their wealth better than others. many could survive on that

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I'm not saying Ash isn't looking after Luc and doesn't love her, and I don't think Billie's brother is the worst choice for her to be living with.But I really don't see why we should think Luc is better off with him than VJ, who loved (loves?) her just as much and seemed to do a pretty good job on the whole.Luc had a family who were looking after her and Ash took her away from that and gave her him and a surrogate mother who's clearly only there for his sake.I think it's very simplistic to say it's nothing to do with Leah.VJ and Billie wanted her to accept Luc as her granddaughter and love her as if she's her own blood and she's done that.I don't think VJ then has the right to turn round and say "I'm not her dad anymore, so you're not her yia-yia anymore, deal with it."

I forgot to mention that it's nice to get a catch-up on Lena after her abrupt disappearance from the storyline.Kat's performance here was...acceptable.She did well to identify Zannis: I'd have thought she'd be the last person assigned to watch Lena given that she's just questioned her as a police officer (wouldn't someone she doesn't know have been better?) but putting that aside she did the job well.Still...I know that hindsight is 20/20 and I certainly can't fault her trying to arrest someone she saw committing a crime, but given that McCarthy already had the warrant set up and found all the evidence he needed, ironically if Kat hadn't spooked Zannis and caused him to bolt they might have caught him red-handed.On the fence about her applying to be a detective.She does usually identify the culprit in the end and maybe it'll keep her away from field work which she has a tendency to bungle.

Maybe I'm being harsh but I continue to find Brody a bit annoying and unsympathetic.His continued denial that he's an addict having withdrawals just makes him seem deeply delusional, even more so than having his dead mother glaring at him.

So, Alf wasn't having a heart attack and it's a bit vague as to what he did have.Nate well and truly over-stepped the mark by basically taking over Alf's care and I'm somewhat bewildered that the hospital staff just went along with it.Were there no other doctors there apart from Tori?Roo losing the baby is frustrating and disappointing.I'm afraid in retrospect I have to agree with Slade.Maybe she can claim a moral victory in there but she'd have been better off if she'd taken the Mayverses' money.Instead, she's left with nothing and they get what they want-no illegitimate child to create awkwardness at society dinners-without having to pay for it.It's also frustrating that what could have been a good storyline for Roo gets shut down, at which point she'll probably go back to being treated like part of the furniture and having nothing to do but gossip in the Diner.

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I don't think it conscious but it feels like to me that Scarlett constantly flirts with Brody - when.she was talking to him when she had the bikini top, when they were sitting on the sofa when she had her nighty on. I'm assuming she's not working at the moment so is spending most of her time looking after him.  There are very few people who would go out of their way to help someone like that and I still find it hard to believe.  I did wonder whether Brody was going to lash out at Scarlett or whether he is likely to in the future but he hasn't showed any signs of violence yet.

Damn, I was hoping that Kat and her colleagues would have caught Lena doing a deal with Zannis so they could have arrested both of them but by the looks of things it's going to be neither.  As they haven't actually caught him, given his earlier remark, I'm concerned that he will go after Brody and Scarlett could get caught in the crossfire.

So Roo lost the baby.  Well apart from the obvious she can kiss goodbye to $250000 (I really wanted her to have that).  No recurrence of the heart attack for Alf (or brain hemorrhage) but still has high BP.  I'm sure they will review his medication at some point.

When Tori told Nate he was amazing I felt that did more harm than good.  Perhaps he felt she was being condescending or without realising rubbing it in his face that he isn't a doctor at ND anymore.  He seemed to momentarily revert back to how he was the week before last when he resented her before he kissed her and left.

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I think Justin got a bit of a raw deal at the end here.He was out of line blaming Scarlett for letting Brody go, and ranting about him being alone out there was more than a little hypocritical, so Mason was right to call him out at that point.And it was nice to see neglected second bananas Mason and Raffy be the ones to find Brody and look after him.I'm kind of on the fence about Justin breaking the door down.He had a point but his reaction was way over the top.He should have taken a lot longer to check that Brody was in there and all right before turning into a battering ram.But it's clearly not his fault that Brody won't come home and Mason was way out of line having a go at him at the end, and especially just carrying on when Raffy was clearly upset by it.Good that Brody has finally admitted his problem and I think I sympathised with him here for the first time in weeks.Hope having done that card for Raffy in prison was kind of sweet.

Hard to get worked up about Roo wanting to find Martha, not least because she's in Neighbours.Given how final her departure was, it'd be a bit of a cop-out to bring her back now.I was disappointed there was no mention of Maddy when they were talking about what Roo would be like as a mother, not even when Marilyn said there are other ways of becoming one.Alf having had an angina attack was a bit left field, or did they say that in the previous episode and I've forgotten?Marilyn is back to being an utter cow to John, bitching to Nate about him behind his back and then wondering why he's avoiding her.

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Anybody else likening Brody's hallucinations to a horror film?! I cacked myself when that arm came out of the wardrobe! ?


Very sad news for Roo, is it me it has she taken it quite well though?! What is good is that it's empowered her to do something about Martha which I'm really excited to see! I hope something comes of that. (Even if it's a recast). 

We also had a slight glimpse at John and Marilyn patching things up. I hope to god they make it through this I love them together. 

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I don't care if Justin apologised afterwards he was an arsehole to Scarlett (She goes out of her way to help Brody and he blames her for running off even though as was mentioned in the episode he chucked Brody out of the house). I suppose he expected her to physically restrain Brody when he ran off.  I've never liked him and I'm glad Mason stuck up for Brody even though I do think Justin had a point previously.  I was almost cheering when Mason said he wanted to be away from him much like I was when Scarlett said the same thing to Justin earlier on in the episode.  And she's right.  He is an idiot.  Brody is now actually questioning why she is helping him.  She seemed to get a little funny when he asked her .  It will be interesting to find out why. The kicking of the door down also annoyed me but it's reached the point where almost everything Justin does I find annoying.  I'm hoping the birthday letter Raffy got from Hope is significant.  Surely it's been around six months so she should be due for parole soon so hopefully she'll be back.  So Zannis doesn't actually want to harm Brody but wants to call in his 'favour'.  It will be interesting to see what he wants Brody to actually do.

Marilyn is absolutely annoying and in that episode epitomised someone who isn't satisfied.  Wants John to back off and give her some space then when he does it's too much!

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I'm like you Red over Justin, yes he was wrong to blame Scarlet for 'letting' Brody run off, there was only one of her!  But Mason got it completely wrong over Brody not wanting to come home as unknown to him Brody wants to get through rehab on his own, which he needs to do, he knows his family means well but they would just impede his recovery.  Brody does seem prone to hallucinations  doesn't he?  At last he's admitted he is/was having withdrawal and an addict which is the first step, that is what addicts do after all Red, they have convinced themselves they are in control, the second was admitting he needed help.  Scarlet does seem to know what she is doing as regards looking after Brody.  Brody had gone very quiet in the bathroom so can see why Justin was so worried, hope he pays for the repair to the door. Not that the family have realised yet, they have had other things on their mind, but it's Raffy's birthday and nice that Hope remembered. Scarlet did go very quiet when Brody was asking about her pas, it has to still be hurting whatever it is and that necklace is connected with it.

I'm stunned Zannis is still in the area and turned up at the Diner, I would have thought and I bet that is what the police were thinking that he'd be long gone, but it seems he's got unfinished business with Brody! Zannis is another cog in the wheel as he was on the phone to someone when Kat was following Lena, someone has to be paying for the meth lab set up.

Ash's reaction to Kat getting hurt would be no different if it was the other way round.  Wouldn't being a detective put her more in the field than away from it? I think it was mentioned on here that Ash is expecting a lot from Kat as regards childcare.  He does a have business of his own to try and run, currently virtually single handed, at the rate he has been away from it he soon won't have one and doesn't Kat have a vested interest in it? If it had been Kat who had taken in her niece and who had a business and a partner in the force she would have been expected to be a stay at home aunt and not bother her other half, but because Ash dare's to ask her to help he's getting flak.

So thanks to Marilyn we found out Alf had an angina attack and no it hadn't been mentioned previously, high blood pressure due to his viral infection yes but nothing else. Of course Marilyn would be able to sympathise with Roo as she herself had a miscarriage, it is usually that way, only someone who has gone through it could understand. I know she's not thinking straight at the moment but having an ectopic pregnancy is nothing to do with age.  Now Roo has lost the baby she would, being honest and assuming she had accepted the money, would have handed it back so she hasn't lost anything monetary wise. As for her wanting to reunite with Martha, she certainly wouldn't be able to come back to Australia as she's on the run with Hugo in the States.

Nate did a great job but I think that is why he was so off with Tori when she was praising him and telling him he should get back into doctoring. Felt like she was patting him on the head for doing what he is trained for. Red, of course Tori was the only doctor on duty, same as Nate used to be the only doctor on duty, there is only ever one when there is an emergency!

Talking of Dr. Nate it seems that he is being John's agent for the fund raiser one reason I guess is that people may not be interested if they knew John  was behind it and second so that Marilyn doesn't think John is doing it to impress her again. Didn't envy Nate having to fend off Marilyn's offers to help. Same scenario with Justin and Phoebe a few weeks back, he gave her space and she didn't like it, guys can't win, pressure their lady of the moment and get accused of being pushy, back off and they're accused off ignoring them.:rolleyes:  How much is too much space?

And look who's back - Jett!!!  Without a head transplant I might add.

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I normally like Mason but I found him completely out of line with his blaming Justin for everything.It just felt like he wanted an easy scapegoat.It was Raffy's fourteenth birthday?That's quite a trick, since I thought she already was fourteen.Still, it gave Justin a great chance to take charge, which is curious given that in the past Tori has seemed like the natural leader.But he was the one that silently took the lead with the baking (not that that was a success, although ironically the fact it was bad probably broke the ice) and he was the one who cut through the platitudes and told Raffy "No, this won't make everything better, but let's do it anyway."

Leah was back to being vastly unlikable in her attitude towards Zac.I wish Alf had done more than make jokes about it.He thought John was underestimating Marilyn but right in front of him Zac continues to overestimate Leah and she continues to delight in taking everything the wrong way.I really can't think anything about his planned relocation other than that after being told that Hunter came from the city over and over when he first turned up (as I may have mentioned, it was the excuse used for Olivia choosing him over VJ, that they were the two city kids and VJ was the local), we're now supposed to believe he comes from some town somewhere.Even though he was going back and forth between the Bay and his gran's place in the city, usually without telling anyone.By the way, the stuff with the postcard was rendered somewhat confusing by the fact Alf appeared to say Andy instead of Evie, which conjured up a weird mental image.("Prison's okay.Sorry I killed your family.Wish I was there.")

John and Marilyn make inroads but I could actually understand Marilyn's thought processes here, as John says all the wrong things.Nice to see Jett back though.I'm slightly worried that he's suddenly back to being credited as Jett James: What happened to Jett Palmer? Did the person who did the credits not bother to do proper research, like the person who had Leah's e-mail address as Patterson-Baker a while back?

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Loved the way when the Morgans presented the birthday cake to try and sweeten up Raffy, she just replied "No".  Good to see Mason speak his mind to Justin.  If Justin's going away that's a good thing.  The longer the better as far as I'm concerned.

Finding it a little hard to watch the stuff with Zac.  Virtually every scene he was in I felt sorry for him.  He's going to be absolutely devastated when he finds out the truth.  I now wish Hunter hadn't gone back for the results of the DNA test or even taken the test in the first place.

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