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15 minutes ago, 630si said:

Zacs fall was unintentionally hilarious.

Working in that diner st the moment must be madness. They've all got stuff going on!! 

Well, it was hilarious to start with. Drunk Zac is funny (but Leah is my favorite drunk, That scene where she got loaded at a meal and "let the twins out to play" in 2000 was hilarious!) :lol:

Yeah, All the females working the diner must be thinking "Lord, I can't deal with these other bitches today! I've got my own stuff going on!"

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Well, good that Zac's okay.It says a lot that I was cheering Hunter when he laid into Leah and VJ, not that he's been particularly supportive of Zac himself lately.And it was nice that VJ seemed to give Leah the final nudge to realise she's being a cow.I'm disappointed if that is Zac and Leah over for good, and there really didn't seem to be any reason for Leah to say they're better off as friends, but it's better it ends like this than in them hating each other.That said, I was actually rather glad that Leah didn't immediately forgive Irene, who finally seems to be realising just how badly she got it wrong.

Nate and Tori both seemed to be being overdramatic.I can't find any sympathy for Marilyn, whose sudden coldness towards John just seems to have come out of nowhere.The fact that she keeps banging on about the fact he's still officially guilty makes it seem like she's convicting him on a technicality.I was especially unhappy about her playing the supportive friend to Irene when she was really just looking for an excuse to avoid John.

And as for the ending...I'll save my rants until we get more information but at the moment it just seems utterly farcical.As did the fact Hunter was wandering around the caravan park for no reason just so VJ could bump into him: Did someone forget he doesn't live there anymore?

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With this much tension in town, they may as well all sign up for the WWE!

I see it now; Leah vs Irene vs Ash in a Triple Threat ladder match for the Custody of Luc! :lol:

(Yes, I'm an Unashamed Pro Wrestling fan)

Nate... did he get more boring since he returned? Because every scene he seems to be in is sending me to sleep right now.

Also, Drinking at the Beach House in yesterday's... Thought Reenie had a No-Grog rule? Feh. It seems a lot of writing gets tossed out on its arse. 




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3 hours ago, CaptainHulk said:

With this much tension in town, they may as well all sign up for the WWE!

I see it now; Leah vs Irene vs Ash in a Triple Threat ladder match for the Custody of Luc! :lol:

(Yes, I'm an Unashamed Pro Wrestling fan)

Nate... did he get more boring since he returned? Because every scene he seems to be in is sending me to sleep right now.

Also, Drinking at the Beach House in yesterday's... Thought Reenie had a No-Grog rule? Feh. It seems a lot of writing gets tossed out on its arse. 




I thought the same about the No Grog rule. Half expected Ash to drop in and catch her putting the recycling out LOL.

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3 hours ago, harrietjames said:

He could he on his way to visit Zac...

He'd just come from visiting Zac who had revealed a very interesting piece of information regarding him and Charlotte!:o

3 hours ago, CaptainHulk said:

My god, He'd carry on like the world's biggest Judge if that was the case!:lol:

Irene does allow grog, people were drinking at hers the other day, it's when it's being snuck in she's against.

On ‎13‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 7:09 PM, c120701 said:

I did laugh at how Roo talked about closing and locking the doors to the house whilst everyone is out like that's the odd thing to do.

Don't worry, it won't last long, Irene had a spate of locking all her doors and windows when Mick was out, but now he's back inside, it's back to normal.

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With Zac getting off so lightly It's like that old saying 'God looks after drunks and babies'. Mild panic that he may have some sort of brain damage, but many would have said he's been suffering from that for years living with Leah, but I'm not that unkind. Is it obligatory for people admitted as an emergency have to crash so the doctor on duty can show their off resuscitation skills? Awkward moment when Tori had to virtually kick Nate out, but she didn't have a choice, he doesn't work there, if anything had gone wrong they'd have been liable.  Mind you that didn't stop Tori and Mason breaking one of the cardinal rules about treating relatives even if it was just patching Brody up.  All her demanding he have a blood test proved that he was wasn't taking cocaine not the drug he currently on. She easily bought his story the price of getting the thugs off his back had gone up.

That's the end of Tori and Nate then, he finally admitted he blamed her for losing his career!

I think Leah slapping Irene was because it touched more than one nerve about her burying her head in the sand, she was blind to how hard VJ was finding it to look after Luc and it was only when she saw it with her own eyes she realised how bad it was. Irene's apology to Leah was heartfelt, she really did think she was doing the right thing and part of it was to make up for what Mick did but realised her mistake, but Leah is still seeing it as her wanting to take Luc away.

Leah and Zac did get on a lot better when they were friends, it was only when they become a couple then went onto get married the problems arose, there was all that him working too much and they tried that 'pretending' to be a dating couple to try and solve it which worked for a while but then it was back to normal. Btw talking of Zac working are the kids off again only we don't appear to see him doing his job as principal, in fact we haven't seen anything of the school for a while.

Once again someone, this time Marilyn, seems to have gone visiting a nearby friend via Sydney.  Marilyn left John in daylight yet it was dark when she got to Irene's.:unsure:  I'm glad she finally did stop dithering and told John what was bothering her.  I felt really sorry for him. She told Roo she always tries to see the good in people but what has happened with John has shaken that belief.

That was a bombshell that Zac dropped by his innocent remark about him breaking up with Charlotte at Christmas and Hunter thinking it was Valentine's Day, to me it casts a lot of doubt about who is the daddy and not just me going by Hunter's reaction!  It took Hunter long enough to accept that Zac knew nothing about him and accept him as his dad and vice versa but now! Trust Charlotte to still be causing possible mayhem.

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The show does do a decent job of making it plausible that neither Zac nor Hunter would have questioned the dates before now-Hunter was born within nine months of the break-up and Zac wouldn't know he was premature.But it will be utterly ridiculous if it's true, as well as being yet another plot beat copied wholesale from Rhys/Angie/Dylan.I take Hunter's point that this is something that affects him and therefore different from when Olivia stuffed things up for Irene and Claire because she thought she knew best, but I don't agree with VJ's advice either:This is something he and Zac should address together, not Hunter sneak around behind his back.I wasn't too keen on VJ's smug joke about the "cheating gene" either.Oh well, it's on hold for now, although it's hard to believe Hunter will bury this forever.

Mason winding Justin up about his needlephobia was sort of cruel but quite amusing and true to life anyway.And after a wait of about six months, we finally see Ava again!I was fully expecting that to be the cliffhanger so a bit surprised that it carried on and we got a nice scene between her and Justin, torn between having all his dreams come true and not wanting to get offside with Nina and Brian.Phoebe's reaction to meeting her was nicely sympathetic as well.

Ash begins to learn the problem of declaring war on the rest of Luc's family, although I think both VJ and Irene would happily have her still.That said, I wasn't keen on Irene being quick to toadie to Luc's new guardians (so much for her epiphany last episode) and I agree that sending Luc to stay with her again won't help anyone.But they need to have a better support network when they've got, especially with Patrick being unreliable at best.

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Seems like Luc has gone from the Frying pan into the Fire!

Never mind Veej going Berko, It's Patrick you gotta wory about! "I've seen things, man! Things people do NOT need to see! PSTD! rackle frackle blah blah"

(Which has honestly been done better in stories involving Alf, and also on Enders w/ Grant's Falklands nightmares, and Nate's Afghanistan stuff on Neighbours)

The Needle thing was a bit of fun, but I feel Neighbours does that kind of thing better (i.e. That time Brett fainted)

Yes, the cut and paste "Maybe X is not my father after all" plot. Contrived. But Angie's kinda had the desired effect, she put that proverbial foot so far up the Sutherlands, they had toes for teeth! This just serves for

Two impending departures


As for Genetics, VJ inherited the Patterson clown Gene (Ralph was a shonky buffoon, we know all about Vinnie who to be fair did mature by his 4th-5th year in, and of course, Alison who had a couple screws loose herself! :D)


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