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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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20 minutes ago, H&Alover said:

I felt sorry for Olivia, who if you believe her bi-op was born in 1998 so she should be 19, but when she returned in 2005 she was 10 (?), then in 2015 she was 17 -  and has been for two years!!!  Anyhoo, she wasn't that young that she couldn't remember Chloe, but I get she feels upset on birthdays especially as this is her first big one without her parents,

Wow doesn't anyone keep records on the show of such details,

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I wrote Olivia's profile so any mistakes are mine.I have a clear memory of her age slowly creeping up during her 2005 stint, but looking through the available clips I could only find a reference to her being eight. She did say when she came back in 2015 that her mother died ten years ago when she was seven, but then she was suddenly back down to sixteen last year...

Roo's episode count this week:Five, meaning she's been in fourteen of the last fifteen episodes.Incredibly, non-regular Luc was in four (and one baby was credited on all four episodes).Zac was only in one, although he was credited on Tuesday for no appearance.Nate didn't appear at all, with a throwaway remark about him being out of town.

It was nice to get a decent bit of VJ/Olivia interaction.(Ideally, I'd prefer him to still be with Billie but since that's not going to happen...)In two minds about Hunter inviting him against Olivia's wishes but mostly coming down on his side, deliberately snubbing him would have been the worse option.And despite there still being understandable tension between him and Irene, he mostly kept it together.

I get the feeling we were meant to have recognised James photographing John last week, but he's so nondescript that I didn't notice at all.I do think Roo overreacted to him taking the photo and it did feel like her picking a fight for no good reason.Of course, then we get that ending...Okay, someone really has been reading my last fan fiction, haven't they?Could be a very interesting route to take Roo down.(Going by her original age, she'd be about 45/46 but I think she's been aged up a couple of years.)I do have to wonder about how old James is: It keeps switching from early 30s to mid 30s.If it's the latter, Hunter's comment about him being closer in age to them doesn't seem quite right.(And how does Hunter know his age anyway?)I did like him shutting Irene and Marilyn up with a touch of over sharing.

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Actually I'm on Hunter's side as to asking VJ to the party, Olivia I think decided not to after the conversation she had with him on their walk.  Nice to see them having a good in depth conversation.  Clever way of getting VJ to decide to go back to school as now he has the opportunity to study properly as Luc will be with Ash, Kat and Patrick.  Anyway VJ could have turned down the invite, Leah didn't show whether  that was down to her staying at home to look after Luc is debatable, it may have been she couldn't face Irene. Didn't Uncle James send Olivia anything for such  a special birthday? Was an awkward moment with VJ and Irene in the nursery and a bit cool between them after.  What really shut it down was Marilyn realising who James was.  I did recognise him and it wasn't his fault, he's a free lance photographer, he has to go where whoever is employing him sends him. At that time he had no idea who John & Marilyn were, he probably didn't even know their names that would have been the reporters domain until he read it in the paper.  He did look uncomfortable when Roo introduced her as Marilyn Chambers.  Maybe he should have mentioned to Roo it was him when he found out so as to avoid what went down, besides whose fault was it he didn't know?  I did wonder if he had known would he still have done the job? A real shock, or maybe not, that Roo is pregnant, I'm glad she wasn't alone when she found out, and how handy that James had made the 'I don't want any children' speech earlier. He did survive the expected grilling well and stunned them into silence with that revelation!:o

Talking of babies, I'm been wondering if the reason why Patrick is so reluctant to even hold Luc is something else from his past, did he have a child himself who died or knew someone who was close to him and they lost a baby or something happened in Afghanistan?

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Well, Phoebe was well-intentioned but really didn't help matters here.Mason is quick to think the best of Brody and even Tori seems to have been won round but Justin seems to retain a healthy dose of suspicion.Brody seems to be potentially crossing another line by going from user to dealer.I'm not sure if highlighting the "Raffy, take the dog for a walk" charade every time they want to exclude her makes it any less annoying.I was mostly interested in her wearing what seemed to be a Batman vs Superman shirt...

Irene acted as a good foil to Roo, which was probably the most likable she's been in ages.Roo's attempts to get out of drinking the champagne were quite amusing but her talk with James soon took a serious turn.The number of people moving into the two-bedroom Diner flat is a bit of a headscratcher: Is Patrick going to be on the couch?

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Finally back in step with the current product (slammed Thurs, Fri and Today's).

Last week was decent.

Good stuff with Olivia's birthday, kinda peeved that Irene didn't even mention Lachie by name. Or James F for that matter (Olivia's Uncle, main guardian for about 10yrs and at one point stepfather). Had an old school feel to it.

The BrodCaine saga... ZZZZ.

Liking the Palmer jail stuff.


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10 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

The number of people moving into the two-bedroom Diner flat is a bit of a headscratcher: Is Patrick going to be on the couch?

Speaking of, I can't believe that I've only just realised it, but the Pier Diner flat is just a reworking of the Beachside Diner flat isn't it? They've just pulled the door in on the left hand side and then put in the little corridor to the right of the kitchen.

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Disappearing/Reappearing rooms... Lol

Other soaps used to pull this..

Number 30 on Nabes, mysteriously got a 4th bedroom... Though, It was revealed to be a converted closet/water heater cupboard.

Queen Vic's Kitchen took about 25yrs to be seen on 'Enders. ? And let's not forget about the Slater Tardis!


On ‎02‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 2:14 PM, samdanfan said:

Wow doesn't anyone keep records on the show of such details,

I feel the writers are taking certain Liberties with continuity

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Plenty of soaps have their Tardis', Eileen's in Corrie, Dingle's farm in Emmerdale!   What happened to the upstairs living quarters in the Rovers, just used to be bedrooms, then became living room/kitchen/bedroom.  Not been seen now for years.

If I remember correctly there are two bedrooms in The Diner flat so would it be likely that Luc will be in with Kat & Ash and Patrick will have the other bedroom? Still looked pretty cramped though with Luc's stuff taking up much of the room. Ash still is looking at the situation through rose tinted glasses, it's going to be a big shock when reality hits. I hope he won't be too proud to ask either Leah or Irene for help as to how to look after Luc.

Good discussion between Roo and Irene that was more like the Irene we know and love.  Glad Roo bit the bullet and told James 'the' news rather than keep putting it off and having Irene blow it by assuming James knew as usually happens. I don't think he is going to change his mind about how he feels about having children which is going to put Roo in a tricky position.  This after all is a second chance for her to be a proper mum which she missed out on with Martha. Obviously it came as a shock to James she had had a child.

Brody spun the line every addict spins, I don't need it, just recreational, I'm in control:rolleyes: when generally the opposite is true though they come across as very convincing.Obviously Justin being the eldest would be more suspicious and worried.  It's a fine line to tread, follow them around, keep tabs on them, cutting off their money supply or take a leap of faith and trust them. Bless Phoebe she did good, hope Justin doesn't take it out on her if/when it goes pear shaped. Brody did break an unspoken code by swearing on their mother's grave he was off the stuff then next moment he's buying off Zannis and considering becoming a dealer to pay off what he owes and his future usage.  That's how many users become dealers to help fund their own addiction.   It did look like poor Buddy is going to become an unfortunate victim.:(    I too wish they would stop treating Raffy like a five year old, she's a bright girl and doesn't need 'protecting' but no, it's either take Buddy for a walk, go get yourself something to eat etc.  I did smile when they were having another family discussion and Buddy gave away the fact she was hiding in her bedroom and had heard everything anyway. Surely it's better she is kept in the loop and can help in her own small way.

Another well used phrase used in soaps is 'I'm fine'.  As soon as someone says that you know damn well they are the exact opposite, yet every time the person it's said to generally takes it at face value.

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6 hours ago, CaptainHulk said:

Disappearing/Reappearing rooms... Lol

Other soaps used to pull this..

Number 30 on Nabes, mysteriously got a 4th bedroom... Though, It was revealed to be a converted closet/water heater cupboard.

Queen Vic's Kitchen took about 25yrs to be seen on 'Enders. ? And let's not forget about the Slater Tardis!


I feel the writers are taking certain Liberties with continuity

So True

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