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First and foremost yeh, yeh and thrice yeh Morag is back!!!!!!!:D   She'll get John sorted out OK.  Legal Aid guy just didn't seem that motivated, surely you've got to have sort of faith in your client rather than his 'I don't care' attitude. I don't know if he was trying to play devil's advocate by accusing John of faking his memory loss but it didn't inspire me with confidence.  I was kind of puzzled by Morag's entrance but as dramatic entrances go it was a good one, the clichéd shot of a pair of well heeled shoes getting out of a car and all that. The plea bargain must seem very tempting to John if it means he'll get a much reduced sentence but I personally wouldn't take it. I get he wants to spare Marilyn him being banged up for 10 years and he'd be quite an old man when he gets out, if he survived.  I know it's all down to how his case is put across, but seeing as it's Morag it'd be a solid one.  There's medical evidence, character references, who knows even those who lost their homes may speak up for him. Independent accounts of how he blacked out, had blinding headaches etc. though I can see it is hard to prove  diminished responsibility is the better route to go. May be way off here but I don't think this is the only case Morag is going to find herself involved with.:wink: Perhaps Morag and John crossed paths on a legal way back when he was a councillor. :unsure:

Yes Red I remember now about Phoebe saying that about Patrick but still doesn't appear to be that common knowledge, perhaps there's an unspoken agreement to keep it low key until he's ready. Patrick may have his problems but he does appear to be the only one who can talk Ash out of his hot headiness, it was after his chat with Ash he had the summit meeting with VJ and Irene and some sort of agreement was made. It doesn't appear to me at least that Irene knows who Patrick really is as he is keeping his distance from all the fuss, he and Ash could gang up as a united front.  Ash, VJ and Irene all want the best for Luc but they all have such blinkered ways of how it should be.  Irene with her sudden possessiveness, Ash on the case because of her past history, VJ wanting to fulfil Billie's wishes but struggling especially now as Leah has deserted him. Knee jerk reaction by Ash saying he'd go for custody, he currently living at the farmhouse but due to be evicted soon, true he has a job, good money wise but as Kat pointed out how is he going to manage it with a baby, there is only him and Justin now. True he has no experience of looking after a baby but neither do any first time parents. they learn on the job as it were. I had to smile at the look on Kat's face when Ash said 'she'd live with us'!

It's going to be pretty full at Irene's, her, Hunter, Olivia, Nate and Luc, but  hey baby sitters on tap if she can bear to let anyone get a look in. As Olivia and Hunter are already sleeping together she can hardly turn round and say 'no, not under my roof', they'd either sneak about during the night or go back to the caravan park. I think that landlord saw them coming, knew they were young, first time renters, wouldn't have a clue as to what to do on a private let.  At the most cynical I wouldn't be surprised if he was behind the break in, they'd cleaned up the place, got rid of all the rubbish and look how fast  he had someone new to take it over increased rent too I'm betting.

Well after goodness knows how many months Hunter and Zac were actually seen in the same room as each other.:o Shame it was under the circumstances as VJ having found out Zac cheated on Leah.  Understandable Hunter didn't initially believe VJ until he said Zac had admitted it. If Zac hadn't left the laptop open so the first message up was Leah telling Zac to leave her alone VJ would still be none the wiser. I spotted her email name was Patterson-Baker, I guess adding MacGuire to it would be plain silly.  The thought crossed my mind the mood she is in she'd blame Zac for VJ finding out by leaving his laptop open. At least Zac is trying to get Leah to talk about it, her sheer stubbornness in refusing to is only making it worse. Full credit to Zac for not bad mouthing Leah, VJ and Hunter have no idea of how Leah had been treating him in the weeks leading to his ill advised fling with Sam. Does VJ have the right too fling Zac out, it's not his 'house', technically it's Alf's, but it's just as much Zac's home as it is his. 

I can see why Irene jumped to the conclusion it was that James, though it is a very common name.  He certainly didn't look that young, gorgeous yes, though I can see it from Roo's point of view knowing what small town folk are like. Morag's opinion was just as you would expect it to be.

I think TPTB picked the right person to be unexpectedly hooked on drugs, Brody until now has been the level headed one keeping the others on an even keel, OK maybe not Tori so much.  He does, I think, want to stop it doesn't have that good 'feeling' for him as it might others.  His snapping at Raffy was totally out of character, glad she mentioned it to Justin.  Going off on a tangent, their bathroom has a lock on it!

Hope Donna doesn't spoil things for Phoebe, we saw her dripping suggestions in Justin's ear at the party.  Phoebe tried the big time and look how that turned out, not surprising she's wary of going down that route again. She enjoys playing her music her way and for herself not others.

Gosh there are actually more doctors at the hospital other than Tori and Nate!:o  That is not going to be a good conversation between Tori and Nate,  so not just British hospitals that have to make cuts.  Nate is a good doctor, they'd be mad to get rid of him.  If the only problem is he does too many hours couldn't they request he cut them down and bump another doctor up in his place  or is that too simplistic? Tori evading Nate's questions at the party is going to make Nate think she's hiding something else from him cue more angst.

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Alf's episode count:Suspended. Instead, it's Roo's turn to appear in all five episodes for her debut of the season.

I don't know, it's feeling at the moment as though the show's using up all its ideas in the first half of the week and leaving us with the slight stuff at the end.Phoebe and Justin's engagement party was a bit lame, the attendees consisting of his family, his sister's boyfriend, some old friend we'd never heard of a week ago and a bunch of non-speaking characters.Where were Ash and Kat?Brody's addiction was well-acted if treading water a bit.I'm guessing he scored at least twice, once near the start of the episode and then the first time he sneaked off.The second time though he seemed to be desperately trying to sober up.(And his newfound intensity meant for the first time he reminded me of Lachie Cladwell...)Tori spending the episode not telling Nate and then telling him felt like filler.Even John and Marilyn's storyline basically consisted of John making a decision he could have made an episode earlier.

Meanwhile, Morag had a bit of a point.Roo needs to have the courage of her convictions:At the moment she's insisting she and James have nothing to be ashamed of while at the same time hiding him from her friends and fobbing him off when he queries it.

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Yes poor James, he must feel Roo is ashamed of him. Serves her right if he went down to the Diner and just announced when asked that he was Roo's new bloke! Her excuse was it was fine in Hawaii as there was only Duncan to think about, but she can't hide him away for ever, grow a pair girl!  I mean who is there is condemn her, or so she thinks, Marilyn, John, Irene who'll be more relieved it's not that James and anyway she dated a much younger man.  I doubt Zac, VJ, Kat or Ash will be that bothered Phoebe won't , she'll just be chuffed she's got a bloke. Is Morag more worried about Roo or James getting hurt?

Was a low key party, fair enough Kat may have been working, but Ash could have shown his face.  The ones who would have gone, Evie, Matt and Ellie have left of course, might have done VJ some good to have been there, but I guess he had done his three days.  T'was rather awkward between Nate and Tori as Nate knew she was keeping something from him and glad Justin finally persuaded her to tell him the truth.  I bet he was relieved it was just work rather than she was dumping him again!  Brody definitely used the first time, but substituted booze the second time to get through the evening, but as he didn't act too outlandishly it wasn't picked up on.  Justin seems prepared to let Phoebe have  ago at reviving her singing career, but has he thought it through?

So Morag couldn't change John's mind, but Roo did, there's a uphill fight ahead of them though.

Btw much as I like Ash I wish he'd stop saying VJ has 'palmed' Luc off onto Irene, she's her grandmother not a stranger off the street. He did the right thing, he wasn't coping and Luc was suffering because of it.  Something I have posted on here comes to light this week.:wink::o


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Really, really disliking Irene.  It was obvious she didn't want Ash to have Luc (and I didn't like Roo telling Ash to give her a break) so I was glad he had a go at her and threatened to take legal action.  Although I didn't like the fact VJ was dragged into it but it seems to have been resolved and all three a sharing access...for now.

Whilst I agree with Kat's concerns about Patrick I do think she should drop looking into the operation that he doesn't want brought up.

Well Hunter and Olivia renting their own place didn't last long.  I suppose it's for the best anyway.  I don't blame them for not taking out insurance as I suspect very few people would do that.  But they should have read the fine print and inspected the property before moving in.

If people are using shared computers and they have private email messages don't they ever log out?

I must admit when I saw James's name on Roo's phone shortly after she returned I did wonder if she had gotten back with her ex.

Even though I don't particularly like Phoebe's friend I laughed when Phoebe told her to forget coming to the engagement party and she didn't need her judgement given that Phoebe is one of the most judgmental people in the show.

Good to see Battleship back.  She made a very pertinent point when it came to Roo.  Namely the fact that she's hiding James from everybody.  If she was really into him it's more than likely she wouldn't care what people think.  But I guess she doesn't really see a future.

Roo herself has been back all of five minutes and she's already involving herself in everybody's problems.

Will be interesting to see what happens with Tori and Nate re getting rid of a member of staff.

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Nice as it was to see some of the hospital regulars again rather than Nate and Tori doing everything, I wasn't entirely happy with the storyline.Tori has handled things badly: She should have declared the relationship in the first place.I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt since there did seem to be valid reasons for choosing Anna instead of Nate, but it was always going to look like favouritism.Nate was a bit of a douche at the beginning, but did eventually come to Tori's rescue.As for Phoebe, while she's been a bit better lately, I've never really been convinced that she's that good a singer.

Again, an awful lot of people weren't as suspicious as Brody as they should have been.Justin did at least seem to have his concerns, but Tori and Mason mostly just shrugged off his odd behaviour.Lena didn't seem the type to have minions, so not sure where this new guy fits in.And Brody trying to run from the police is probably not going to end well.

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18 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt since there did seem to be valid reasons for choosing Anna instead of Nate

Yeah totally!! But that is what I HATE about this whole sl: Tori's been made out to be like a two faced, biased, unfair ED Head when that's the last thing she ever is. Nate has a BIG culpability I think. I mean that scene when he went in to talk to Tori in her office was SO OUT OF ORDER!!!!!!!!! I was like "Nate there are two options alright: You wanna leave? Because that's the other option!" 

I did like the scene with Tori and Justin at first! Much better than the scene they had on Fri. pre Engagement Party!! :D 

When Nate was apologising to Tori for throwing her out earlier on I was like 'Alright good!' But that apology quickly went down hill...

The whole issue here is personal vs. professional. Neither Tori or Nate handled that very well. Well it was kind of personal because of the fact Nate and Tori are an item but that's where the personal ends. It was absolutely a professional decision. 

I think the whole writing of this was handled like a car crash. Then in the end Tori's just like "Anna's only part time anyway" - casual as you like. Gaaaaaaah!!!!!!!


I did like the resolution!! :wub: It was a grand romantic gesture but on the other hand it's a bit like: Yup that's the least you could do Nate. :rolleyes: 

In conclusion yeah I suppose Tori should've stepped aside as soon as Nate's name was thrown into the ring: Doctors aren't allowed to operate on their own family/loved ones, police officers aren't allowed to arrest/interrogate loved ones, judges aren't allowed to try a case where a loved one's involved in any capacity. But you know then TPTB wouldn't have got to have all their what they call "fun" so... Or just offered what she knows about Anna because she's a diligent and attentive boss and fought for Nate that way! Anyway I'm glad it's all over now!!

Having said all of that though it was kind of interesting to see my ship going through something different. Not that I'm complaining at all about all the couple scenes there have been. LOVE those so much!!!!! But was interesting to see them back at work again and working through the issue together, even if it wasn't really very together and it was just a big mess. Kudos to Kyle and Penny for pulling off that big mess of a script as well as they did!!!

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So Tori's excuse was she couldn't fire Anna as it would look like she was favouring Nate who she is in a relationship with and nobody knows about it, well to fair as it was so on and off none of the staff could keep up as to if they were an item or not. I'm guessing the nurse who was earwigging Tori and Nate's conversation filled in Anna who doesn't work in ED so that is why we've never heard of her before. But she should have come clean to Dr. Chung as to why she couldn't chose between them which she could have kept to herself.  I was surprised over Nate's overreaction, it wasn't anything personal and wasn't Tori's decision, just the messenger, but we all know what happens to them. There wouldn't be any reason why he couldn't get another job, his bring made redundant  wasn't  a reflection on his work, it was a financial decision.  On balance Tori did put across a good argument why it should be Anna, she is only part time and costs more than Nate who we know is the only doctor there whatever the emergency. Doctors shouldn't operate/treat members of their family/friends but how many times have we seen them do exactly that!

Both Tori and Mason are doctors so why haven't they seen what is wrong with Brody, especially as Mason as already been mentioned knew what Lena was up to when she first asked if he needed anything to help him relax. Maybe because she isn't on the scene anymore he thinks the problem has gone away. Don't know why the police had set up that road block but unless they were planning to body search each driver/passenger no valid reason for Brody to panic, he hadn't used before driving to Yabby Creek.  Now he's driven off like a maniac with Raffy, fair enough if he wants to wrap himself around a tree but he's got an innocent kid with him. That guy that pitched up was Lena's dealer which ranks up the stakes a notch.

I think that is the first time we have heard Phoebe mention her mum.  Full marks to Justin by encouraging Phoebe to follow her dream and take up Donna's offer to go on tour with her, though she voiced her concerns to Kat. Neat little mention of Kyle when she told Justin what happened last time she had the opportunity of touring and what it did to their relationship.

Don't know when she's making an appearance but as seen in the trailer Leah is back this week.

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Ah yes, I forgot about the mention of Phoebe's mum, someone who we don't really know much about despite Phoebe having been on the show over three years.So Phoebe's off on tour and meanwhile the Morgans have a whole heap of other trouble to deal with.Brody narrowly survives his brush with the law, I'm surprised they didn't slap him with a dangerous driving charge at least.I'm assuming RBTs (mentioned by Kat in the previous episode and several times here) are Random Breathalyser Tests.I guess it's good that Brody admitted the truth to Justin and that he didn't realised how quickly he was going to get hooked, but given that he's already tried to quit once and failed, it seems optimistic to act as though all's good just because Justin got rid of one fix.Mason works a lot better when he's winding up Justin: I like the character but there were moments in the previous episode where Orpheus Pledger didn't really seem to know what note to play a scene on.

So Leah's back and seems ready to attempt a reconciliation with Zac...but then the episode ends with her kicking him out.It's very frustrating and again I find I sympathise more with Zac than Leah.I don't want to trivialise what Zac's done (although frankly it was such a ridiculously out of character moment, wholly inconsistent with his actions both before and since, that it's hard to do anything else) but Leah getting on her paranoid kick and acting as though Sam's a threat to her marriage when Leah's probably thinking more about her than Zac is just makes me want to yell at her.I am at something of a loss as to where Zac could even go, Irene's place is a bit full and he doesn't have any other family around.A caravan?John and Marilyn's?(On the subject of which, were exactly has VJ been if not at the house?Hanging out with Hunter and Olivia?Apart from a couple of scenes with Hunter last week, it feels like ages since we've seen him with either of them.)

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On 5/23/2017 at 3:43 PM, H&Alover said:

So Tori's excuse was she couldn't fire Anna as it would look like she was favouring Nate who she is in a relationship with and nobody knows about it,

Well... Kinda... When you put it like that it does seem a bit absurd but Tori knew!! Even if no one else in the entire hospital knew Tori know's she's in a relationship with Nate! She was concerned about her impartiality therefore. ;) 

Huh?? Anna doesn't work in the ED?? So what's our lovely Head of the ED doing firing her then?? It gets worse y'all!!! Are you sure she doesn't work in  the ED? She must do! Are TPTB really that thick? I mean don't get me wrong; there have been some CLUNKERS lately in the script department... 


On 5/23/2017 at 3:43 PM, H&Alover said:

There wouldn't be any reason why he couldn't get another job, his bring made redundant  wasn't  a reflection on his work, it was a financial decision.

No. Indeed. It was purely financial. Nate shouldn't have taken the whole issue so flippin personally. It's like "Yes Nate: Money! Would you rather it be about your skills as a medical practitioner??" Man I LOVE Nate but boooooooy did he do my head in on Monday.


On 5/23/2017 at 3:43 PM, H&Alover said:

On balance Tori did put across a good argument why it should be Anna, she is only part time and costs more than Nate who we know is the only doctor there whatever the emergency.

Haha!! Yes that's true... Just it was all higgledy-piggledy and messed up and ugh frustrating!!!



Um I tried to post this whole message yest. but lost my Internet connection so here I am today. :) 

So no one wants to comment on Weds' ep. then... Yeah wasn't up to much was it... Ash... Like a broken record with all the rushes to judgement and really reeeeeaaaaaalllly harsh ones at that. That's just standard Ash. Man I HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE him. Patrick was a bit more down to earth. :) Ash needs someone like that with him at absolutely AAAAALLLLL times.

It annoyed me how Ash kept referring to Zac as VJ's Old Man too. Can Step Dad be included in that? Just purely a statement of fact and nothing else: Zac is not VJ's Dad. 

The highlights for me were definitely Justin/Tori's scenes and Tori's scenes with Luc!! 

Was cute to see Penny interacting with the lil bub knowing she's an amazing Mum in rl!! I enjoyed that!! And Tessy actually used her stethoscope!! We don't get to see that very often!! I mean they're the mandatory accessory for the Drs. in H&A but Dr. Morgan actually used hers today!! :D


ETA: The scenes with Zac were... interesting... I don't condone what he did at all but was interesting to hear about it from his very human perspective... Zac's still one of my favs at the end of the day I guess, but he has fallen very far.

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History kind of repeating itself with Phoebe saying she knows Justin's family comes first (last time it was the Braxton's) which is why he is staying, he did well though not to reveal Brody's secret, though give Phoebe her due she can keep a secret. 

That was one very, very lucky escape for Brody and it certainly seems to have brought him to his senses (fingers crossed anyway) it definitely scared him. He hadn't been drinking so there was no reason for him to avoid the stop, Kat is no fool she's going to be keeping an eye on him. I wasn't at all happy with Brody planting the drugs in Raffy's bag:angry: yes he got away with it but supposing she had found them, her new found big half brother using her in that way!  Good point about the dangerous driving Red! 

Let's say I haven't seen Anna working in ED!  From what Tori was saying yesterday Nate has got over his tantrum seeing as he fell on his sword to protect her being sued.

Ah the return of Leah, still initially very cool with Zac then snogged his face off, they get as far as the bedroom then she freezes because she still hasn't addressed the problem with the one person she should be addressing it with Zac!  Believe me Red you're not the only one wanting to shout at her or even give her a slap! She did admit she still loved him well no surprise there, she wouldn't  so angry or hurt otherwise.  She just shouts at him not giving pause for him to try and explain.  He's admitted himself and to John it was totally out of character for him.  If he'd had someone else to offload on at the time it wouldn't have happened imho. I'm glad he was able to talk so openly with John who didn't condemn or blame just listened.  Seeing as VJ doesn't know the full facts can understand why he thought Zac was making light of it when he caught him laughing, and thumped him. Yes, yes we know it's complicated so uncomplicate it Leah!.  Total overreaction by VJ suggesting Zac shouldn't be Leah's husband anymore! My memory may be failing me but didn't VJ throw Zac out so why did Zac say VJ had been staying somewhere else?

I rather liked the girlie get together but I did notice neither, Roo, Irene or Marilyn wanted to stick pins in a doll of Zac or string him up for being such a rat.  I'd forgotten Harvey had cheated on Roo

Leah isn't in  a hurry to get Luc back and Ash saw VJ whack Zac and knows the reason why  and which from what we've seen plays straight into Ash's hands.

Even  allowing that Ash has absolutely no experience with little babies he did overreact over Luc's being poorly, even Tori wasn't overly concerned.  I've not been a parent but I'd take Irene (who has) and Tori's word for it that it can come on very suddenly, a baby that young can't control their body temperature like adults.  Before all the panic set in I did like those scenes with him, Luc and Patrick, especially when she threw up on him.  Btw why the reluctance on Patrick's behalf to hold her? I don't remember anything being said between them but are we to assume Irene knows who Patrick was? Of course now he, Ash, won't want VJ taking her back because of the situation between Leah and Zac, won't be the most settled home for a baby with all that tension. just how is he , though, going to convince a court he should have custody, as I said before he has no experience of looking after a baby.  VJ had Leah, Irene has had children, looked after Finlay's and the children of some of her foster kids.

John wanting to spend his day with Marilyn was  a lovely idea but in a way they did more good helping their friends.  Not a spoiler as we saw what Dr. Chung stating John was a serial arsonist!  On what evidence can she claim that, has he struck again since his op or has she another reason we know nothing about?

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