14 Neighbours Spoilers for Next Week – 1st to 4th July

Next week on Neighbours, Sky wants to take Harold away from Erinsborough, Holly is in danger, Victor skips town after kissing Jane, and new arrival Logan is hiding something.
Here’s everything coming up on Neighbours next week, from Monday 1st to Thursday 4th July.
1) Holly is in danger
The end of this week saw Holly (Lucinda Armstrong Hall) continue her detective work, with dangerous consequences.
She’d already had a near miss with the law after assaulting podcast owner Liv (Cece Peters) by spraying her in the face with hairspray, but she remains determined to get to the bottom of the poisoning mystery.
When she found that Dr Gavin Bowman (Cameron MacDonald) was being interviewed in the latest episode of Crimesborough, she decided to look into his past.
She took Karl’s (Alan Fletcher) old pass and snuck into Erinsborough Hospital, where she made a beeline for the personnel records.
Armed with her newfound knowledge of his chequered history, she later explained to Remi (Naomi Rukavina), Karl and Susan (Jackie Woodburne) that she suspected Dr Bowman was the poisoner. The trio shot down her theory, but with Holly determined to prove that she’s right, she decided to keep a close eye on the dodgy doc.
In the final moments of Thursday’s episode, Holly found herself in serious jeopardy as she caught Dr Bowman just as he was injecting his signature poison into a fruit platter in the Community Centre.
Returning to the drama next week, Holly finds herself tied up and held captive by Gavin.
Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee
Karl becomes worried when Holly doesn’t answer her phone and nobody else has seen her – will he be able to track her down before it’s too late?
2) Wendy lives a secret life
Wendy (Candice Leask) has started her new course at Eden Hills University, and this week confessed to Andrew (Lloyd Will) that she hasn’t yet made any friends, fearful of being seen as “too Wendy.”
Andrew encouraged her to just be herself, and she soon made friends with Parker and their mates. In next week’s episodes, Wendy heads out on the town and does her best to impress her fellow students and keep up with their drinking.
One of the students she’s out to impress is the laid-back and jovial Quinn (Louis Le). As she gets carried away, a drunk Wendy stays out much longer than planned.
Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee
Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee
The next morning she nurses a massive hangover, much to the amusement of Sadie (Emerald Chan) and Cara (Sara West).
Later in the day, new friend Quinn pops to the Waterhole and invites Wendy on another pub crawl. Aaron (Matt Wilson) offers to cover her shift and Wendy agrees to another drinking session.
As Quinn continues to watch her, it becomes clear that he may be interested in more than friendship with his new drinking buddy.
Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee
4) Victor and Jane kiss
The end of this week’s episodes saw Victor (Craig Hall) make Leo (Tim Kano) a lowball offer for his Yorokobi vineyard. When Leo told him that he couldn’t possibly accept such an offensive offer, Vic reminded him that it was the only offer he had, and gave him two days to decide.
Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee
Next week, Leo seeks advice from Terese (Rebekah Elmaloglou), who tells him that while it’s a bad offer, he should still accept it. However, she advises him to keep a 51% interest in the business so that he can’t lose overall control.
Leo heads to No. 24 to give the Stones his offer, and Vic agrees to a 49% stake. Byron and Nicolette are thrilled – they co-own a vineyard!
Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee
Jane (Annie Jones) later tells Victor that she’s moved by his selfless decision to invest in his children’s future. Touched by her kind words, Victor moves in for a kiss, taking Jane by surprise.
She pulls away and rushes off, heading next door to No. 22 to debrief with Terese. But does she regret the kiss?
3) Victor gets remarkable news
Victor (Craig Hall) arrived in Erinsborough in late April looking to reconnect with children Byron (Xavier Molyneux) and Nicolette (Hannah Monson) after learning that he had terminal cancer.
Nicolette encouraged her dad to look into other treatments, but Vic assured her that the doctors in England had exhausted every possible option. So in true soap fashion, when Remi invited him in for a radiology scan this week, it seemed inevitable that something big was about to happen.
Low and behold, next week sees Remi give Victor the results of his scan – he’s in remission!
It transpires that he was taking part in an immunotherapy trial in London and it’s worked; his tumours have disappeared.
4) JJ’s jealousy grows
Next week, Toadie (Ryan Moloney) returns from Colac, where he’s spent the last few weeks looking after his parents. The time away hasn’t softened his stance towards JJ (Riley Bryant), and he’s not happy to find the teen in his house when he gets back.
Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee
JJ and Nell (Ayisha Salem-Towner) continue to try to ignore their feelings for one another, while Dex (Marley Williams), who remains oblivious to their mutual crush, tries to secure a date of his own with Nell.
Sadly, Nell misses his hints, so Dex turns to JJ, who reluctantly suggests an online anime retrospective as a way to win Nell over.
With Nell excited by the idea, JJ is forced to put on a show of happiness for his brother, as his jealousy grows.
5) Toadie and Terese are back on track
After a few weeks apart, a recently reunited Toadie and Terese find themselves falling into a kiss.
Suddenly the spark in their marriage is re-ignited, and as the pair bask in the afterglow, Toadie is struck with the perfect fish name for Terese: ‘Swordfish’.
After months of heartache and turmoil, it seems the pair are officially back on track.
6) Logan’s obsession with Aaron continues
New arrival Logan (Matthew Backer) continues to shower Aaron with attention next week, after the revelation that he has a connection to David (Takaya Honda).
Logan is thrilled when Aaron agrees to give him a private cocktail session, and the pair have a great time together. However, when Logan doffs his shaker lid like a hat, it reminds Aaron of his and David’s old flirtatious cocktail-offs, and he freezes.
Panicked, Aaron snaps at Logan and orders him to leave. He later apologises, admitting that he’d been spooked by a reminder of a special moment with David.
Logan encourages Aaron to keep David’s memory alive as he offers him a listening ear. While he seems sincere, as soon as Logan is left alone, he brings up Aaron’s social media feed and scrolls through his and David’s wedding photos.
7) Victor skips town
After learning that his cancer is in remission, Victor doesn’t know what to do. He maintains a cheerful smile at breakfast the following day, unsure how to break the news to his family.
When Jane shows up, Nicolette and Byron are too busy relishing their recent business win to notice the post-kiss awkwardness between their parents.
Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee
Nicolette makes a heartfelt speech, and Victor prepares himself to share his good news. However, taking in the joyful faces of those he loves, he loses courage.
Considering his arrival was marked by Jane and Byron’s resentment over his failings as a husband and father, is he worried that the news that he’s not dying will re-focus them on his past behaviour?
Later, Vic apologises to Jane for kissing her, but she insists that it’s already forgotten. She sincerely thanks him for devoting the time he has left to their kids, and for giving them a life-changing legacy.
Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee
In return, Victor tells Jane that it means the world to him that they’ve had the chance to make peace.
When Nicolette and Byron can’t get hold of Victor later on, they head to No. 32 where they expect to find him napping. Instead, they’re stunned to find his belongings gone and an envelope addressed to each of them.
Victor has left town without saying goodbye.
Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee
8) Nicolette and Byron give Leo the bad news
In next Wednesday’s episode, Nic and Byron come to terms with the fact that Victor has left town and has no intention of investing in Leo’s business.
Nicolette is determined to believe the best of Vic, but Byron refuses to entertain his excuses.
Jane feels duped too and agrees with Byron’s scathing opinion, privately upset that Victor has left without saying goodbye to her either.
Vic’s decision to leave means Byron and Nicolette are forced to have a difficult conversation with Leo, telling him that they can no longer buy a share in Yorokobi.
As Leo reels from the news, Byron realises that he may have an idea…
9) Sky makes a surprise return
Harold’s (Ian Smith) granddaughter Sky Mangel (Stephanie McIntosh) makes a surprise visit to Eirene Rising next week, as she worries for Harold’s safety.
Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee
She’s heard about the recent spate of ‘pranks’ and the worsening thefts, and is considering taking Harold out of the retirement complex for good.
Terese and Susan (Jackie Woodburne) do their best to convince Sky that the situation is under control, while Jane explains her strategy to manage the co-existence of the students and residents.
Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee
Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee
However, with Jane distracted by Victor’s decision to leave Erinsborough, she doesn’t give Sky the best first impression.
As Sky questions Jane’s dedication to the cause, she announces that she’s decided to remove Harold from Eirene Rising and take him home to Queensland.
Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee
10) Logan’s secret identity is discovered
When Remi meets newcomer Logan for the first time, she’s immediately struck by how familiar he is. Logan denies knowing her, but she can’t shake the feeling that she’s met him before.
Logan is clearly spooked, and when he meets Leo, he’s worried that he might be recognised again.
Later, Melanie spots Logan flirting with Aaron and warns him off, thinking that it’s too soon after David’s death. Seeing how adamant Melanie is, Logan agrees to dial things down.
When Remi sees Logan again, this time she remembers where she knows him from – a medical conference! Melanie is thrown to hear that Logan worked in medicine, but he quickly explains that he was only at the conference as part of the catering staff.
The interaction leaves Melanie curious – is Logan lying?
11) Wendy’s secrets continue
Later in the week, Wendy nurses a hangover after another night of partying with her new Uni friends.
Andrew finds the whole thing amusing and when he mentions that her friends must know that she’s not in her 20s like them, Wendy keeps the truth hidden – in reality, they have no idea that she’s older, and married with a kid.
12) Harold opts to stay in Erinsborough
Following Sky’s announcement that she’s taking Harold out of Eirene Rising, Jane puts aside her Victor woes and throws herself back into her job.
She plans to re-focus on the original plan of bringing the Eirene Rising and Erinsborough High students together in dialogue, with the hope that they’ll start to view each other as fellow human beings and hopefully develop some mutual respect.
After a shaky start, the student/resident event exceeds everyone’s expectations. Harold, who wants to stay in Erinsborough because it makes him feel closer to Madge, hopes that it’ll calm Sky’s desires to take him back to Queensland.
Sky is forced to admit that she mainly wanted Harold to come back with her because of how much he did for her when she was a teen, and she feels like she needs to repay him by looking after him now.
Harold assures his granddaughter that everything he did for her in the past was out of unconditional love, and she’s not indebted to him.
Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee
Realising that she no longer has to feel guilty, Sky agrees to let Harold stay.
13) Cara catches Wendy out
When Cara struggles due to her lack of IT skills, Aaron and Andrew suggest she enrol in a computer course to upskill.
Cara takes their advice and begins researching courses at Eden Hills Uni, but when Wendy passes by, she quickly hides her screen. It seems Cara wants to keep her new course a secret.
Later, Cara visits the university to check out their courses. While she’s there, she spots Wendy dressed far younger than normal, having a great time with her new friends.
It seems both Cara and Wendy are living secret lives on the grounds of Eden Hills University.
14) Kiri Durant returns
With Leo devastated at Victor pulling out of their deal, he’s dealt some positive news when he gets a phone call from Kiri Durant (Gemma Bird Matheson), his cousin and ex-employee.
Gemma Bird Matheson as Kiri Durant
Kiri has grown restless with her life on Magnetic Island and wants to return to Melbourne to help Leo out with his business woes.
Not only does she want to help him revive the vineyard as an event space, but she also wants to invest in the business. It’s less money than Victor had promised, but it should be enough to keep Yorokobi afloat while they get re-established.
Leo is thrilled by Kiri’s offer, until he receives an awkward text message that could throw a spanner in the works…
New episodes of Neighbours air Monday–Thursday on Network 10 and 10 Peach in Australia, and on Amazon Freevee in the UK.
Here are the Neighbours spoilers for the next two weeks:
Monday 1st July (Episode 9068 / 165)
Holly’s peril reaches new heights.
Wendy attracts an unexpected admirer.
Leo faces a tough decision.
Tuesday 2nd July (Episode 9069 / 166)
Vic reaches a crossroads.
Toadie and Terese reignite the spark in their marriage.
Aaron grows closer to Logan, unaware of his true agenda.
Wednesday 3rd July (Episode 9070 / 167)
An unexpected visitor arrives at Eirini Rising.
Byron and Nicolette grapple with a betrayal.
Melanie lays down the law.
Wendy and Cara hide their double lives.
Thursday 4th July (Episode 9071 / 168)
Jane puts a plan into action to keep a beloved resident home.
Cara makes a secret smart move.
A familiar face returns to Erinsborough.
Monday 8th July (Episode 9072 / 169)
Aaron deepens his friendship with Logan, whose obsession takes a disturbing turn.
Havoc breaks out at Yorokobi.
The Share House face their toughest battle yet.
Tuesday 9th July (Episode 9073 / 170)
Melanie inches closer to the truth. Nicolette reveals a painful truth.
Wendy and Cara find themselves in a compromising situation.
Wednesday 10th July (Episode 9074 / 171)
Logan and Melanie face off.
Dex’s ‘date’ with Nell comes to a crashing halt.
JJ earns a second chance.
Cara’s concerns grow over Wendy’s deceit.
Thursday 11th July (Episode 9075 / 172)
Aaron grapples with shocking revelations.
Toadie is hit with déjà vu.
Susan craves intimacy.
Jane faces a difficult truth.