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2023 Season - UK Episode Discussion

Dan F

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A rather tightly-focused episode, with only six regulars and one guest appearing and it all being tightly connected.I do feel a bit of sympathy for Gabe, but not as much as I probably should do.I noticed that there was no sign of Dean paying for his latest takeaway (maybe Ziggy did it over the phone, but there was no mention of it) and Gabe didn't say a thing.Maybe he had other things on his mind but it increases the feeling that he's just picking on Felicity.If he wanted to keep what was going on secret from Mackenzie, telling Dean really wasn't the best method!

Ziggy's cleanliness obsession continues and I'm not sure whether we're meant to agree with it or not.Marilyn seems to think it's a brilliant idea, but Marilyn's an idiot.Dean doesn't seem too keen but he's not necessarily right either.

Elsewhere, only other thing on offer was Remi and Bree continuing to reconnect, which is setting things up for the future, I guess.

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Felt sorry for Dean, Ziggy's starting to remind me of a housemate I once had - nice person but totally risk-averse on the cleaning front. I'm not a parent and so maybe I'm not the best person to pass comment, but I tend to be of the old-fashioned view that, basic sensible precautions aside, coddling kids to the extent that they never come into contact with so much as a single bacterium is probably not particularly healthy for them in the long run. I do empathise because the hospital experience must've been scary, but also, don't we have to allow our immune systems to develop? I know this is anecdotal and thus probably complete hogwash (and an excuse to continue being a slob), but mine's pretty robust and I've never exactly been houseproud.

A big fat meh on the Gabe, Remi and Bree fronts.

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I think Dean may have well have kept Gabe's secret but overhearing what he said to Bree prompted  him to tell Mac. If anyone else had heard that  conversation it wouldn't have meant a thing but of course Dean did realise. I can see why Gabe has decided not to get confirmation, not knowing makes it not real whereas if he does gets confirmation it's back it is.   Typical male - and yes some  female - his dumping Mac using the 'excuse' he's not ready to get into a relationship.  He probably thinks he shouldn't put that worry on her shoulders but it's her choice if she wants to stay with him.  Hopefully she'll encourage him  to go back and get his results. 

Good and bad decision for Ziggy going for au natural products and deciding to switch to organic foods because it's healthier for her and ergo Izzy.  Marilyn did talk sense about the vinegar solution for cleaning, it's been around for yonks.  Not all natural foods are good, you can still be allergic to organic food.  But atrus is right your immune system does need to 'meet' germs to be able to build it up to be able to fight the everyday germs all around us. There are healthy germs out there too.  Let's hope Ziggy doesn't go too far in protecting Izzy from 'bad' stuff.   

Back in the old days, when I was a young 'there no such as being protected from bad germs, unless there was a real medical reason, we lived around them, playing in the dirt, getting mucky, splashing about in muddy puddles and I'm still here at the ripe old age of 72!

It seems Bree and Remi are taking it slowly as in not sleeping with each other.  She's bitten the bullet and is going to a counsellor to talk about what she went through with Jacob.  The expression Physician heal thyself comes to mind.

And she's back!  Be interesting when she and Nik meet up.

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Hmm. Still not feeling this Gabe saga. I think the whole plot since he arrived has just moved too fast for me to be on board with what Mackenzie's feeling now.

On John's side in the IT debacle. Alf's behaving pretty badly and just needs to get over himself and apologise.

And Bella! Not a face I'd have predicted to see again, really, but now she's here no prizes for guessing why.

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I'm certainly more on John's side than not, but I'm worried I'm not meant to be, given that last time John went up against Alf over the surf club, we were apparently supposed to be automatically on Alf's side.I do think John would have been better off just accepting Alf's apology and moving on.Putting in an official complaint is a move he can't take back, but then so is Alf trying to get John removed from his position when I'd love to see how he'd cope running the place on his own.

Dean was politer to Marilyn than she deserved and I really don't think she got the message that she wasn't welcome.(Okay, I'm being a bit harsh on her since Ziggy asked for her help, but she really expects people to care about her crystals talk?)Dean did seem to convince Ziggy to pull back a bit although she remains a bit overkeen. And after getting a big "We need to talk" cliffhanger last episode, Mackenzie and Gabe were barely in it.

I really really want to enjoy Bella being back. she's one of my favourite characters of recent years.And there was a lot of stuff to enjoy.I like the idea of her popping in on Dean and Ziggy to see her new family.It was interesting to see how at ease she was with Izzy: She always seemed to keep her distance a bit from Jai, and she really detested living with Grace when she was first in town. I loved her reunion with Mackenzie and that "I've got my eye on you" look on her face when introduced to Gabe. But one of the worst things the show ever did with her was stick her in a bland, chemistry-free and vaguely unhealthy relationship with Nikau and refuse to let her out of it.(I continue to shake my head in disbelief at the fact that he cheated on her, then stalked her after she broke up with him, and she still took him back.) Yet she can't get through a full scene without Dean (who, less we forget, stopped Nikau charging after her to New York because he knew she was better off out there without him) dropping hints about seeing him again. Bella was absolutely right at the end: Nikau breaking up with her was the best thing that could have happened to her. If he hadn't, she'd have ambled back to Summer Bay and got back to hanging off his arm and not doing anything with his life. Instead, she has blossomed away from him, and despite running into him bringing up feelings, I think she knows that. But no, the episode ends on Nikau doing a hurt puppy face that left me thinking "Oh, go away." I've got this horrible feeling she's going to get sucked back in again, which is the worst thing the show could do with her.

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More self-indulgent moping from Flick. Having trauma over a car accident, so deciding to get behind the wheel of a van having been drinking (with Eden in the passenger seat, no less, who's only just out of hospital from the last incident), is a prime example of how she never helps herself. Interspersed with innumerable scenes of Tane and Cash clenching their jaws.

No-one's coming out of the Alf/John scenario amazingly, to be honest (though John just edges it), and it isn't even being played for very many laughs.

I couldn't focus on the Bella scenes; I didn't hate her and Nikau as a couple, but on the other hand, this ship felt like it had sailed.

Edited by atrus
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I remain torn between enjoying at least some of Bella's material and dreading where this is going.I can cope with her and Nikau talking things over, getting closure and being friends, but the show never knows when to let them drop.(And still no mention of the fact Dean stopped Nikau chasing after Bella because he knew it wasn't right for her.)I at least like that Bella's career has progressed leaps and bounds, she got a good moment with Irene and I liked Justin's comment about hoping Ava turns out like her.But this sudden attempt to turn Nikau into a lovesick puppy is ridiculous.He's been getting on fine without Bella for months, he dated Heather and, while he dropped her like a hot potato following her abrupt descent into panto villainy, he seemed to have genuine feelings, and now they're trying to rewrite history and make out he's been missing her all along.

Meanwhile, we have Tane and Felicity, who unlike Nikau and Bella, I actually do think were better together than apart, but Felicity's doing her level best to wreck it rather than face up to things.I do feel some sympathy for her, but I don't blame Tane for retaliating to the constant hurtful behaviour at all.I'm really hoping she gets a wake-up call, could this be it? What was with that line about her not having a car? It felt like we were meant to assume she lost her car in the crash...except she was in her dad's old ute.

To be honest, I think Irene annoyed me most with the way she tried to bustle John out of the Diner rather than have him and Alf there, and then looking superior when they have an argument that she's basically caused.Roo came over well playing peacemaker, but there was a distinct feeling that this could have been sorted last episode if they hadn't both decided to escalate things and then back down.

Incidentally, it took me a couple of looks to register that today's episode was written by Penny McNamee, ie the actress that played Tori!

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It was inevitable and unavoidable Bella and Nik would meet and they did need to. Bella was 'dumped' by Nik via video call so he did owe her a proper exclamation.  I did cringe when he used the 'to protect you' line, it was to keep her safe as no-one knew what the bikies would have been capable of.  I think now they have talked he's realised it is over between them, but as they shared a lot of history there will always be a bond but can now be friends.  Nik was tricked into 'cheating' on Bella, Sienna got him drunk as she didn't want Bella around and she lied about Bella playing around with Emmet, he could be quite naive at times.  Who would have thought that frightened young girl who had lived wild for a lot of her young  life would turn out to be so happy and successful.  At least one of the Parata's has a happy ending. 

Nice, but brief, mention of Emmet.  

Bella is older so hopefully wiser than she was when she was last in the bay and able to handle little folk better.  

Moot point but did Mac charge Bella for the food she'd ordered? 

Lovely reunion between Irene and Bella.

Be careful what you wish for Justin. 

Tane and Felicity are at different stages in their lives to Bella and Nik.  The Tane we first met was a bit of a wild lad and settling down would have been the last thing on his mind which is why I think he's taken it so hard.  Flick is doing such a good job of pretending she's OK and  pushing  people away.  Her paranoia  thinking Cash & Tane 'ganging' up on her is sad.   Her throwing Cash and Tane out of SALT was OTT but T ne did get his "You come and pick your stuff up  was a good retort.  I thought she had come to terms with her problem last week but apparently not.  Everyone  has to hit rock bottom before they can go up but Flick obviously hasn't yet. 

Dean did an amazing job of biting his tongue when Marilyn was spouting on about how eco clean you can have your house and even having an organic garden to grow their own food.  Have either of them had any experience of planting/planning the whole thing?  Even Bella was surprised about how Ziggy expected her to wash her hands every time.    Thankfully Ziggy has pulled back somewhat, it could have got very exhausting. 

I think it's because John are so different that they clash so much. Both Alf and John needed to step back and Roo just refrained from telling them to play nicely or she'd send them to bed.  I would have suggested the very thing Roo did that Alf write an apology to John  and copy it in to everyone he sent the original to.  Did like John's dig that he hoped Alf  did it before he went to see Martha. ?




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I was going to say Flick's behaviour seems to have plateaued, but I'm sure I said that last week and then it got worse again, so... we'll see. Hopefully that's her done for the week now, anyway. (I shouldn't tempt fate, but there it is.) Ditto for Cash, who was almost as annoying as Flick with his big surly cop routine.

I'm more interested in what's going on with Theo and Ava. It may just be the way the plot's being constructed but it still doesn't quite seem one-sided to me. Is Theo just being very naive or are we getting hints that he's becoming a bit dazzled by her?

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