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2022 Season - UK Episode Discussion

Dan F

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Well, Felicity pleased me by not going off at Eden and instead giving Cash some armour-piercing questions.It's just a shame that Irene felt the need to earwig and stir things up, which led to Cash taking it out on Rose when she made a friendly enquiry, which led to an awful lot of unnecessary macho posturing.I can understand Tex sticking up for Rose, but constantly blocking Cash's way was just childish.Of course, we then find out Tex has a secret, which could explain his taking delight in winding up a cop.Mind you, his biker mate seemed pretty affable (and I realised I've just seen the actor playing the head of police rescue in the last season of All Saints!). I'm trying to keep an open mind but I've got a worrying feeling this won't make a lick of sense.

Only other thing going on was Ziggy being confirmed as Theo's new mentor. Well, I'm pleased for him and she does seem to be taking it seriously. I'm trying to remember the last time Justin and Dean spent time together: They do have something of a complicated history, mainly because of Willow although I seem to remember Justin sacking him from the garage at one point...

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Bob is very up himself so I enjoyed  Maz shooting him down in flames?? over his coffee as he didn't think they would have not only the right blends but that they were made  by responsible companies.    Flick was playing on the fact she had helped Lyrik out a lot in their early days to get them to play at SALT.  Has no-one blocked Bob on his decision before or does he not know what democracy means?  It did seem he was more upset that Kirby opposed him.   Summer Bay may not be the centre of the music universe but someone may have heard them and knows someone who knows someone.  They were good - do the actors/actresses play instruments and sing themselves?  Everyone and I mean everyone - hundreds of people we've never seen before - loved it.   

Of course it would be another night as they would have been knackered after their performance. 

I had forgotten Flick had panic attacks and it's the first time Tane has seen it but he handled it well.    Bless Remi, Dean did handle Ziggy's 'crush' on him well and a gentle warning was enough. OH NO NOT DEMI?.

Are we sure Cash is a cop because even though he wasn't taking Flick's calls did he not see any of the posters that were up? It seemed he was genuinely  surprised when he saw the flyer in the Juice Bar. 

He did his best to try and hide at the back but Eden saw him and it was a pretty full on greeting!  It might explain why Cash hadn't close to another woman until he met Jasmine - that's how it appeared to me anyway - cos Eden hurt him really badly and we don't know how old he was?  Jasmine wouldn't have expected him to have been a monk they knew each other likewise he wouldn't have expected her to be a nun.    One of her old flames turned out to be  a killer!

Why is everyone having a pop at Cash, nothing happened with Rose and how could he have known an old flame would turn up in the bay and nothing has happened between him and Eden.  I could see how Felicity saw how it looked with that hug but it was innocent.  

For once Rose was asking an innocent question but she got her throat jumped down.   Going off on a tandem Jasmine is looking after Ian & Wendy right, but don't they have another son and daughter - where are they?  

Tex and Rose seemingly weren't missed were they?  Makes sense now why Tex was doing his macho act, though Rose, as we know, can well look after herself.  Biker boss would be affable to Tex he's not the one he's got a problem with.   How does Tex think getting together with a cop Rose  would be of any use, she can't help much re the Parata's  that bank job was  way before her time. 

Good news for Theo having a new supervisor and one he knows and one who knows him.   Understandably Ziggy was cautious it is a big deal to take on and she isn't the most patient of folk.  Justin 'forcing' himself to back off.  

Ash got  Dean the job at the garage but Justin  did sack him after finding him asleep on the job then falsely  accused him of nicking Willow's Triumph.   Admittedly  being a mechanic isn't Dean's forte. 


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I really do not know what Nikau's problem was here. I kept waiting for him to explain but he never did. I thought for at one point that he was uncomfortable with how attentive Naomi was being, but it didn't seem to be that.Stage fright? Does he need Bella to hold his hand for these things? He probably deserved that serve from Alf. I like Naomi, and in some ways she seems to spark off Nikau better than Bella did, but... yeah. She knows he's got a girlfriend, she shouldn't be going around kissing him.

Tex was able to use the missing photo to strike up a conversation with Chloe and get a bit of information from her.There were some nice sibling chats between Xander and Rose along the way: Is Xander starting to get concerned about how little they know about Tex? Marilyn's like a bit of a dog with a bone with regards Chloe's workload. She could have a point but it's up to Chloe...although I guess if she's letting people down, they need to take action.

If Felicity was old enough to be running a bar and Cash is quite a few years older than her, he can't have been that young when he was crushing on Eden. I thought Dean worked at the garage more recently than that, while Ziggy and Brody were married.

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I had the feeling Nik has always been shy, despite his confidence in other things, about being being in the public eye.  He always seemed reluctant to have his photo taken when he was modelling, it took Bella to coax him into letting her take the photos.  He didn't manage to get  a word in with Alf ranting at him.  Bella won't be happy either when he tells her he chickened out.  Naomi did look stunning, but I've got my suspicions about her, nothing dodgy but I have the feeling she could be a bit of a bunny boiler. That kiss  was a bit full on. 

I'm guessing Chloe stayed at Theo's while Lyrik were staying at the Parata's as she seemed relieved at being able to come home and find it empty. 

Did we miss Tex saying he was 'with his brother'?  Why should Rose know anything about him, they have only just met.   Wasn't it just the other week she told Xander she was in love with Cash, but now she seems to be saying she's falling  in love with Tex??

It appeared Chloe and Tex hadn't 'seen' each other before as she didn't know who he was and he asked who she was.  Is that allowed for someone just to walk in the gym and help themselves to the equipment without checking?  Chloe's not a trainer or instructor and Tex was using the weights.  The other day he was using the bars on his own. Tex is good at what he does as in getting info, making all so casual.  Is he going to sneak it back?

Chloe is - to my mind - doing far too much, trying to run the gym, is it just her and Tane(?), learning the different parts of it, doing her shifts at the Diner, seeing Theo.  She does get paid for her shifts so able to pay for her keep, but is Tane paying her? If push should come to shove, I think it'll be the Diner job that will have to go.  It must have been really late when she rocked up at Leah & Justin's.

Nice scene with Theo telling Leah Ziggy was going to be his new supervisor- seeing as it was her stirring it up in the first place.  

Nice to see Alf back, even if he did get riled he was let down by Nik and he'd made the trip especially.  John must have felt somewhat pushed out though.

Ziggy and Brody were married 2018-2019, but I had the feeling Dean worked there before that but our memories can play tricks on us. 


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Alf's episode count this week:Two.

There seems to be some definite separation anxiety where Nikau's concerned.I guess it makes sense, given he pretty much fell apart every time he and Bella broke up, and now it's reached the point where he's practically stalking his own girlfriend.I'm glad that Naomi didn't turn out to be as much of a bunny boiler as the promo implied, with much of her actions turning out to be down to prompting from John, but...yeah. Nikau made it clear to her that he has a girlfriend and the fact she's overseas at the minute shouldn't make any difference: Naomi should have kept it platonic, and possibly given him some space after lunch instead of just diving in there.

Chloe loses her job at the Diner then, with more than a little pushing from Irene and Leah. I wasn't entirely convinced by their assertion that snapping at people is out of character for her!

Alf seems to need surprisingly little persuading to keep Tex on, although he's probably going to come to regret it.At least Tane got his photo back, I was worrying about it!

I've a feeling Justin gave Dean a job as part of his parole following the card skimming in 2018.Might be remembering totally wrong though.

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Naomi should have backed off, bit OTT her hugging Nik, that wasn't needed then going round to his, implying he really fancied her but as Bella was away he didn't want to take it any further.  No need to keep banging on about Bella can't be much of a girlfriend not being there for him, was she raising doubts in Nik's mind about how he felt about Bella?  Nice idea of John to suggest the lunch to celebrate Nik's Bravery Award. 

I don't think Leah, who was being  pushy again, Irene and Marilyn had any choice but to fire Chloe as she felt she couldn't quit as she felt she owed them.  They did forgive her for taking over the kitchen when her and Ryder were doing their takeaways  but she likely felt she should still be paying them back for it. Now she can stop fretting about doing two jobs and concentrate on the admin work at the gym. 

OK I may have missed something but how come it's taken so long for the bikers to track down the Parata's?  It was a quite a while ago, Ari was inside for that job wasn't he when he met Dean?

According to the records  Ash got Dean the job at the garage as he had taken time off work to  help him look for Robbo and so lost his job, he'd also stole tools from his boss for unpaid work, but Ash sorted it out and  as Dean had been thrown out by his flatmates, got him the job and got him a van.   

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So, after a bit of vague talk, it's pretty much confirmed that the money Ari stole from the bikers is the money that was used to buy the gym and thus the money that Ari went to jail for stealing.As it stands, this seems to create two big logic flaws:

1. Ari went to jail for that robbery.That means someone made a complaint to the police and laid charges against him.These do not seem like the sort of people who would have called the police on someone that robbed them rather than dealing with it themselves(like they're doing now!).Possible explanation:Marty says at one point the money was stolen from his dad.That may just mean he was the leader of the gang at the time, but it's possible he was a legitimate businessman who just happened to have a Hell's Angel for a son.
2. Ari went to jail for that robbery.That means anyone involved in the case knew who did it and where he was.Why wait until now to do anything?Possible explanation:They were hoping to recover the money and now they know it's gone.That still makes them rather slothful.

Anyway, it's extremely unfair that Ari and Mia were the ones at fault and their family has to bear the consequences.I guess Ari got hit hard with a dose of bad karma, but this is another mess that Mia's caused and then skipped the country without having to deal with.Were we really meant to like her?

Meanwhile, Mackenzie is not really grasping just how many favours Felicity had to call in to get Lyrik to perform.At least Mackenzie is trying to offer them a better incentive than "free booze" this time.Ziggy, a character pathologically incapable of being single, is now incapable of letting Mackenzie be single as well: I'm reminded of the insane lengths she went to in order to force Mackenzie and Logan together.

According to the records, Justin gave Dean a job at the garage after he tried to take all the blame for the credit card skimming he and Willow did.

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