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Summer Break 2013

Guest James Martin

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In my head I still believe that Bianca/Liam was endgame... until Axle decided to leave. It just felt like a massive retcon and backtrack because they did a complete U-turn. But I'm glad they did. I liked Vixen!April when she was with Heath but I absolutely love Bianca & Heath as a couple!

I wonder if they split them up because Axle decided to leave or if he decided to leave after they were split up. Liam certainly got some messy storylines afterwards, going back on drugs, hooking up with Indi, stealing from the restaurant. It's like they wanted to destroy his character in some way so that we would like Bianca with Heath more.

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Of course they didn't spilt bianca and Liam up because he was leaving, because axle wasn't leaving back then. Axle must have been on for more than a year after bianca and Heath got together. They spilt them up because they thought bianca was more exciting with heath. Bianca and heath have been together for almost year now here in Norway and Liam is still on. I think he has several months left because here rocco has just died. They split up Charlie and angelo without explaining why either, for the same reason I think, they wanted the river boys to be more popular.

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April also seemed to come across as needy chasing Heath round like she was. He's a River Boy, he didn't do emotion at least not back then. I guess as she had slept with him to spite Dex in a way she had to justify it all to her self somehow. Was Bianca just being a protective big sister or was there a modicum of truth in April saying she was jealous? Liam and Bianca did come across as very loved up, maybe too loved up?

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Decided to bite the bullet and watch this week, although I suspect I'll be tempted to fast forward through Thursday's...It's interesting watching them from a historical perspective, although you don't notice that Laura's storyline was all over the place with Leah and Elijah apparently meeting her off screen.Watching the beginnings of Sid and Roo makes me disappointed that they got sacrificed to fit Harvey onto the show:They had a very different relationship and we wouldn't have had to sit through the "comedy" sniping and quasi-domestic abuse of 2012...

Interesting seeing Casey back then:Nowadays, him punching a guy at the slightest excuse wouldn't even be considered unusual.His making a big deal about Ruby being his first also seems a bit silly after Henri...and Sasha...and Tamara.That said, although they seemed more like friends than anything else, he did seem more relaxed with her than I've ever seen him with anyone else.Especially Tamara.In retrospect, much as I tend to defend her, hard not to see Ruby as stirring when she told Indi about Romeo's phone calls.Romeo and Ruby's chat was actually quite sweet and funny in places ("Leah's not here...Or Charlie or Miles or VJ"/"I'm here to see you"/"Yeah, that's what I was afraid of"), which makes the knowledge of what he ended up doing to her all the more frustrating.

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At least Casey was in 'his' episode most of the time. Well at that time she was his first as well as Romeo's!! Could be seen as stirring, but on the other hand she did tell Indi, though she already knew he had been trying to get in contact with Ruby. The mild flirting between Laura and Elijah was amusing to watch in hindsight.

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Man, Romeo brought out the worst in Indi, although to be fair her unlikeable moments were mostly confined to her childish behaviour towards Sid.Hard to tell if Sid was right or not in retrospect:Romeo did hurt Indi, repeatedly, although it might not be considered inevitable.Still hard not to cringe at that last scene though or the relentless "Look, we're in Hawaii!" feel.Even Indi in a small bikini isn't enough compensation.Miles wishing he wasn't in the conversation with Sid was nice character work, Marilyn basically throwing herself at Sid perhaps not so much.Have I just forgotten or did she look older then that she does two years on?

One thing that struck me about Monday's offering:Why on earth does Romeo say that if Ruby has untreated chlamydia "she can't have babies" instead of saying children like anyone else would?It was like either he's suddenly got a mental age of about five or he thinks Casey has.

EDIT: Today's episode is actually 5724, which is from the week after Kyle's episode so we got a clip of it in the Next Week trailer.

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I suppose if some The Most Sexiest are recent cast members (namely River Boys, Casey and Kyle) episodes would have to be from the last couple of years/this year. Was that dress Indi was wearing the same one she was wearing to go (and didn't) to Bianca and Liam's wedding?

Quite a good episode Heath having his tat done and revealing his more mature side.

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Actually really enjoyed Heath's episode.It feels kind of appropriate since we're at the next stage of that storyline in the current episodes(back next week!).Loved the stuff between Heath and Zac.Also loved seeing Spencer and Maddy in the days before they got split up for no good reason, the way they naturally bounced off each other and everyone supported them actually worked really well.And lots of Rosie, with Sasha being a good friend and April being less irritating than she usually is.

Was kind of dreading today's episode, although I guess it qualified on the sexy front.Tempted to fast forward through Charlie's bits, ironically since it was her episode, but thankfully we didn't get too much of her degrading herself with Brax and turning from professional woman to nymphomaniac bimbo.Ruby being mature and putting her in her place.Georgie rolling her eyes at the fact everyone else in the room is an idiot.Miles trying and failing to act possessive with Leah:Maybe people forgot he was her boyfriend, I try to.The start of Heath and Bianca's...thing.(And wow, Liam's facial hair was out of control in the recap.)The last gasp of Xapril, managing to show off their natural chemistry even when the show's trying its best to convince us that we should want Dexter to break them up.The way he treated Summer, a nice girl who would probably have been good for him, was pretty shabby.

EDIT: Today's episode is 5350 from 2011.

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