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Rachel Armstrong - Amy Mathews


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I just love Rachel, her character i one of my favorites, and Amy is a great actress, a real treasure for H & A.

Rachel is one character from the adult cast, who actually acts like a "normal" person. She is quite level headed, but can fail miserably as well. Yet, she rises from her fall with her head held high.

I absolutely loved, how she chose to change her patterns, when she was "choosing" between Tony and Roman, I like the fact that she tries to redeem herself.

Also a good familiar doctor is always handy in the show, so I hope they renew her contract soon, and I hope she want to stay on H&A.

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I don't think you could call her a 'background' actress. Since she arrived 2 years ago, she's been at the centre of a lot of pretty huge storylines. I think it's only this year it's calmed down a little. Since being with Tony she's had more 'real' issues to deal with, such as having children, getting married, relationship problems, even Jimmy becasue that is something that happens to a lot of doctors dealing with patients suffering from mental issues.

Aside from being kidnapped (again! - she must have some kinda radar) it's been pretty smooth for her and although i don't think the issues she went though were giving enough scene time, it's been nice to see her going through normal, everyday problems.

The only thing i don't like about her is that's she a little too patronising sometimes. I feel like she's talking to people like they're kids and she's the adult and knows better, but i guess thats just because of her line of work. She needs to switch off her work brain sometimes. But i like how she always admits when she is wrong and does apologise, like to Leah, Dane etc.

She's a very forgiving person, i don't think i could be so understanding of some of the people who've hurt her, but that's a lovely part of who she is. I love the scene where she is talking to Rev.Hall in the hospital where she's talking to him about forgiveness.

And her frienship with Leah is a lot of fun. I'm glad they have each other, and their relationship is realistic of how you'd expect best friends to act.

Rachel was never the type of person to just run away. The Rachel we all know would have talked to Tony and/or Leah if she was having doubts about the wedding, not just ran away, without a note or anything. I dont get why Leah didn't just call Hugh (as any normal person would!) to find out if she was with him. She had disappeared, vanished and no one really showed any concern for her well-being. It was just really badly written. It was alll so out of character for Rach to do that and it really bugs me. Even now.

And i think she was way to nice to Tony about everything that happened. But the writers did a really bad job with that story so i'll blame them. :rolleyes:

yeah actually i agree with you...i guess it just seems like shes a background character because the writers have rushed her storylines to give a particular couple more than their fair share of airtime :lol: it really bugged me how they rushed the joe storyline, especially when she found out he died and she completely flew off the handle with tony and then in the following episode she was given about 30 seconds of airtime! it was a bit of a joke really. amy is an amazing actress and she deserves heaps more airtime than what shes been getting!

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yeah actually i agree with you...i guess it just seems like shes a background character because the writers have rushed her storylines to give a particular couple more than their fair share of airtime it really bugged me how they rushed the joe storyline, especially when she found out he died and she completely flew off the handle with tony and then in the following episode she was given about 30 seconds of airtime! it was a bit of a joke really. amy is an amazing actress and she deserves heaps more airtime than what shes been getting!

I know what you mean, but when you think about, compared to other 'main' charatcers like Irene, Leah, Miles etc Rachel has had one pretty big storyline after the other! I know lately they've not been getting as much screne time, but the story is still there, she's involved in something, unlike say Leah for example, who for the best part of this year has done nothing by moan about Miles and flip burgers. As for Miles, apart from the business with Sally he's not really been involved in anything major. Same geos for Irene.

Rachel though has been held hosatge by Rev.Hall, become engaged, had relationship problems regarding children, been stalked by a mental health patient, was kidnapped on her wedding night, her fiancee 'cheated' on her, the kid she was going to adopt came back into her life and then died and now she's pregnant....pretty huge year for any character. And we all know all the stuff from previous years, Kim/Kit, crash, breakdown, Hugh, miscarriage, mum dying, Henk etc.

I do wish they'd explore the little things in their relationship more rather than always focus on the big dramatic emotional scenes. But Amy does these so well i guess that's why she's always involved in something! :D

I think especially that was needed after Joe died. She apologised the next day for shutting him out but we didn't see any of it which i think would have been a really powerful scene. Seeing what happened when they got home.

Although she's been awesome since she found out she was pregnant. She's beaming with happinness it's lovely. Amy does that so well too. I love that her playfullness with Tony is back and she seems so much closer to him now. I'm loving it and hope Rachel and Tony are long term. They work so well together and thats all down to Amy and Jon having such great chemistry.

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I just love Rachel, her character i one of my favorites, and Amy is a great actress, a real treasure for H & A.

Rachel is one character from the adult cast, who actually acts like a "normal" person. She is quite level headed, but can fail miserably as well. Yet, she rises from her fall with her head held high.

I absolutely loved, how she chose to change her patterns, when she was "choosing" between Tony and Roman, I like the fact that she tries to redeem herself.

Also a good familiar doctor is always handy in the show, so I hope they renew her contract soon, and I hope she want to stay on H&A.

I completely agree with you. I think that's what makes her different to most of the other characters, she's a very real character and representative of a lot of the issues women go through in reality and she's not afraid to admit when she's wrong. I think the reason Rachel had managed to survive with more storylines than some of the others is because 1. Amy is an amazing actress and 2. because being a doctor she gets into other storylines and still gets screentime even when her own characters storylines are lacking.

It's been so lovely to see Rachel go back to being a bit more like she was when she first turned up, having happy storylines and seeing her and Tony's relationship and 'closeness' as a couple increase since she found out she was pregnant. The little touches and pet names 'babe' :wub: make such a difference, make their relationship seem real. Amy and Jon definetely have chemistry, I don't even notice age difference!

Finally, it's VERY nice to see that Rachel's popularity has gone back up lately.

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Something crazy i found out....

Amy Matthews has appeared in 127 episodes of Home and Away (2006-2008) whilst Ada Nicodemou (Leah) has appeared in 144 episodes, and has been on the show 6 years longer!! How insane is that? Amy has appeared in more episodes that Jessica (Belle) and they started roughly at the same time. Irene has only appeared in 143 episoded and she started in 1992.

So i guess we can't say she is under-used, if anything she's over-used :lol: I think it's because all us fans can't get enough, so when she's not in it we're all complaining we don't see her enough. But if you think about it, and think of everything Rachel has been through in just two years she's actually been at the centre of a lot of huge storylines.

And i love how she shows affection with Jon. I'm pretty sure stuff like that is not scripted and she does it really well. I agree about her being 'real.' She does make mistakes and do things that are irrational but we all do sometimes and that's what's so endearing about her. She knows when she's in the wrong too and isn't afraid to admit she makes mistakes.

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Ok i just realised my last post can't be right....Irene (played by Lyn) has to have been in way more episodes than that!! And the Leah one doesn't seem right either....although she's not had much this year after Dan and even then it was only a few episodes that dealt with it. Although i think the Belle one seems pretty true to life.....

Anyways, Rachel has had tons to do over just two years, so long may it continue :D I

love seeing Rachel so happy, she's this adorable, funny person and Amy does it so well!! But she's also amazing at emotional scenes too...i just watched the episodes when she told Leah and Brad about Henk and she did it wonderfully. Her emotions were so true to life. And the episode where her mum died and she jumped on top of her trying to revive her is one of my favourite 'Amy' episodes ever. And she was all playful and flirty with Tony at the beginning, i love those little scenes as well. Sometimes seeing them do 'normal' things is just as fun as the dramatic/emotional stuff.

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Yer I think you're right Luc. I can't wait for the slap either it's gonna be brilliant!! I'm glad somebody is looking out for the residents of Summer Bay, it's quite nice that it's the community doctor whose going to save them all :lol:

I was cheering Rachel on in the sneek peak with what she was saying to Bridget about her being manipulative and hoping everyone sees her for what she really is.

I'm surprised Leah's been in more scenes than Rachel this year, I thought it would be the other way round but then again maybe it's because I'm a Rachel fan :P She has had a lot to do though you're right Kirsty, were just being greedy when we say she's overused compared to many scenes/storylines some of the other characters get...

....she does deserve it though. I definetely think she's the best actress of the show, this pregnancy storyline should give her a chance to remind the viewers that. She hasn't had much "emotional" stuff this year and I think that's when she stands out the most. Although I have to say I've liked seeing her in the comedy role lately, she's funny!!

Kirsty it's funny because that scene with her Mum is one of my favourite as well, it's always stood out to me. Mind you that whole downward spiral was acted amazingly so there were some brilliant scenes throughout that whole period.

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I don't think it's the episodes from this year, as people like Tony, Alf and Ric have well over 250 and Ric left months ago. I don't know. I got it from imdb.com so it's anyone's guess if it's right or not. :rolleyes:

But Rachel has been involved in many huge stories in her short two years on the show compared to many other main characters and i hope it continues! She is still very popular and i hope now she has a pregnancy storyline this will continue. Right now she's happy and fun and that's just great. Although it does annoy me people don't like her simply because of her complaining and being depressing lately. She's not exactly had the best time and anyone in her shoes would be the same. I don't blame her for what happened after Aden (saying he didn't have a breakdown, i know that lost her a lot respect.) But Rach is just human at the end of the day. She'd been through something very traumatic and the whole time she was just concerned for Aden/Larry and Tony, not herself. It wa supposted to be her wedding, that's huge. I'd be an emotional mess too. But she put it right, as what usually happens.

Amy is fantastic as Rachel, she brings her to life. Rachel i think is someone you can relate to on so many levels. Her struggles to prove herself at work (maybe not so much now but at the beginning for sure) and her desire to settle down and have a family. I hope they work it so they show it is possible to 'have it all' without her having to sacifice her career too much. I wonder what they'll do about that. I hope they do it realistically and show how hard it's going to be for her to work like she does now....and have some sort of conflict with that. I can't imagine hospitals look nicely on pregnant doctors....hmm.

I haven't actually seen all of Rachel's 'breakdow' (i was travelling) but from what i have seen it was very convincing and realistic! What stands out for me (apart from her mother's death) is when she is telling Leah she was raped. Ada was amazing in this scene too, when she starts to cry. Thats exactly what i'd do if my best friend told me that and there's nothing you can do to take her pain away. And 'fun' Rachel is fabulous. She's someone you'd want to go to the pub and share wine with :lol:

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