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Desire & Despair

Guest Drew

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Thanks everyone for the comments! Hope you guys like the next chapter! :D


The past five years I thought I was free from him, free from his love and free from his deception. Now I learn something about us and realize that it will change my life. This whole time I thought I was Mrs. Flynn Saunders, but learning the truth about a stupid decision, I now learn this isn’t the case. This whole time I’ve still been married to the one who lied to me…

Sally stood in fear watching Kirin walk closer to her, step by step. She was puzzled, she was confused. What was Kirin Fletcher doing back in Summer Bay? The darkness of the room shadowed over him as he drew closer to her. Her hands were shaking with fear, her past had just returned to her present. As Sally looked at Kirin with awe, all he could do was smile back.

“I’ve missed you Sally.” Kirin whispered as he kissed her on the cheek. Sally pulled back, still in shock.

“Kirin? What are you doing here? Why are you here?” Sally stuttered, trying to pick her words right.

“Isn’t it obvious? I came back for you!” Kirin said with a grin as he took a rose out of his pocket and laid it on the bed. Sally stared back, still in shock as her heart skipped a beat every five seconds.

CHAPTER 15: The One With Kirin’s Shocking Revelation

Sally couldn’t believe what was happening, her love from her past has now returned to Summer Bay, but the question was why? So many questions were running through her mind, she had no idea what to ask him.

“Why? Why would you come back for me? After everything you’ve done to me!” Sally cried.

“After everything I’ve done to you?!” Kirin said in a not so satisfying tone. Then he smiled when he realized what Sally was talking about. “You still believe me and her cheated behind your back, don’t you?” Kirin asked.

“I don’t know what to believe. That day was the worse and best of my life. I thought I was going to marry you Kirin! I loved you! Thanks to Gypsy, that never happened.” Sally said as she walked away from him. Kirin sighed, not sounding too happy.

“That little red head bitch had to right to do what she did. She was making the whole thing up Sally, she was hitting on me!” As Kirin began to explain, Sally gasped as she couldn’t believe what Kirin was saying.

“I’ve heard that story so many times.” Sally said shaking her head.

“I don’t care what she said, we’re going to continue our relationship as husband and wife!” Kirin ordered.

“I will never be your wife!” Sally protested.

“You already are.” Kirin said with a cheeky smile. Sally looked at him, confused… And then she thought for a second… What did he just say?

“We got a divorce-“

“I never signed the papers!” Kirin said in rage. Sally stood there motionless.

“What?” She cried.

“Who would of thought, us getting married before we came to the bay would have such an impact six years later.”

“What are you talking about?” Sally asked.

“Just after I proposed. You remember don’t you? You wanted to get hitched straight away so we went to a twenty-four hour chapel and then you asked if we could have a proper ceremony back home with our family and friends… Which we did until Gypsy spoiled our fun.” Kirin gritted through his teeth. Slowly, Sally remembered that day six years ago and sat on a chair and began to weep.

“So this whole time… These past six years… We’ve been married?” Sally asked, not sounding too happy. Kirin let out a faint smile when he replied to her.

“That’s right… These past six years we’ve always been husband and wife… And now that we’re reunited again, we can pick up where we left off.” Sally couldn’t believe what she was hearing. If she’s been married to Kirin for the past six years, then that means she was never married to Flynn. Their marriage wouldn’t of been legal because she was married to Kirin. Sally began to feel her heart being squeezed by a tight fist, she found it hard to breathe, she was in shock. She couldn’t believe that her past six years have been a lie. She’s been Mrs. Kirin Fletcher this whole time.

At Josie’s apartment, the clock had just struck nine o’clock. Josie continued to drink champagne as her and Belle talked about the numerous events that have occurred over the past few weeks. Josie could tell that Belle was extremely upset with Amanda, so Josie told Belle to give another thought about her proposal the other day.

“I just can’t leave Desire Josie, you can’t either. It’s a stable Fashion House. Amanda had to fight her way to the top, she had the money… Look at us, we barely have anything.” Belle said.

“Look at us?” Josie said with a chuckle. “Belle, I live in a million dollar apartment, surely we’ll find the cash to build our own Fashion House.” Josie said. Belle didn’t feel comfortable into leaving Desire though. Her friends and family worked there.

“Josie… Look at the bigger picture… We’re only doing this for revenge…I think Amanda has been hurt enough.” Belle said.

“I don’t think so… Look at all the lives she’s destroyed, all the relationships, including yours with Drew.” Josie said pushing the idea into Belle’s head.

“I spoke to Leah before… She’s not kicking Amanda out.” Josie’s jaw dropped in awe.

“She’s not!? Why? Amanda had sex with Leah’s husband! What the hell is that matter with her?” Josie asked, thinking Leah was stupid for her actions.

“I don’t know… That’s actually the reason why I came over… Would I be able to stay here for awhile?” Belle asked slowly.

“Oh, absolutely! You’re like a daughter to me Belle.” Josie said as she gave Belle a comforting hug. “You can stay here as long as you wish.” Josie began to smile behind Belle’s back… What was Josie up to now?

Sally slowly walked around her room, still very upset as Kirin stood on top of the platform. She couldn’t get her head around what Kirin had just told her. She couldn’t believe that she was still married to him, after all these years.

“Why didn’t you sign the papers?” Sally asked upset.

“Because I didn’t want this to end… I didn’t want us to end!” Kirin said as he rested himself against the rails of the platform.

“Well you should of thought of that before you hit on Gypsy!”

“No, you should have had your head screwed on right six years ago when you wanted to get married straight away!” Sally turned her head around in disgust, no words could barely explain the pain she was feeling. She was stupid for making that suggestion. And she was stupid for marrying a man she only knew for a few weeks.

“You bastard!” Sally screamed, throwing a lamp at Kirin, he ducked quickly as it smashed up against the wall.

“Why are you so upset about this-?”

“You have no right to ask me that question!” Sally screamed. Down the hall, Ric and Matilda heard the commotion, Ric ran towards her bedroom, thinking she’s in danger. As he flew through the door, he was shocked to see what was happening.

“Sally… What’s going on?” Ric asked who was very confused. Kirin was also confused when he saw Ric burst in.

“It looks like you have secrets of your own Sally.” Kirin said with a laugh. “You never told me you had a son.”

“Who the hell is this guy?” Ric asked Sally.

“Ric, can you just go!?” Sally asked desperately.

“I’m not going until you tell me what’s going on!” Ric ordered. From behind, a shaken Matilda stood behind him.

“Is this the guy that’s been stalking you?” Asked Ric. Sally closed her eyes, wishing this night would pass when she opens them up.

“Stalking her? I’m her husband!” Kirin yelled back. Ric and Matilda looked at each other in silence as Sally opened her eyes. Ric couldn’t believe what he just heard.

“What? Sally, what’s this guy talking about?” Ric asked.

“I’m her husband, and she’s my wife. We got married six years ago.” Kirin said. Ric stood there in shock.

“Is this guy serious? What about Flynn?” Ric asked.

“Flynn? Are you cheating on me Sally?” Kirin said as he rubbed Sally’s shoulder with a cheeky smile.

“Hey, don’t you touch her!” Ric said as he grabbed Kirin and punched him in the nose. Matilda stood there in fright, she hadn’t seen this side of Ric before.

“Ric, leave him alone!” Sally yelled.

“Get the hell out of here you jerk!” Ric screamed as Kirin ran to the door.

“There is no way in hell Sally that I’m giving up on us… You just wait and see… If that red head bitch was the cause for our break up… You’ll just see how serious I am!” Kirin grinded through his teeth as he walked out. Sally sat on her bed in tears. This whole night was a nightmare. Ric looked at Matilda who stared back at him like a stranger.

“Matilda? Is everything ok?” Ric asked. Matilda couldn’t believe what she saw Ric do. This wasn’t the Ric she fell in love with. That person had now became a distant stranger. As he touched her shoulder, Matilda nudged him away and walked off. She hadn’t seen Ric that violent before… And this was the man she was going to marry.

The next morning, Amanda slowly got out of her bed as she walked into the kitchen of the Patterson-Baker house. Still extremely upset by the events which happened yesterday. As she walked in she noticed Leah sitting on the table, drinking coffee.

“Morning.” Leah said softly as Amanda sat down. Amanda began to feel very awkward around Leah, after what happened with Dan.

“Leah… I’m really confused to why you’re letting me stay here… I mean, everyone has now left… Belle, Dan, Drew… Peter… Why? I don’t get it.” Amanda said softly. Leah sighed, she didn’t know what to say.

“Sometimes people do things that they’re sorry for… And doing something like this helps to make up for it.” Leah said, not sounding too convincing. Amanda was confused by Leah’s words.

“Never mind.” Leah said. “It’s not like they’ve all gone to the streets. Belle and Peter are staying with Josie and Drew’s staying with Sally.”

“What about Dan?” Amanda asked.

“I don’t know. For all I care, he could rot in hell.” Leah said as she walked into the loungeroom.

“Peter… He’s at Josie’s?” Amanda asked softly.

“Yeah. I spoke to her this morning.” As Leah walked into her bedroom, Amanda’s face began to scrunch up with hate. Josie was destroying her life. She destroyed her wedding and she’s now taken her daughter and ex-fiancée away from her. Amanda knew that this was war. As Amanda slowly walked back into the kitchen, she took out a butcher knife and slowly walked back into her bedroom and slid it into her handbag, with murder on her mind. Josie Russell was going to pay.

to be continued

NEXT CHAPTER: Ric and Matilda’s engagement is now in the air. Amanda’s plan to murder Josie doesn’t go accordingly to plan and Rachel’s mission to hunt down her baby’s killer gets a shocking twist when the unexpected helps her; with a plan of their own.

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