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Desire & Despair

Guest Drew

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Thanks Aaron!

Chapter 14 will be up later today guys! I don't know if I put spoilers with the last chapter, but Amanda gets what she deserves and Sally comes face to face with the stalker. Probably one of the biggest chapters yet :P

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I do :P Here it is, Part ll of the wedding!


Standing there, looking straight into those cold blue eyes, I felt like I was being crushed with all my lies. Everything was about to come crashing down, everything was about to be exposed, my lies and my affairs. I stood there and realized ‘how could I do this to myself?’ Just the other night I felt my true feelings for Peter, I realized just how much I loved him… Now, that love was about to be washed away as I took those steps of shame…

Amanda Vale stared into Peter’s eyes, she was scared and restless. No words could explain what she was going through. She wanted to cry, she couldn’t hold back the emotions as a teardrop fell down her cheek. Staring back at her, Peter felt frustration build up within himself. He couldn’t even stand to see the sight of Amanda. They continued to hold hands as the silence stayed within the church. Peter could feel the sweat of Amanda’s hands dripping into his own. He took a grunt and ripped his hands away from hers, ripping away the connection between each other. Peter took one last deep breath and the silence was lost.

“I found out from a videotape Amanda… I found out from a tape!” Peter pulled out the videotape in his jacket and threw it down the aisle where it fell to pieces. Gasps continued to circle around the church. No one knew what was going on. In the back row, Josie let out a faint smile, her work was now complete. Amanda Vale and Peter Baker were no longer an engaged couple.

CHAPTER 14: The One With Amanda’s Walk Of Shame

“How could you do this to us Amanda? To me?!” Peter yelled, as the frustration built up. Amanda wanted to run away, but she couldn’t. It was like a nightmare she couldn’t escape, she couldn’t move, she had to face the consequences.

“My brother I could understand Amanda, but my son!?” Peter said. People began to whisper, everyone was confused, and at that moment, Amanda realized that Peter found out about her affairs.

“What are you talking about? Your brother and your son?” Leah asked very confused, feeling embarrassed, standing there with all the tension building up.

“Well do you want to tell them? Or do you want me too?” Peter asked Amanda. Amanda stared at him with watery eyes. She couldn’t talk, her mouth was frozen. She was in a state of shock. She never expected this, especially today of all days.

“Amanda has been seeing other men.” Peter said softly. The gasps got louder as Amanda’s infidelity was revealed. Standing behind Peter were the two men who had slept with Amanda, Peter’s brother and son.

“What? Is this true?” Belle asked as Amanda turned to look at her. Amanda stared into Belle’s eyes, her relationship with her daughter was about to be lost. In between Peter and Amanda stood a very confused Priest, never seeing a situation like this in his life.

“Who mum? Who did you sleep with?” Belle asked. Amanda couldn’t hold it any longer and she began to weep.

“Oh don’t pull that act on us Amanda, it may of worked in the past but not now, not ever.” Peter angrily said, feeling disgust as he looked at Amanda.

“Peter, what’s going on?” Asked Dan putting his hand on Peter’s shoulder. Peter fiercely turned around and punched Dan in the face. People in the few front rows began to get out of their seats to help Dan up.

“Don’t you dare act like you don’t know what’s going on.” Peter softly spoke. Leah helped Dan up as she looked towards Peter.

“Peter, what the hell is going on?” Leah cried. She looked into Peter’s eyes, then Amanda’s.

“You’re husband… My brother… Slept with my fiancée.” As everyone in the church heard this, Leah’s face filled up with anger.

“What!?” Leah screamed as she turned to look at Dan. “Is this true?” Dan stared towards Leah as she backed herself away from him.

“Yes, it’s true.” Dan slowly said. Leah felt saddened by the revelation and crushed. People in the church looked at each other with shock as they continued to whisper. Leah walked backwards a few steps and sat down on the steps of the altar.

“Wait, rewind two minutes… What did you mean by your brother and your son?” Belle asked, still confused as the rest of the church.

“Well isn’t it obvious.” Peter said with a saddened smile. “She slept with my brother and my son” Peter yelled, in front of Amanda’s face. Amanda was still frozen, she couldn’t move or speak, all she did was weep. Behind Peter, Drew stood there feeling guilty. Drew wanted to get back together with Belle, now there’s no chance of that happening.

“You slept with him?” Belle asked Amanda. Amanda looked at her and finally spoke. She touched Belle’s face with her hand for comfort as Belle also began to cry.

“Sweety, I-“ Amanda was suddenly cut off as Belle gave her a powerful slap across the face.

“You bitch!” Belle said loudly. Belle ran her hands through her hair then looked at Drew, who was ready to say something to her. “Don’t you dare say a word” Belle gritted through her teeth.

“Belle… I thought we were over when me and your mum hooked up” Drew said. Peter and Belle both felt disgusted, by hearing what Drew just said.

“Just because Belle dumped you doesn’t mean you go sleep with my fiancée.” Peter said angrily.

“Well I thought you two were over as well… Until she moved in the other day. That’s when Amanda gave me the flick… Telling me what we just has was a one night stand.” Drew said upset, looking at Amanda. “And I’ll hate her for that, I really will.” Drew said, speaking as if Amanda wasn’t there. Amanda took another look at Belle.

“Well what are you waiting for?” Belle screamed, “Go!” Belle said, where she too felt crushed. Amanda looked around at what she thought were her close friends, yet all of them looked at her with disgust. Peter, Belle, Drew, Leah, and everyone else that was seated in the church. Everyone got themselves up, and they just stood in their positions, in silence. Amanda took a few steps up the aisle very slowly and turned around to look at Peter. She was heart broken, she was truly sorry, yet everything was thrown in her face. As she passed the guests in the church they looked at her like a total stranger. As she passed Beth, Beth gave her an evil smirk and shook her head, glad that Amanda is getting the respect she deserves. Amanda could feel the emotions building up, she could feel that she was about to have a breakdown. She stopped at the end of the aisle when she noticed a particular someone smiling at her, Josie.

“Well, well, well… Look whose past just caught up to them.” Josie said sarcastically. Amanda stood frozen in shock.

“You did this?” Amanda said. Josie said nothing but smile at her and turned away. Amanda could still feel the emotions rising, she didn’t want to crack at the sight of everyone. She walked out of the doors and stood there, watching what was right in front of her… It was flashing in her eyes… They were all in her face…

“Miss Vale, where’s the Groom?” A journalist asked from Fashion Magazine.

“That was a quick ceremony Miss Vale, did you too skip the vows of something?” Another journalist asked with a laugh. The flashes continued to blind her eyes. She was in the spotlight, her tragedy was about to be posted all over the country.

As the Summer Bay community were still in shock after the revelation of Amanda’s affairs, the Summer Bay House was empty, not a sole to be seen. As the quietness of the house stayed in it’s same position, it was disturbed by the breaking down of the backdoor. Slowly, a man dressed in black entered and looked around the room. He slowly made his way to the mantle piece of the fireplace and stared at the photos which stood on top. He noticed a picture of Sally and Flynn and picked it up. Staring at it for seconds the man threw it across the room which smashed. He took out a box of matches from his pocket and threw them on the dining room table, then he began to search for something. To give Sally a certain sign that, her husband, has arrived.

Leah slowly opened the backdoor of the Patterson-Baker house and entered with Drew. Both were still in a state of shock and Drew felt sick inside of him. Leah sat on the lounge and Drew watched over her. Both not saying a word, sitting in a room of silence.

“What are you going to do?” Drew slowly asked. “Do you want me to leave?”

“Of course I don’t want you to leave Drew, this is your home.” Leah said with a sigh.

“What about Amanda and Dan? What are you going to do with them?” Drew asked as he sat on the chair behind the lounge. Amanda stared into space, she had no idea what she was going to do. These people were living in her home, people that lied and cheated behind her back.

“Amanda can stay… Dan can get the hell out of here though.” Leah softly said. Drew’s mouth dropped after hearing what Leah just said.

“You’re serious? You’re going to let Amanda stay? After everything she’s done?” Drew screamed. Leah wasn’t thinking about her affair with Dan, she was thinking about keeping herself safe. She had to protect Amanda, she couldn’t let Amanda know that she burnt down her house, she had to keep Amanda on her side. As Leah turned around to explain the reasons to Drew, Dan entered.

“Pack your bags and go.” Leah said, not facing Dan.

“Leah… We have to talk about this.” Dan said emotionally.

“What do we need to talk about? Your affair with your brother’s fiancée?!” Leah said getting up, beginning to cry.

“Leah, I’m sorry.”

“Sorry isn’t good enough Dan, it really isn’t.” Leah grinded through her teeth. Dan sighed and walked up to Leah and touched her shoulders for comfort.

“Leah, you have to believe me!”

“Don’t touch me!” Leah screamed, slapping him across the face. At that moment, Peter walked in, looking upset.

“What are you still doing here?” Peter asked slowly.

“He’s leaving.” Leah said, walking into her bedroom. Dan and Peter slowly looked at each other, Dan felt guilt inside of him, and Peter felt frustration. In the middle sat Drew, feeling awkward with all the tension building up.

Josie switched on the lights of her apartment and squealed with joy. Her plan had worked, Amanda and Peter were no longer an engaged couple. She couldn’t help but smile by how everything was revealed, she was too excited about the way her affairs were exposed. This was definitely going to appear in the newspapers, this day was big news for the fashion world. As Josie slumped down on her lounge and popped open a bottle of champagne to celebrate, she heard a knock at her door. Still feeling the excitement running through her blood, Josie skipped towards the door where she noticed Belle standing there.

“Belle… Hi, what are you doing here?” Josie asked.

“Would we be able to have a talk?” Belle asked, still sounding upset by what happened today.

“Sure… What’s this about?” Josie asked. Belle weakly smiled and walked into the living room. Josie let out an evil smirk, took a sip out of her champagne glass and then shut the doors of her million dollar apartment.

As Sally, Ric and Matilda arrived home after visiting Rachel and telling her the news, they were stunned to find the back door broken down. As Sally stared at it in fright, she looked up and noticed the place was full of candles.

“What the hell?” Ric slowly said as he walked inside. “What is all of this?” As they continued to look around the house, Matilda picked up the photograph of Sally and Flynn.

“Sally…” Matilda said, showing her the ruins of the photograph.

“Ok, whatever this is, this is freaking me out.” Ric said. “The flowers, the notes, the candles… The photograph… Sally, what’s going on?” Ric asked. Sally too was clueless, she had no idea what was going on or who was doing this. She slowly walked up the stairs and entered her bedroom where Ric and Matilda continued to talk.

“I doubt this is a prank Ric, who would go this far, it’s just sick.” Matilda said.

“Whoever it is, I’m going to make their life a living hell.” Ric said angrily.


“No, I’m serious! These people are playing with Sally’s mind! Making her think that Flynn is alive, or that she has a husband or something. I dunno what kind of sick game they’re playing, but it’s gonna end!” Ric screamed. Matilda stared at him as if she just saw a stranger, she hadn’t really seen this side of Ric before. Upstairs, Sally let out a tear after hearing what Ric had just said. She was confused, and Ric was right. These people were playing with her mind. It was at that moment, all the guessing in her mind stopped. The bedroom door slowly creaked open and Sally turned around when she noticed the dark figure standing in the doorway. Her mouth dropped, shocked by what was standing in front of her.

“Kirin?” Sally whispered. In the doorway, a very cocky Kirin smiled, pleased that he was now back in Sally’s life.

“I told you we were going to be together again.” Kirin said. Sally continued to look at him as Kirin shut the bedroom door, which turned the room into darkness.

to be continued

NEXT CHAPTER: As Sally learns the consequences of her past and realizes that Kirin will do anything to get her back, Amanda is crushed and plans murder when she learns Josie has stolen her daughter and ex-fiancée away from her.

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I forgot to leave a note :lol:

If you don't know who Kirin is because you started watching the show in the last few years, he and Sally were getting married but he was hitting on Gypsy. During the ceremony, Gyspy objected and everyone found out about what Kirin was doing so they never ended up getting married...

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