Guy Rossi

Guy Rossi (2003)
Han Kidron
Episodes: 3459-3552
Occupation: Journalist

Guy was a newspaper reporter and a colleague of Dani’s at the Coastal News. When she wrote an article about Max posing as a female author, Maxine Peterson, and plagiarising other authors, in an attempt to persuade them to drop a lawsuit against him, Guy helped her look over the story and was impressed. A few days later, when Rhys was attacked and mugged while working as a taxi driver, Guy asked Dani for help in writing a story about it, promising to represent Rhys in a positive light. Afterwards, he invited Dani out and, since she was unsure about the status of her relationship with Scott at the time, she went out to dinner with him.

Guy was present when Dani was fired after Angie made a complaint against her. When Angie herself was sacked from the school after it came out she’d lied about Nick assaulting with her, Guy went to the school and tried to interview Nick and Seb but Paris ordered him off the premises. He later approached Dani and tried to get the story from her but she told him to drop it and also refused to go out with him again.

He later provided Dani with help when Josh West was planning to demolish the caravan park, agreeing to write a story about the house in an attempt to get it heritage listed. In his last appearance, he went to see Nick after his disastrous experience on reality show The Dorm, asking him about rumours that the show had been using actors posing as contestants to manufacture situations. Nick agreed to talk to him about the incident he had been involved in and the article allowed him to tell his side of the story.