Dramatic new Neighbours trailer

Ingrid Lynch

Ingrid Lynch (2007)

Leigh Shorten

Episodes: 4420, 4423

We first saw Ingrid when she bumped into Hugh Sullivan when he was on a boys night out. Ingrid took an immediate shine to Hugh but he wasn’t so keen. However, Kim eventually talked him into going to talk to her and they ended up spending the night together. The next morning, Ingrid stumbled upon a surprised Rachel and explained that she was with Hugh, which resulted in a very awkward moment between the three of them. When Hugh said goodbye to Ingrid on the doorstep it was clear he wasn’t particularly keen to see her again.

A few days later, Ingrid turned up looking for Hugh but he’d gone for a swim so she decided to stay and wait for him. While she was waiting she had a coffee with Rachel and quizzed her about Hugh. Following their conversation Ingrid came to the conclusion that he must be keen on someone else, not realising it was Rachel. Later, Ingrid spotted Hugh on the beach and asked why he hadn’t returned her calls. Hugh told her that he wasn’t ’emotionally available’ at the moment and the penny finally dropped, Ingrid realised he was in love Rachel. She advised him not to wait for someone he could never have and miss out on other opportunities.