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Lee Morton

Lee Morton (2006)
Natasha Lee
Episodes: 4184-4190; 4223-4233; 4305-4307; 4326-4327

Children: Joe Morton
Occupation: Student

During Lucas’s bad-boy rebellion Lee was the bad girl he started to hang around with much to the disgust of his family and especially on/off girlfriend Matilda when Lee was caught in Lucas’s bed. It was later revealed that nothing had happened but Lee was to cause more chaos for Lucas even after his return from the dark side. Pregnant by her school teacher, Mr Braeburn, whom she believed to be in love with her, Lucas was the only person she would confide in. Out of misguided loyalty Lucas stood by her, even allowing him to name him as the baby’s father. Eventually though the truth was revealed, Lucas was let off the hook and Lee despatched back to her parents who agreed to support her.

Months later she was to return again, now heavily pregnant, she turned up on Lucas’s doorstep and explained that her parents did not deal with her pregnancy well and so she took off with a guy named Dane and was now on the run from the police. She insisted she has to get away but before she can do anything she went into labour and Lucas called Rachel who insisted she go to hospital. Whilst in labour Lee admitted she planned to give her baby up for adoption but on giving birth to a baby boy it became clear that she was not altogether convinced on her decision. At that point though Dane turned up and convinced Lee that the baby wasn’t part of the deal so Lee took off with him, abandoning her baby and unaware that her life was in danger due to heavy bleeding. In her absence Rachel and Kim took in baby Joe and began to bond with him.

Returning on Rachel’s wedding day Lee announced that she had changed and wanted her baby back. Although initially reluctant Rachel had no choice and handed baby Joe over to Lee after a tearful farewell and Lee left the Bay once again.