Dramatic new Neighbours trailer


So, the third update is those with three points. Which means they’re one person’s third favourite or three people’s fifth favourite or…nope, this is getting too complicated.

70. Blake Dean (3 points) ▼16

Played by Les Hill
The not-all-that-rebellious rebel turned responsible citizen of the early 90s, probably still best known for his relationship with the doomed Meg Bowman, even though later years saw Sophie cast in the role of his soul mate. Also seems to have made a habit of walking out on girls he promised to be with forever but may be happily married now, who knows?

70= Darcy Callahan (3 points) ▲30

Played by Alea O’Shea
At the beginning of the year, we were told that the formerly cute-as-a-button Braxton kid would be the new Summer Bay High mean girl…which apparently amounted to being a bit rude to Bianca, throwing a milkshake over one of Jett’s friends and kidnapping her new baby brother. Is now finally living with her father, albeit off screen.

70= Flynn Saunders (3 points) ▼23

Played by Martin Dingle-Wall & Joel McIlroy
The only person to have got Sally down the aisle and kept her there long enough to be pronounced husband and wife, Flynn managed to get a head transplant along the way and confuse casual viewers who thought Sally had got another new boyfriend. He eventually died of cancer, which was given an episode to itself, then got a post-mortem moody voiceover in the next episode.

70= Jack Holden (3 points) ▼44

Played by Paul O’Brien
Summer Bay’s one-time local constable, who managed to get married three times to two different people during his time on the show, which is probably a record but I keep forgetting to check. Was eventually shot dead by someone who was technically on his side, after his latest go at investigating something he’d been told to stay out of didn’t go so well.

70= Jesse McGregor (3 points) ▼23

Played by Ben Unwin
One of the show’s more curious bad-boy-turned-mostly-good types, as he kept leaving Summer Bay to go to jail but was actually pretty likable most of the time. Ran several businesses, dated several girls, and managed to sue Alf and have the audience on his side. And lost all of his hair somewhere along the way.

70= Kane Phillips (3 points) ▼29

Played by Sam Atwell
Kane was at the centre of one of 2001’s biggest plots, a story of acquitance rape and understated redemption as he was found not guilty but had to face up to the realisation that he was. Then they did the storyline again the next year, and then he ended up marrying his victim’s sister, which felt perfectly natural at the time but it’s hard not to scratch your head a bit when you look back.

70= Liam Murphy (3 points) ▼11

Played by Axle Whitehead
Liam has to be one of the more curious of the show’s regulars, an apparently world famous rock star with a drug problem who moved to a small seaside town because, well, he wanted to be in Home and Away, I guess. After an on-off relationship/marriage with serial fiancèe Bianca, he drove off into the sunset with, um, Romeo.

70= Roo Stewart (3 points) ▲20

Played by Justine Clarke & Georgie Parker
The manipulative wild child turned respectable professional woman of the 80s returned in 2010 with a new face…and probably got more votes beforehand, as her volatile marriage to Harvey and half-hearted attempt to establish herself as the show’s new foster mother (one kid moved out, the other hated by nearly everyone who isn’t me) haven’t quite got her into the list of the show’s greats.

70= Rosie Prichard (3 points) ►NEW

Played by Teri Haddy
One of the best things to come out of 2013, a quirky and endearing girl who brought out a new side in Sasha, and endured a storyline extravanganza of parental abandonment, date rape and teen pregnancy. She was obviously there to be fostered by…um, some woman we’d never seen before. And then leave.

70= Sarah Thompson (3 points) ►NEW

Played by Laura Vazquez
After years of making absolutely no impact whatsoever on the collective consciousness of fandom, 7Two has recently reminded people that the token nice girl of the second 90s teen group existed and garnered her a few points. Would later return for Shane and Angel’s wedding and turn up at Alf’s 60th birthday party to stand around in the background a bit.

70= Shauna Bradley (3 points) ▲4

Played by Kylie Watson
When Shauna arrived on the show in 1999 as the show’s new lifeguard, no-one could have predicted that a year later she’d be revealed as Ailsa’s secret daughter. Of course, Ailsa was dead within a year so that relationship didn’t really get explored. After being hounded out of town for trying to take Flynn off Sally while engaged to Jude, she came back to leave happily ever after with, um, Jude. Forgiveness makes us human.

70= Sid Walker (3 points) ▼29

Played by Robert Mammone
A disappointingly low showing for Doctor Walker, who after initially being portrayed as a feckless sleaze (by his soon-to-be-ex-wife at least) shaped up to be a pretty decent father figure and turned out to have a spare child lying around for when his existing children started leaving. Plus he was the only person who could give Heath a lecture and get away with it.

70= Tom Fletcher (3 points) ▲20

Played by Roger Oakley
And an equally low showing for another of the show’s perennial father figures, from the opposite end of the show’s run. The original lead character and first regular to die, Tom was married to Pippa back in the days when she was shorter and blonde, and managed to fit a large amount of foster children into a relatively short amount of time on the show.

70= Eve Jacobsen (3 points) ◄RETURN

Played by Emily Perry
You do kind of wonder who sat down in 2005 and went “Let’s do a storyline where someone wanders around town playing nasty pranks and killing random guest characters. No-one will know who it is! They certainly won’t suspect the suspiciously nice new nurse who appeared at the same time it all started!” Known as Zoe McCallister for much of her run, even by people who knew that wasn’t her name, Eve finally worked out that walking into a building you’ve rigged to explode isn’t something you should do twice. The hard way.

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