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2023 Season - UK Episode Discussion

Dan F

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Well, the latter story is coming to a head pretty soon...


I think the budget is showing a little in today's with lack Courtroom interiors/trial scenes. This is one time we'd actually benefit from those. 

Also, I thought one of the lawyers coming out of the court at around the 20min mark (ad free, online, via "other channels") mark looked like Theo's doppelganger!

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Justin suddenly asking Leah to stay outside the court, so she can be a vehicle for a lot of "Tell, don't show" descriptions of what's going on inside, did definitely feel like a budget-saving exercise but it almost worked. It does mean we don't really get to see what caused Theo to go so badly off script though.If things are going as badly as we're told they are, then letting Justin take the stand might well be a "We've got nothing to lose" moment.

I can kind of see both points of view on the Cash/Eden/Remi situation.Cash being uncomfortable is one thing but he didn't have a right to start laying down the law and I wish Eden had challenged him on it a bit more than she did.That said, after a lot of reflection, I do think Remi was being a bit naive. Eden and Remi have talked a lot about the fact they're both suddenly growing up and having relationships, and part of that is that you don't hang out with your friends in the same way you used to, which as I noted, Remi seemed to have a hard time realising yesterday.

I keep forgetting Marilyn's storyline was in the episode.I guess the idea of her being a harsh taskmaster to Kirby has been dropped?

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8 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

Justin suddenly asking Leah to stay outside the court, so she can be a vehicle for a lot of "Tell, don't show" descriptions of what's going on inside, did definitely feel like a budget-saving exercise but it almost worked. It does mean we don't really get to see what caused Theo to go so badly off script though.If things are going as badly as we're told they are, then letting Justin take the stand might well be a "We've got nothing to lose" moment.

The Prosecutor probably stared a hole through him, putting him at unease but not battering him, like the one who ripped into Dani when she ran over Kane, but giving him the full pretzel job.

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Always a bad sign when the defence don't want to put the defendant on the stand.
I found it quite amusing Cash getting wound up about the way Remi was acting towards Eden.  I do get where Cash was coming from.  I agree Remi was being naive and wouldn't have been too happy if say Xander was acting towards Bree like that.  It's hard to tell if Cash was annoyed because he's really into Eden or if he just wants to mark his territory.  I still think Eden's way more into him considering how she was trying to reign her bestie in.

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On 30/05/2023 at 22:40, CaptainHulk said:

Leah was never Maguire. She dropped the Patterson-Baker in 2014/15 and just reverted to Patterson for the first time since 2005.


On 30/05/2023 at 22:40, CaptainHulk said:

Leah was never Maguire. She dropped the Patterson-Baker in 2014/15 and just reverted to Patterson for the first time since 2005.

I did say I didn't think she did.

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Fair enough if a woman keeps her married name  so no prob with the credits showing that, but when they do someone, somewhere needs a kick up the bum how hard can it be?

John did show he could be kind and sensitive by the way he was with Mac, came in sort of casual pretending she had some mail she needed to look at, then mentioning Dean and dropping in the fact he knew all about Gabe. I guess as he isn't that close she felt she could open up to him.  It did cross my mind, didn't take that long a trip, what would she have done if she was in Gabe's position?  Mac kept comparing the last time Gabe vanished just leaving a note but it's entirely different this time.   It's not just her that's been left, it's his friends and family. Sad her last call to Gabe, letting him go in more ways than one. I'm supposing that is why John  agreed to Marilyn going halves with the money for Jett's wedding, btw does Jett and his lady know John and Maz are planning a big  do for them when they've said they want a low key one? 

Mac's secret came out first via Mali who kept his counsel, then Tane who told Felicity so absolutely no fault of Felicity's who had been deflated by Mac's lack of joy for her,  she had twigged something was wrong but didn't like to push. Felicity had no idea why Mac was ignoring her texts, calls but that last one was pretty urgent, would have cost them thousands, not what Mac needs right now. 

David, Justin's lawyer, was really playing the devil's advocate with Theo, putting across all the questions the prosecution would put when Theo would be on the stand.  They must have thrown in a few questions didn't expect. He would have only answered with the truth about Ava's previous flaky behaviour, not that he knew her before.  Did seem a bit disjointed not seeing the trial - magistrate's court I gather from the comments made. I saw Theo 2 as well. 

Do Brody and Tori know anything about Justin's latest drama?  I know Tori can't do much living in that thar England what with the  12 hour time difference, but Brody could speak to him.  

Cash did overreact, he's known Eden & Remi have been friends for yonks and are close, apart from paying at flirty that is all there is in it.   Not as if Eden jumped up looking all guilty coming out with the "It's not what it looks like" comment.  Just laughed and treated it as something normal.  It wouldn't be the same thing if Remi caught Bree sitting on Cash's knee and having a laugh, they don't have the same history, they've know each other about the same amount of time as Bree has Remi. 

 Would Cash have the same problem if Eden and Kirby had been playing about or is  it because Remi is male?

It does seem TPTB don't know what to do with Irene apart from her poking her nose in - sorry offering helpful advice  - to sundry folks. 

Still seeing ?'s  and hearing alarm ?'s with Marilyn's beauty scam -  scheme.   OK just about believe she made the ordering error but who is she going to test this unknown product on.  She has only got what this companies word that  what their 'customers' have said about it. 

John did a quick disappearing act so Mali only had to hand over his proposals over to Alf, which, despite her upset over YKW, helped him with.  Alf seemed pleased with it but of course The Committee has to approve it. 

Oh yes in case I forget - do kettles work differently in Aus to how they do over here or was there a BIG bloomer by the props department?  Mali walks into the Farmhouse, it's supposed to be empty but he knows someone is there, then he sees the kettle boiling, we know it's boiling as we can hear it BUT the lid is open?  Very confused.com.?

Edited by H&Alover
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I chuckled slightly at the kettle thing for two reasons

1. It almost gave horror movie vibes *Psycho strings*.

2. We had a kettle like this that would pop open of it's own accord, needless to say after the second time it was swiftly replaced!

  • Haha 2
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If Justin gets a custodial sentence it will only be for about a year with good behaviour, not forever. I still say he'll get community service under the supervision of John Palmer ? ...however, he does has previous form so we'll have to wait and see.

Irene will have a fit when she finds out Marilyn has been using the cafe to sell dubious beauty products.


5 hours ago, H&Alover said:


Oh yes in case I forget - do kettles work differently in Aus to how they do over here or was there a BIG bloomer by the props department?  Mali walks into the Farmhouse, it's supposed to be empty but he knows someone is there, then he sees the kettle boiling, we know it's boiling as we can hear it BUT the lid is open?  Very confused.com.?

Think this was to illustrate Macs distracted state of mind. I know I once absent mindedly left the lid open when boiling a kettle before only to find the room full of steam

Edited by Psychic Wombat
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