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How long have you been watching Home And Away for ?

Guest AznPride112

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I started watching H&A when I was 9. It was something my mother always used to watch and I got caught up in the story of Sophie, Al Simpson and her eventually being fostered by the Fletchers. I also remember the scene where Sally is about to go and live with her rich Aunt and Uncle and changes her mind at the last minute.

I watched H&A regularly until about 1996 and didn't give the show another thought until early 2010 when I went on a bit of a nostalgia trip and started watching The Early Years on YouTube. I started watching the current episodes a few months later (a few weeks before Hugo came back from the dead and Martha went off on the run with him).

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I started watching somewhere around 2004 or 2005, I can't quite remember the exact point but more towards mid-2005 I think. I remember the cult storyline and the summer bay stalker endings but not so much the details or any of the other storylines going on then. I've been watching consistently the last few years.

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The first memory I have of watching Home and Away is watching a much younger Ray Meagher shout at somebody to get out of Noah's Bar, although I'm not sure if even Noah was dead then.

Yeah Noah had already died, the whole reason Noah's Bar was made was in memory of him. (: It's such a shame that Noah's Bar doesn't exist anymore.

If you can remember Noah, it wouldn't have been in Noah's Bar. It could have been in the old Surf Club (pre 2004). Technically, Noah's Bar was replaced by the Juice Bar, downstairs at the Surf Club. The upstairs/Angelo's was only constructed in 2010, there wasn't an upstairs until that point.

Actually as it meant to be a surf club the upstairs was always the look out as it should be. Now magically there has been room enough for a resturant and havent seen a Life guards for years apart from Palmer whos never on duty. Where has the gym gone also.

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The gym is still there, but it's now in a back room that we never see. The first time the Surf Club was refurbished onscreen in 2010 the gym was open plan and opposite the Gelato bar by the doors onto the beach.

For some reason, the set was (re)refurbished offscreen later in 2010 and the bright purple/green/pink walls were replaced with the current white brick-effect surfaces, the glass panels on the staircase replaced with wire and the weird shop below the stairs disappeared, the very unrealistic frosted glass doors onto the beach with 'SBSLC' written on them were replaced with the current clear doors which allow a view onto the beach. Along with this change, the gym was moved out of view.

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The first memory I have of watching Home and Away is watching a much younger Ray Meagher shout at somebody to get out of Noah's Bar, although I'm not sure if even Noah was dead then.

Yeah Noah had already died, the whole reason Noah's Bar was made was in memory of him. (: It's such a shame that Noah's Bar doesn't exist anymore.

If you can remember Noah, it wouldn't have been in Noah's Bar. It could have been in the old Surf Club (pre 2004). Technically, Noah's Bar was replaced by the Juice Bar, downstairs at the Surf Club. The upstairs/Angelo's was only constructed in 2010, there wasn't an upstairs until that point.

Actually as it meant to be a surf club the upstairs was always the look out as it should be. Now magically there has been room enough for a resturant and havent seen a Life guards for years apart from Palmer whos never on duty. Where has the gym gone also.

We have actually seen a Life Guard, Romeo. We saw him several times, in uniform too.... On the beach, mostly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Remember it from being young. My very earliest memory are of the late 90's opening titles, the one with the sign on the beach.

Watched it religiously once i was old enough to follow properly from around 2000 onwards, (minus the big gap we had to have between itv and channel 5), then i switched off around 2008/9 for a couple of years, it happened gradually, and i just got busy. Back on it like a car bonnet now though.

The Dani, will, vinnie, leah days are fond memories of mine. The cult (i want to say the believers) was gripping too but think that was some years after that.

The majority of my viewing has come from the past 12 years or so, with long running show like this, am i classed as an 'old fan' because it feels like ive only ever watched the 'modern' home and away, but thinking about it, 12 years!, its a world away from what it was. Does anybody else feel like this?

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^ Yeah it's like a completely different show now compared to the early 00's! I miss the good old days :( Compared to back then you'd think it was a completely different show altogether.

It is indeed, but i regard that as a good thing. If it hadnt have changed so much and was stuck in a time warp, cant say id be here now watching it.

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