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How long have you been watching Home And Away for ?

Guest AznPride112

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The first memory I have of watching Home and Away is watching a much younger Ray Meagher shout at somebody to get out of Noah's Bar, although I'm not sure if even Noah was dead then.

Yeah Noah had already died, the whole reason Noah's Bar was made was in memory of him. (: It's such a shame that Noah's Bar doesn't exist anymore.

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The first memory I have of watching Home and Away is watching a much younger Ray Meagher shout at somebody to get out of Noah's Bar, although I'm not sure if even Noah was dead then.

Yeah Noah had already died, the whole reason Noah's Bar was made was in memory of him. (: It's such a shame that Noah's Bar doesn't exist anymore.

Was Noah's Bar replaced by Angelo's Resturant, right? :unsure:

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The first memory I have of watching Home and Away is watching a much younger Ray Meagher shout at somebody to get out of Noah's Bar, although I'm not sure if even Noah was dead then.

Yeah Noah had already died, the whole reason Noah's Bar was made was in memory of him. (: It's such a shame that Noah's Bar doesn't exist anymore.

Was Noah's Bar replaced by Angelo's Resturant, right? :unsure:

Yeah I'm pretty sure it is.

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The first memory I have of watching Home and Away is watching a much younger Ray Meagher shout at somebody to get out of Noah's Bar, although I'm not sure if even Noah was dead then.

Yeah Noah had already died, the whole reason Noah's Bar was made was in memory of him. (: It's such a shame that Noah's Bar doesn't exist anymore.

If you can remember Noah, it wouldn't have been in Noah's Bar. It could have been in the old Surf Club (pre 2004). Technically, Noah's Bar was replaced by the Juice Bar, downstairs at the Surf Club. The upstairs/Angelo's was only constructed in 2010, there wasn't an upstairs until that point.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My first memory was of sally accidently tripping over a pregnant sophie causing her to fall down a cliff. I think the episode freeze framed at the end on the fallen picnic basket ha ha. It must of been in 1992 - 1993 :) still love it to this day and i wish sally, bobby, ric and selina would return.

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I've never been a consistent viewer in all honesty. I hop between H&A and Neighbours dependent on which one is best at the time.

I first defected to it from being a regular Neighbours viewer which went through a bad patch around 2000. I think it was around when Dani and Will started dating. I found it a bit hit and miss though and I stopped watching again when Gypsy and Will got married and sailed off into the sunset.

I then went without my Ozzie soap quota until about 2003 then when I switched back to Neighbours, but got bored of that again about 2007 when they killed Stingray off.

Again, I went without Aussie soaps until approx 2009 when I started watching H&A again and I've watched it ever since. I'm also now in the unusual position of watching both Ozzie soaps as I gave Neighbours another go towards the end of 2010 and I'm still watching it.

If I'm honest though I'm thinking about cutting H&A out again for a few years whilst they get all the cops, drugs and murders out of their system. If I disappear without trace over the next few months you can expect me to turn up again around 2014/ 2015. :lol:

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